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Technology: Legal and Ethical Issues

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1 Technology: Legal and Ethical Issues
A presentation to faculty and staff

2 4 Major Legal and Ethical Issues Teachers Face
1. Public Knowledge 2. Student Information 3. Safe and Appropriate Uses 4. Caretaking, Guidance, and Supervision

3 1. Public Knowledge All users of technology (namely Internet) at school must be conscious of the fact that every action is (can be) public knowledge. This includes (but not limited to): Web browser histories Content saved on your teacher computer Content saved on district servers (your H: drive folder) Any of this can be subpoenaed for legal reasons or demanded by private citizens.

4 1. Public Knowledge With this in mind, please be vigilant in how you use the school’s technology. Make sure every action is safe and appropriate.

5 2. Student Information As educators, we have an enormous responsibility to protect our students. In order to better educate them, we are given access to private and sensitive information. It is important that this information is kept confidential. NEVER share any student information with anyone outside of school. Do not share information with a parent or guardian who should not receive it by court order. Some student information is deemed “need-to-know” and in some instances should not be shared teacher to teacher. Treat student information as carefully, if not more, than you would treat your own.

6 3. Safe and Appropriate Uses
In order to protect yourself, students, and the system’s technology, make sure all actions are safe and appropriate. If all actions are taken with items 1 (Public Knowledge) and 2 (Student Information) in mind, then this should be no problem.

7 3. Safe and Appropriate Uses
inappropriate appropriate Using school for personal interactions unrelated to school. Using personal social media accounts for instructional purposes. Downloading media and content for personal entertainment. Using school for professional/school related communications. Having professional social media profiles for school use. Downloading media and content for instructional purposes.

8 Caretaking, Guidance, Supervision
It is our responsibility to: 1. Take care of our personal and collective technology. 2. Serve as a guide to our students for appropriate and safe uses of technology. 3. Provide supervision to students who are utilizing technology.

9 4. Caretaking, Guidance, Supervision
System-wide Safeguards (put in place to protect us all) Site – blocking software (county wide server protection from undesirable websites) Anti – virus software (county wide server protection from viruses and malware) Weekly scheduled PC scans (every PC on the server will undergo a weekly scan for maintenance and upkeeping) Automatic shutdowns of PC’s (daily) (all PC’s will require a daily shutdown/restart to clear cookies and update if necessary)

10 Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) form
Before you leave, please be sure to review, sign, and date an AUP form at the front of the room. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to see me or send an to This concludes the presentation on Legal and Ethical Issues in School Technology. Thank you for your time.

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