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a difference that makes

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1 a difference that makes
* 07/16/96 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Not an excuse but a difference that makes a difference ADD ADHD AD/HD 9/19/2018 © Charles Kyle Kenyon, 1998 *

2 ADD ADHD AD/HD - it’s your problem!
* 07/16/96 ADD ADHD AD/HD - it’s your problem! Is probably undiagnosed in at least 1/50 adults. That means the people you deal with and work with. May be your supervisor or the owner of your company. Higher percentages in two populations: entrepreneurs prisoners 9/19/2018 *

3 52% of people with (untreated) ADD will have drug or alcohol problems.
40% of boys with (untreated) ADHD will be arrested for a felony by the time they’re 16. 52% of people with (untreated) ADD will have drug or alcohol problems. 30% of people with ADD (untreated) will never finish high school. 75% of adults with ADD have relationship problems as an adult. 9/19/2018

4 ADD is the most common learning problem among children, teens, and adults. It affects more than 17 million Americans. It seems that 40-50% of my clients have diagnoses of ADD or hyperactivity in their past or at least meet the history requirements for such a diagnosis. 9/19/2018

5 Our prisons are filled mostly by people with ADD or a learning disorder. (70% of new prisoners in one study.) 9/19/2018

6 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder AD/HD - DSMIV
* 07/16/96 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder AD/HD - DSMIV If untreated is about as serious as a brain tumor. We will be looking at what AD/HD looks like and what causes it. 9/19/2018 *

7 9/19/2018

8 AD/HD comes in two basic flavors:
Hyperactive / Impulsive (chocolate) Primarily Inattentive (vanilla) Combined (twist) 9/19/2018

9 Flavor #1 - Chocolate: Hyperactivity / Impulsiveness
* 07/16/96 Flavor #1 - Chocolate: Hyperactivity / Impulsiveness Must have attention problems - which can be too MUCH attention at times. Many AD/HD people have a wonderful and useful ability to concentrate on something to the exclusion of anything else (food, sleep, sex). Hyperactivity - Fidgety and/or Impulsive 9/19/2018 *

10 Flavor #2 - Vanilla: Primarily Inattentive - the Daydreamer
* 07/16/96 Flavor #2 - Vanilla: Primarily Inattentive - the Daydreamer More prevalent in girls/women. Less often diagnosed because these kids are not a problem for teachers. Other terms: daydreamer space cadet dumb blonde 9/19/2018 *

11 * 07/16/96 Flavor #3 - Twist: Mixed Enough of the symptoms from each type that the combination is a problem. May be able to qualify for both, may not. Must be an attention problem present for diagnosis. Must have been present (although not necessarily diagnosed) since early childhood. 9/19/2018 *

12 * 07/16/96 We are all inattentive / impulsive / depressed / manic at one time or another. AD/HD - MORE! BIG problems! 3-10% of children are AD/HD - most prevalent problem seen in mental health clinics. People don’t outgrow it. Some learn to cope. 9/19/2018 *

13 No relationship to intelligence
* 07/16/96 No relationship to intelligence Many very successful people show all the symptoms Bill Clinton Benjamin Franklin John F. Kennedy Agatha Christie Winston Churchill Thomas Edison Albert Einstein. 9/19/2018 *

14 AD/HD is Related to: creativity learning disorders
* 07/16/96 AD/HD is Related to: creativity learning disorders mental illness - especially bipolar disorder and depression - the symptoms of one can mask the other substance abuse 9/19/2018 *

15 AD/HD is highly treatable
* 07/16/96 AD/HD is highly treatable Medications primarily stimulants Ritalin Dexedrine Methamphetamine Adderall also antidepressants esp. Wellbutrin Counseling / therapy - but . . . Behavior modification EEG neurofeedback 9/19/2018 *

16 By spotting AD/HD in those you deal with you can:
* 07/16/96 By spotting AD/HD in those you deal with you can: Get them into treatment Learn to use different methods of working with them punishment (negative feedback) does not work giving examples, positive feedback do work Factor it into decisions on responsibility, Factor it into sentencing recommendations - but May not want to mention it Requires attention, flexibility and persistence 9/19/2018 *

17 For more information: Internet Books Organizations
* 07/16/96 For more information: Internet Books Organizations NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health - free booklet 9/19/2018 *

18 Internet CH.A.D.D ADDA
* 07/16/96 Internet CH.A.D.D ADDA NIMH - booklet 9/19/2018 *

19 Books Driven to Distraction You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!
* 07/16/96 Books Driven to Distraction Hallowell & Ratey You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! Kelly & Ramundo A Teenagers Guide to A.D.D. Amen, Johnson & Amen Teenagers with ADD: A Parents’ Guide Chris Zeigler Dendy 9/19/2018 *

20 Organizations CH.A.D.D ADDA
* 07/16/96 Organizations CH.A.D.D 499 Northwest 70th Avenue, Suite 101 Plantation, Florida (800) ADDA National ADDA 9930 Johnnycake Ridge Road, Suite 3E Mentor, OH (440) 9/19/2018 *

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