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2 Medical Science: History and Practice Lesson 1:

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1 2 Medical Science: History and Practice Lesson 1:
The History of Medicine

2 Lesson Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, students should be able to: Define and spell the terms to learn for this chapter. Discuss the contributions of early medicine to healthcare. Discuss medical contributors of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries.

3 Lesson Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, students should be able to: Identify and discuss the role women played in the history of medicine. Discuss modern medicine and the future of medicine.

4 History of Medicine The First Doctors Shamans Witch doctors Sorcerers

5 History of Medicine Code of Hammurabi
Used by Babylonian physicians in 3000 BC Named after Hammurabi, an early king of Babylon Laws relate to the practice of medicine Included severe penalties for errors

6 Contributions of Ancient Civilizations
Egyptians Lists of remedies Surgical treatments of wounds and injuries Records for sanitation Jewish Religion and Culture Personal hygiene practices Sanitary preparation of food Other matters of public health

7 Contributions of Ancient Civilizations
Greeks Use of nonpoisonous snakes to treat wounds The caduceus, the recognized symbol for medicine, depicts a healing staff with two snakes coiled around it Indian Herbal medical remedies as early as 800 BC

8 FIGURE 2-1 A caduceus, the emblem of the medical profession.

9 Contributions of Ancient Civilizations
Chinese Writings about human blood pulses around 250 BC Japanese and Chinese Practice of acupuncture

10 Critical Thinking Question
What medicinal remedies were developed in ancient civilizations and are still being used today?

11 Early Medicinal Remedies Still Used Today
Opium derivates used in medication Nitroglycerin to treat heart patients Digitalis from the foxglove plant to regulate and strengthen the heartbeat Sulfur and cayenne pepper to stop bleeding Chamomile and licorice to aid digestion Cranberry to treat urinary tract infections

12 Early Medicine Fifth Century to Sixteenth Century Medieval period
Often called “the dark ages” Time of little or no progress in medical practices Poor personal hygiene, poor nutrition, and lack of sanitation led to many epidemics

13 Early Medicine Fifth Century to Sixteenth Century
Fourteenth century bubonic plague considered a pandemic Called black plague, or black death, because corpses appeared dark from hemorrhaging under the skin Cause of plague: bacterium that grows primarily in fleas of infected rats and rodents

14 Early Medicine Fifth Century to Sixteenth Century
Medical teaching primarily verbal Surgeons treated only the wealthy Other patients relied on local barber to perform surgical procedures

15 Hippocrates 460-377 BC Known as “Father of Western Medicine”
Took medicine from realm of mysticism and philosophy and transformed it into scientific discovery and practice Stressed body’s healing nature Formed clinical descriptions of diseases Discovered ability to identify some diseases by listening to the chest

16 Critical Thinking Questions
What is the Hippocratic Oath? Is the Hippocratic Oath relevant to physicians in the 21st century? If so, how?

17 The Hippocratic Oath Part of the writings of Hippocrates
Serves as a widely used ethical guide for physicians

18 The Hippocratic Oath Oath includes the physician’s pledge to:
Work for the good of the patient Do the patient no harm Prescribe no deadly drugs Give no advice that could cause death Keep confidential medical information regarding the patient

19 Early Medicine Galen 130-201 AD Greek physician who practiced in Rome
Initially followed Hippocratic method Stressed the value of anatomy Founded experimental physiology Based his theories on examination of pigs and apes Known as the “Prince of Physicians”

20 Early Medicine Galileo: 1564-1642 William Harvey: 1578-1657
First to use a telescope to study the skies, leading to the invention of the microscope William Harvey: Wrote on the topic of blood circulation and using experimental method in medicine

21 Early Medicine Zacharias Janssen: 1580-1638
Dutch eyeglass maker who invented the microscope Anton van Leeuwenhoek: First person to observe and describe bacteria Responsible for describing spermatozoa and protozoa

22 Medicine During the Eighteenth Century
John Hunter: Founder of Scientific Surgery Edward Jenner: Performed the first vaccination using the cowpox vaccine

23 Medicine During the Eighteenth Century
Rene Laennec: Invented the stethoscope Benjamin Franklin: Discovered that colds could be passed from one person to another

24 Critical Thinking Question
What advancements in medicine that impacted how patients were treated, occurred during the nineteenth century?

25 Medicine During the Nineteenth Century
Documentation of accurate anatomy and physiology Use of sophisticated microscopes Use of injection materials Use of instruments such as ophthalmoscope Discovery of the cell Discovery certain diseases and wound infections caused by microorganisms

26 Medicine During the Nineteenth Century
Louis Pasteur: Established the science of bacteriology Joseph Lister: Introduced antiseptic system in surgery Ignaz Semmelweiss: Traced the cause of puerperal sepsis

27 Medicine During the Nineteenth Century
Robert Koch: Discovered the cause of tuberculosis Paul Ehrlich: One of the original “microbe hunters”

28 Medicine During the Nineteenth Century
Discovery of X-rays William Roentgen: Discovery of radium Pierre Curie: Marie Curie: Discovery of psychiatry Sigmund Freud:

29 Medicine During the Nineteenth Century
First demonstrated the use of ether as a general anesthetic William Morton: Crawford Long: Helped to conquer yellow fever Walter Reed:

30 Critical Thinking Question
How has medicine advanced from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century?

31 Medicine During the Twentieth Century
Death rates from diseases such as tuberculosis and diphtheria dropped dramatically Overall mortality rates decreased New emphasis placed on morbidity rates

32 Medicine During the Twentieth Century
Chemotherapy and specialty of oncology developed Development of immunology Progress in endocrinology Advancements in nutrition

33 Medicine During the Twentieth Century
Alexander Fleming: 1881–1955 Discovery of antibiotics Fleming and two other scientists won Nobel Prize for their work with penicillin – one of the first chemicals used to treat infections

34 Medicine During the Twentieth Century
Jonas Salk: 1914–1996 and Albert Sabin: 1906–1993 Developed vaccines that eradicated polio

35 Medicine During the Twentieth Century
Study of immunology advanced with the discovery of vaccines against: Typhoid Tetanus Diphtheria Tuberculosis Yellow fever Influenza Measles

36 Women in Medicine Elizabeth Blackwell: 1821-1910
First female physician in the United States Awarded degree in 1849 Florence Nightingale: Founder of modern nursing Referred to as “the Lady with the Lamp”

37 Women in Medicine Clara Barton: 1821-1912
Established American Red Cross and Federal Bureau of Records to help track injured and dead soldiers

38 Modern Medicine and the Future
1954: First successful kidney transplant 1960: Invention of the heart pump 1962: Reattachment of limbs 1967: First heart transplant 1978: First test-tube baby 1984: Discovery of HIV as the cause of AIDS

39 Modern Medicine and the Future
1997: Cloning of first sheep 2001: Placement of an implantable heart 2001: Completion of human genome project

40 Modern Medicine and the Future
Mapping human genes has allowed for DNA testing to: Identify criminals Provide genetic counseling for prospective parents Design treatments for diseases Identify better treatments and potential cures may be possible for certain diseases

41 Hope for the Future Cure for AIDS Vaccine to prevent HIV
Cloning organs to overcome shortage of donors Better treatment and outcomes for mental illness Cure for heart disease, cancer, and obesity

42 Hope for the Future Methods to slow aging
Regeneration of brain and nerve cells to overcome paralysis Development of antibiotics that do not allow bacteria to develop a resistant strain

43 Questions?

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