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Ending WWII Atomic Bomb and Legacy.

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1 Ending WWII Atomic Bomb and Legacy

2 Defeating Japan Iwo Jima invaded Firebombing of Tokyo with napalm
Started and spread fires to damage Japanese war production Killed over 80,000 people Destroyed over 250,000 buildings 67 cities firebombed, destroyed half of urban area Okinawa invaded 12,000 American soldiers killed FDR dies April 12, 1945 Vice President Harry S. Truman takes office

3 Japanese Surrender Unconditional surrender
Blame Japanese Emperor for war Want Emperor removed from power Willing to surrender Want Emperor to stay in power American Demands Japanese Demands

4 The Bomb Debate Force unconditional Japanese surrender
Destroy war industries Avenge the attack at Pearl Harbor Avenge treatment of POWs Japanese disobeyed international rules of war End the war Save thousands of American lives Thousands of civilians will be killed (women and children) Not needed- Japanese ready to surrender Opens future possibilities for atomic warfare Barbarian Other options available Economic blockade Naval blockade Firebombing Pro-Bomb Anti-Bomb

5 Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Threaten Japan with “prompt and utter destruction” August 6, 1945 B-29 dropped bomb on Hiroshima 63% of city destroyed 80, ,000 people died instantly More killed from radiation and burns USSR invades Japan August 9, 1945 B-29 dropped bomb on Nagasaki 35,000-74,000 people killed V-J Day- August 15, 1945, Japan surrenders

6 WWII Legacy United Nations created
Every nation member has 1 vote Security Council- UK, France, China, USSR, US Responsible for international peace and security Investigate problems Offer solutions Universal Declaration of Human Rights 30 rights all humans have in all societies Nuremburg Trials Nazi leaders tried and sentenced for war crimes Holocaust participants

7 WWII Legacy Advancements in technology Racial issues made national
Jeeps Ships Planes Weapons- Atomic Bomb Racial issues made national Spurred production in US Brought US out of Great Depression Killed millions Women in the workforce G.I. Bill- Education and jobs for soldiers Increased government involvement in economic and social areas

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