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Why Visual CV instead of a traditional paper resume?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Visual CV instead of a traditional paper resume?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Visual CV instead of a traditional paper resume?
Go to

2 Getting Started Click on Students & Alumni Click on the Orange Button
“Get Yours Now – it’s FREE!”

3 Begin creating your Visual CV
Fill out the text boxes; you must use an actual address because you you will have to validate your account . Consider having your user name be the same as your address; make the password memorable, as you’ll keep coming back to this resume. Check “I agree” and you’ll also have to do one of those type to make sure you’re not a robot things.

4 Activate Your Account You need to check your in order to activate your account. My was in spam. So be sure to check there.

5 Activate Click on the link in order to activate your account.

6 Account Info Most of your account info will be auto-filled. Add the City and State; you can upload a picture now if you want (or you can wait). Click on Save My Account Info

7 Skip This Section!!! Do NOT fill in all this information; it will take forever, and will not help you at this time. Just click on the bottom: Skip for Now, I’ll do this later.

8 Privacy Settings Keep your Resume private. It can only be seen by those you share it with. Click Save My Privacy Setting

9 Ta-Da! Click on Enhance my VisualCV

10 Editing your CV Your Visual CV will be in any variety of stages depending on whether or not you filled in work and education categories. All of you need to click on “Edit” in order to begin editing your CV.

11 Editing From here, you can add a picture
Change Summary to Objective and write an objective: To gain employment as . .. To receive an A.A. degree in . . . Click on Add a Work History Entry to add to the Work History Same for Education

12 Education Sample

13 Work History Sample

14 Activities This is an example of using the Custom button to add a new category: This can be Activities, Extracurricular, Volunteer Activities, clubs Notice at the top that there is also a category for Certifications: a number of you are life guard certified, etc. You want to include that information.

15 “Add to main Column” At the top of Visual CV are more categories that you can add to your VisualCV if you would like. So, you can add “Custom” and then change the name to Volunteer Activities or Clubs and fill in your Volunteer or club activities. At any point, if you want to see how your resume is starting to look, click on view as PDF or Preview. You can also change the style or swap columns. Play around a little. This is VisualCV – you want it to have visual appeal.

16 Adding Items in Sidebar
Portfolio, References, and Custom give you three different tools to add items to the sidebar. Do NOT add references please!!! You will use these tools to add Your 6 word memoir A link to your Senior Video One paper that you’ve written this year that you’re proud of; this can be from any class. Lay an image over the paper that relates to the paper One letter of recommendation or award or college or scholarship acceptance letter

17 Add a paper Here is a paper with an image laid over it.

18 Reminder: Your senior video is due on Friday, May 2nd by 3PM. me the link from youtube or vimeo. If you’re ready, you’ll be able to link it to your Online CV next Monday as well! Sidewalk Poetry on Monday/Tuesday Bring a poem to share with the entire school – one you wrote or a favorite published poem Read Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime Regular: through page 102 Honors: through page 158 Journals due May 5,6


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