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Contemporary Models of Governance and Social and Economic Development

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Presentation on theme: "Contemporary Models of Governance and Social and Economic Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contemporary Models of Governance and Social and Economic Development
PIA 2020 Introduction to Public Affairs Contemporary Models of Governance and Social and Economic Development

2 Playing Catch Up Contemporary Models of Economic Development and the Failure of state structures Structure and Process of Bureaucracies, Regulations and Political Institutions= Has Government Failed?

Colonial Heritage Political Nationalization Adapted Keynesianism Foreign Aid Anti-Private Sector Pariah Groups, White Settlers, Chinese, Indians, Lebanese-Arabs (The Jews in Europe Debates)

4 The Development Model Post World War II
Keynes and Modernization Theory State as Development Manager Industrialization vs. Rural Development The Take Off Point: Capital Accumulation

5 The Development Model: Keynes from Saint-Simon
Use of the Government to promote economic growth and development Japan and China have been "state guided market economies“ Thesis- Economic Development involved an expansion of the official bureaucracy By Indirection- Focus on Africa, Caribbean, Latin America, South Asia and the Middle East

6 Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Asia Model

7 Japan and Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
Asian Model Corporatist- Inter-meshing of state and Private Sector (Mercantilism) Management (not Political) Focus Growth and Export Model for Asian Tigers

8 Japan and Economic Development Chalmers Johnson Author of the Week

9 Sustainability and International Public Policy: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative- International Monetary Fund (IMF)- An An Alternative Ideal/Theory

10 Classification of the countries by developing status
Classification of the countries by developing status. Blue - developed countries Green - developing countries Red - underdeveloped countries

11 Problem Asian Tigers Under Attack, 1997-98 (Fragility of Emerging Market States)

12 Globalization: U.S. Style?
Or Trumpism Defined?

13 Development Theory and The Public Sector Problem:
Inefficiency Corruption Interest Influence Authoritarianism Patronage

14 Debates about development- An overview of “Dead Aid” Arguments

15 Dambisa Moyo “The Financial Times summarized the book's argument, stating "Limitless development assistance to African governments, [Moyo] argues, has fostered dependency, encouraged corruption and ultimately perpetuated poor governance and poverty."

16 Critique of Keynes and Development: The So-called “Nanny State”

17 Privatization: Contracting, for profits and non-profits
The Answer to Bad Governance, Corruption and Inefficiency? CONTRACTING OUT OF GOODS AND SERVICES This "neo-classical" model of development/Structural Adjustment has been exported overseas Especially to the less developed and transitional states in Africa, Asia, Eastern and Central Europe and Latin America.

18 Contemporary Issue: Privatization and the Political Economy
In the last decade, critics of the public service have argued that efficient government is small government. Privatization and Contracting Out has been the order of the day. Eg. Private Security Structural Adjustment and the Washington Consensus Mini-Discussion of Contracting Out

19 Debates about Contracting-Out
Bureaucrat Bashing Social Change and the Private Sector For profit privates and the non-profit sector The problem: What South Africans Call “Tenderocracy”

20 Privatized Water Supplies

21 Privatization?

22 Key: Issue of Relationship between government and the economy.
Issue of Privatization Public-Private Partnerships- Including NGOs (The new buzz word). Note: John Armstrong's argument that education and training are critical variables in understanding “development" strategies in Western Europe and then Soviet Union. HRD not culture or structure defines economic systems Argument: PPPs get around bureaucratic rigidity and private sector corruption

23 Privatization in Security Services? Executive outcomes or Blackwater?

24 President International Stability Operations Association, Doug Brooks, GSPIA PhD Alum

25 The Problem of Pariah Groups: Compete Unfairly in Private Sector
Historically- Jews in Europe Chinese in Asia Koreans in U.S. Cities Indians and Arab Speakers in Africa

26 Uganda Asians Expelled 1972

27 LDCs An absence of "clients" or Too many?
The Role of patronage, corruption and Crony capitalism. -Indonesia -Russia -Korea -West and West Africa -South Africa -China -U.S.?

28 Privatization Leads to Crony Capitalism in Developed, Transitional and Developing Countries

29 Human Rights vs. Human Security: Level of Rights and Human Security
1. Basic needs: food, shelter, security 2. Political Rights: Speech, Representation, Religion 3. Social: Health and Education 4. Economic: Employment, income

30 Conflict and Human Security: Is This the Problem
Conflict and Human Security: Is This the Problem? The Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda

31 The True Nature of the Contract
According to Marx

32 U.S. Case Study- Reform of the U.S. in the 19th Century
The PUBLIC SECTOR Problem in Historical Perspective: Structure and Process of Bureaucracies, Regulations and Political Institutions U.S. Case Study- Reform of the U.S. in the 19th Century Comparative Focus Models for Change Problems of Bureaucratic Dysfunction

33 Lincoln and the Accusation of Patronage

34 The U.S. Case Study

35 Rutherford B. Hays, 1877-1881 (Indian Affairs)

36 Civil Service Reform: Puck Political Cartoon

37 James A. Garfield Assassination July 2, 1881

38 U.S.A. Post-1883 Political Reforms- The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
Spoils, patronage and 1883 reforms. Selling jobs Administrators Cannot be involved in Politics Start a Period of Strong Legislative Reform

39 The Clerical Administrator- 1875: Rule of Law or Rule of lawyers and clerks

40 Theodore Roosevelt and Legislative Reforms

41 Woodrow Wilson: Academic and Politician
Origins of Progressivism Woodrow Wilson and Progressivism: Babies and Bathwater? Dichotomy- politics and administration- Popularized by Woodrow Wilson

42 American Institutions- Woodrow Wilson, Political Scientist and the Separation of Politics and Administration (Successor to Weber) Routinizati of Charisma

43 U.S. Civil Service Reforms
5. Wilson Popularized Max Weber's ideas: PROGRESSIVES AND NON-PARTISANSHIP 6. Keynesianism and Good Government 7. Privatization, Free Trade and Small Government 8. Debate about Contracting Out

44 The Myth: Classical Non-Partisanism in the 1930s
The Politics/Administration Dichotomy: The Role of Non-Partisan Movements and Generic Management POSDECORB (Luther Gulick) (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting) Non-Political but How Neutral?

45 Modern Reforms: U. S. Model. (Herbert Hoover: U. S
Modern Reforms: U.S. Model? (Herbert Hoover: U.S. President, ) U.S. Civil Service Reform: 1883: End of Spoils Hoover Commissions: 1940s and 1950s (Admin. Reform) New Public Administration: Advocacy Reform and Affirmative Action Structural Adjustment: Debt Management and Privatization- Internationalized Reform New Public Management: Customers and Clients and Privatization

46 Comparative Public Affairs Issues of the Day
These include ways in which administrators interact with their political environment and influence the policy making process. We also examine several specific administrative problems that have themselves become contentious policy issues What Does it Mean to Compare?

47 Governance in Bangladesh Are the Issues Different from Ohio?

48 Bureaucracy and Power: Key Question
Recruitment? The control of bureaucratic power, upon which comparisons of diverse bureaucracies can be valid. The Use of History: Historical Kingdoms in Asia, Africa and Europe all precursors to modern state system

49 REVERT TO HISTORICAL REVIEW Max Weber’s Models of Management
Traditional- Monarchy Charismatic- Revolution Legal Rational Model

50 Traditional King George III

51 Charismatic? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

52 Institutions vs. Charisma?

53 Gerald R. Ford? Institutions or Charisma?

54 Public Affairs from a Comparative Perspective: Issues to date: REVIEW
Legal Rational Model and Democracy and Governance Political Institutions Public Sector Reform: Legal, Behavioral, Fiscal Keynesianism and Good Governance Intersection of Public Sector and Civil Society Contracts and Privatization

55 Major themes in a U.S. Focused Comparative Public Administration-
Administrative Structures and Society- An Individualist view of state-society relationships a. Common law view of society; b. Anglo-Saxon model: law and order as basic function of government; c. Society made up of individuals- liberalism

56 Political Structures and Public Management: Patterns of Change
1. Issues of Governance, Interests and Political Development 2. The Administrative State Problem: Patronage 3. Weak Political controls and a strong bureaucratic elite 4. The Problem of Nepotism and Corruption

57 Anti-Corruption Poster: A Reminder?

Legal-Rational Model- Modern-specialized/technical: a. Merit Selection b. Hierarchy- Chain of Command c. Routinisation of Charisma d. Institutions and the Rule of Law

59 Legal-Rational- Continued
e. Division of Labor and functional specialization f. Administrative work: full time, no sinecures g. Contractual agreement, Contracts and Privatization h. Professional or technical training i. Address The Problem of Corruption

60 Clients and Democracy, c. 1950
John Q. Public Is there such a person?

61 Public Service Reform: Can It End Private Privilege in Government?
Is This the key to Governance? Public Service Reform: Can It End Private Privilege in Government?

62 Issue for the Day: Bureaucracy and its Dysfunction- Author of the Day: PITT’s B. Guy Peters (THE OR NOT PROBLEM)

63 Definitions from Peters
1. Public Administration- Rule Application 2. Bureaucracy- Hierarchical organizations designed to utilize the enforcement of universal and impersonal rules to maintain authority 3. Public Policy- Key: Rule making as well as rule application

64 A More Cynical View

65 The Public Sector Problem:
Inefficiency Corruption Interest Influence Authoritarianism Patronage

66 The perennial tensions between official and personal norms in organizations
The issue of the "bureaucratic experience," (Hummel), that differs from the social (human) experience Hummel says "dehumanizing“ Standards and policies defined by the past and standardized for all e. g. people, as cases Source of Corruption But not all Government is Corrupt.

67 Civil Service/Public Sector Reform

68 Control: How to vs. Should one?

69 The Bottom Line GOVERNMENT HAS THE MONOLOPY OF POWER (Ultimately Life and Death)

70 Government: Differences from the private sector-
Difference in Product 4. Private- emphasis is on profit, economy and efficiency 5. Public- need to account for the political and social- not what is always efficient 6. Issue- motivation or its absence in the public sector


72 The Role of Groups Reform Perspective
Extent of access to public sector Iron Triangle Problem of Illicit Access

73 The Iron Triangle and the Revolving Door

74 Contemporary Democracy and Public Policy Concepts: ONE MORE TIME
Democracy and Public Policy- Representation Historical vs. Contemporary Models: Law and Order vs. Economic and Social Policy Governance and Political Economy: Who gets what when and how? Recruitment- affirmative action and representative bureaucracy Regulation and Deregulation- Privatization and Contracting Out More Developed States vs. Less Developed States?

Legal Rational Model and Democracy and Governance Institutions vs. Charisma Public Sector Reform: Legal, Behavioral, Fiscal Keynesianism and Good Governance International Development and the Intersection of Public Sector and Civil Society

76 Contemporary Democracy and Public Policy Issues
Democracy and Public Policy- Representation Historical vs. Contemporary Models: Law and Order vs. Economic and Social Policy Governance and Political Economy: Who gets what when and how? Recruitment- affirmative action and representative bureaucracy Regulation and Deregulation- Privatization and Contracting Out More Developed States vs. Less Developed States

77 Bureaucrats: Powerful or Silly
Video: The Ministry of Silly Walks

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