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Working Harder, to make AMERICA Better!!

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Presentation on theme: "Working Harder, to make AMERICA Better!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Harder, to make AMERICA Better!!
IMPROVEMENTS Working Harder, to make AMERICA Better!!

2 Problems in America Corruption in government and business. Sweatshops
City slums Child labor Disease Prejudice

3 Progressive A person who wanted to fix America and make it a better place.

4 The Government Many felt that the rich had too much power.
Many feared that bankers and industrialists were controlling government. Corruption Bribes Voter fraud! Spoils System

5 Problem: Spoils System
Patronage/ nepotism/ spoils system. Government jobs given to loyal supporters. People were not qualified for their jobs!

6 Reforming the Spoils System
1881 Pres. James Garfield wanted to base jobs on merit (ability).

7 Garfield Assassinated by Charles Guiteau

8 Solution Civil Service Commission instituted exams for non-elected federal jobs. Jobs now based on MERIT

9 Problem: Big Business MUST be controlled!
Members of Congress bribed by businessmen Large gap between rich and poor

10 Solution to Railroads: Interstate Commerce Act
The Federal government has the right to regulate the movement of people and goods across state lines.

11 Solution: Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Makes it ILLEGAL to try to limit or destroy competition!

12 Problem: BOSS RULE Powerful politicians who came to rule many cities.
Controlled all work done in cities Used corruption to make $

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