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WWII What kind of war was it?.

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1 WWII What kind of war was it?

2 Causes of WWII Treaty of Versailles failed to fix the major problems which caused WWI Only GERMANY had to limit its army (militarism) Only GERMANY had to give up its colonial possessions (imperialism) Only GERMANY had to pay the war debt Led to rise of Hitler and fascist NAZI government Hitler rallied Germans to rise up against the Treaty (nationalism) Global depression led to rise of other socialist dictators Not everyone welcome to join League of Nations (alliances)

3 1. WWII is a global war Fought on 2 fronts referred to as “theatres”
European theatre Pacific theatre

4 The Teams Two Sides Allied Powers Axis Powers Great Britian France
Russia  U.S.A. Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan

5 2. WWII is an offensive war
German strategy of Blitzkrieg allows for easy conquest of Poland, Belgium, and France Japanese invade mainland China in 1937 Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor Hawaii as retaliation for U.S. oil embargo Both sets of alliances target civilizations and major cities as a war tactic

6 3. WWII is high-tech war New inventions: Military advances:
synthetic rubber, radar/sonar, antibiotics Military advances: Airplanes (bombers) Aircraft carriers tanks Nazi V-2 missiles Atomic bomb


8 4. WWII is a total war No clear distinction between “front” and “home front” Factories converted for wartime supplies/machines Rationing Women and Minorities recruited for war effort Rosie the riveter Segregated units Government propaganda Japanese internment in the United States

9 U.S. Propaganda

10 U.S. Propaganda

11 Foreign propaganda

12 5. WWII is deadliest war in history
60 million dead Six to eight times more than World War I Over half the dead were civilians victims of massacres, famines, and bombs Russia lost 25 million; China 15 million; Poland 6 million; Germany 4 million Holocaust in Europe Killed 6 million Jews and millions of Poles, gypsies, homosexuals, physical and mentally handicapped Japanese invasion of China Estimated 3-10 million deaths caused by Japanese, most occurred within China

13 Comparing the World Wars
WWI Similarity or difference? WWII Dates: Causes: Alliances (and members): Technology used: Outcomes:

14 EXIT Ticket: What is a “Holocaust?”
Definition: destruction or slaughter on a mass scale With a partner discuss and answer the following questions in your notebook (complete sentences): 1. Compare and Contrast the Jewish Holocaust and the Rape of Nanjing 2. Would you define the Rape of Nanjing as a holocaust? Why or why not? 3. The Rape of Nanjing was just one isolated incident of Japanese aggression against the peoples of Asia. In total, the Japanese are estimated to have killed between 3 to 10 million people during WWII, compared to the estimated death toll for European Jews which is about 6 million. Yet, most students of history have never heard of the Rape of Nanjing or are unaware of the scale of Asians killed by the Japanese during this time period. Why do you think the actions of the Japanese were not broadcast on an equal scale with the Jewish Holocaust?

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