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Japanese attack on pearl harbor

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1 Japanese attack on pearl harbor
December 7, 1941

2 Factors Contributing to the Attack
Long-Term Rise of nationalism beginning in 1860s Rise of militarism beginning in 1860s Belief that Japan was a “have-not” nation and was being prevented equal access to resources and trade opportunities by the “bourgeois” nations of US, Britain and France (other “have-nots” included Italy and Germany) – this was only made worse by the economic impact of the Great Depression Growth of a Japanese sphere of influence in the Pacific

3 Factors Contributing to the Attack
Short-Term Increased influence of Japan’s military leaders - division among military factions resulted in assassination attempts ( were successful) on high-ranking political and government officials - this coup, while unsuccessful, greatly increased the power of the military over the civilian government - creation of the “Fundamental Principles of National Policy” (more moderate towards China, aggressive toward Russia, SE Asia vital for oil) Signing of the Tripartite Pact in 1940 - formal alliance between Japan, Germany and Italy - all shared the feeling that the existing order was unfair to their nations and saw the 1930s (economic depression and reluctance of the west to oppose aggression) as an opportunity for development and expansion

4 Factors Contributing to the Attack
Resentment over the growing influence of the US in Asia and the Pacific - policy of US expansion in Pacific goes back to 19th century (Midway Island, Philippines, Hawaii, Guam, Samoa) - US political, military and economic interest grew rapidly Decision to limit expansion in Russia (too difficult) and increase expansion in SE Asia and the Pacific - “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere’ with goals to build up military, finish war with China, increase economic production - based on belief that Japan was divinely ordained to expand until it had united the entire world

5 Factors Contributing to the Attack
Invasion of French Indo-China in September 1940 - After the German occupation of France, Japan reached an agreement with the Vichy government about occupying portions of northern French Indo- China in an attempt to stop the 2nd Sino-Japanese War - Japan didn’t fully invade (worried about retaliation from SU), but US imposed economic sanctions on Japan, reducing their access to oil, iron and machinery (these were needed for war in China) - Japan signed the Japanese-Soviet Neutrality Pact (ended threat of war with SU and after the German invasion of SU, Japan no longer considered them a threat to Manchuria) - Japan then moved more fully into Indo-China (US immediately imposed harsh sanctions banning all vital supplies to Japan)

6 Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
Attack occurred on Dec. 7, 1941 along with simultaneous attacks on British and Dutch colonies in the region Extended what Japan called the “Greater East Asia War” and the Japanese government claimed that this what was necessary for the Asian nations to achieve independence from Western powers Assumed US would surrender quickly and surprised by the fact that the attack didn’t cripple US forces This prolonged warfare caused huge strain to Japan’s already stressed economy

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