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Major Players and Governments

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1 Major Players and Governments

2 DO NOW Pages 64-65 Learning Target: I can identify and define government systems related to WWII Why it’s important: Governments played a huge role in WWII, communism arises in WWII era Success Criteria: I can complete a Venn Diagram on Totalitarianism and Democracy

3 Mini Essay Research Essay- Due June 1 (R ) and 2 (G)
Product- coordinating with Essay- Due June 8 (R) and 9 (G) By the time you leave- you need a strong inquiry question

4 Possible Topic Battle of Coral Sea General Douglas MacArthur
Dwight David Eisenhower Concentration Camps Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Holocaust Battle of the Bulge Adolf Hitler Lend Lease Act War in the Pacific Japanese Internment Military weaponry in WWII Auschwitz US women in WWII Battle of Britain Rationing in WWII Atomic Bomb Joseph Stalin General George Patton US Manhattan Project Benito Mussolini Nazis Battle of Midway Nuremberg Trials Invasion of Normandy Gestapo Prime Minister Winston Churchill Propaganda President Franklin D Roosevelt PTSD

5 League of Nations Politically weak Tried to preserve peace
United States never joined Could not make laws only recommendations No means of enforcing

6 Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 in Paris Made war “illegal”
However, no way to enforce it 60 nations signed it ** Note: all that signed were involved in WWII within the next 12 years of signing this pact

7 Japanese Aggression in Asia
Yuko Hamaguchi Prime Minister of Japan Shot in 1930 Leading to political disorder By 1932 militarists controlled Japanese government

8 Japanese Attack on Manchuria
Japanese troops moved in (without China’s consent) China appealed to League of Nations for help Japanese delegate to league warned the league not to interfere League of Nations sent investigating commission (headed by Lord Lytton of Great Britain) Lytton Commission advised league not to recognize Japans occupation and that region of Manchuria be restored to China Japan withdrew from the League of Nations Some historians see Japan’s successful aggression against China as the actual beginning of WWII

9 War in China Japan pressed further demands on China
Intent on extending influence over all of China By 1939, the Japanese occupied ¼ of China (including all seaports, the Chang Jiang river valley, and many interior cities)


11 Italy’s Conquest of Ethiopia
Italy wanted to expand overseas set its sights on Ethiopia in Africa Asked League of Nations for protection League of Nations unable to stop it No armed forces Made only a minimal effort to mediate Placed economic sanctions on Italy (stoppage of trade and other economic relations) League failed to command international respect Japan and Italy learned that the world democracies were apparently unwilling to go to war to prevent aggression

12 Trouble Brewing in Spain
Spain lagged behind rest of Europe economically and politically In 1930s the Spanish fascist party: the Falange was organized (fascism = rigid control maintained through force and censor) Determined to preserve the power of the army, the landowners, and the church

13 Nationalists vs. Loyalists
Nationalist: Spaniard who favored the interests of the army, landowners, and the church (falangists) led by General Francisco Franco Loyalist: supported the republic and favored freedom of religion, free elections, separation of church and state, and secular education

14 Spanish Civil War Soon became a small European war
Italy and Germany sent troops to bolster Nationalist forces Soviet Union tried to help loyalists but no competition for fascist allies International Brigade: anti-fascist volunteers who fought on Loyalist side (included France, Great Britain, and U.S.)

15 Europe in 1930s Struggle between fascism and socialism
Testing ground for new weapons and tactics such as improved aircrafts and strategic bombing missions Non-intervention committee created Intended to cut off supplies and volunteers to both sides Cut off most help to Loyalists, but not German and Italian assistance to Nationalists For Hitler and Mussolini this was further proof that Great Britain and France would do nothing to stop aggression unless it involved their own territory.

16 Socialism You have two cows. The government takes one of your cows and gives it to your neighbor.

17 Fascism (Italy) You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk.

18 Communism (Russia) You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.

19 Dictatorship You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.

20 Totalitarianism  You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they ever existed. Milk is banned.

21 Nazism You have 2 cows.  The State takes both and shoots you

22 Quote "Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” –Winston Churchill, 1947 1 min- what does this mean? 1 min- share out

23 Totalitarianism and Democracy
As we read descriptions of each, write characteristics of each in the Left margins and what life would be like living under this government in the right margin

24 “What would life be like living in Germany under a totalitarian regime
“What would life be like living in US under a democracy?”

25 Venn Diagram Complete both sides of Venn Diagram based on Totalitarianism and Democracy with a partner When you are done, complete summary and questions for today.

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