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WWII: Background of the Conflict

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1 WWII: Background of the Conflict

2 The Versailles Treaty

3 The Ineffectiveness of the League of Nations
No control of major conflicts. No progress in disarmament. No effective military force.

4 The Weimar Republic (1919-1933)
Post-War Germany: The Weimar Republic ( )

5 Price of one egg in Germany Price of a loaf of bread in Germany
marks 1921– 1.6 marks 1922– 7 marks July 1923– 5,000 marks Sept 1923– 4,000,000 marks Nov 1923—320,000,000,000 marks Price of a loaf of bread in Germany marks 1922– 163 marks Jan 1923– 250 marks July 1923– 3,456 marks Sept 1923– 1,512,000 marks Nov 1923—201,000,000,000 marks

6 European Debts to the United States

7 The Dawes Plan (1924)

8 “War? HUH, Good God, yall…”
“Come on in, I’ll treat you right. I used to know your Daddy.”

9 Kellogg-Briand Pact: 1928 15 nations committed to outlawing aggression and war for settling disputes. Problem  no way of enforcement.

10 Washington Naval Conference (1921-1922)
U. S Britain Japan France Italy

11 1930s University of Chicago Anti-War Protest

12 American Foreign Policy
Neutrality Acts: 1935 – Prohibits sale of arms to belligerent nations. 1936 – Prohibited loans to belligerent nations. “Cash and Carry” basis.

13 America-First Committee
Charles Lindbergh


U.S. will gives Britain 50 old WWI destroyers Britain gives the U.S. the right to build bases on its possessions

16 U. S. LEND-LEASE ACT (1941) Great Britain $31 billion Soviet Union $11 billion France $ 3 billion China $1.5 billion Other European $500 million South America $400 million The amount totaled: $48,601,365,000


18 Japanese Aggression 1931 – Japan invades Manchuria.
1934 – Japan pulls out of Washington Naval Treaty. 1937 – Japan launches full-scale invasion of China. 1937 – Japan bombs U.S.S. Panay.

19 Italy Attacks Ethiopia, 1935
“It is us today. It will be you tomorrow.” -Emperor Selassie, speaking to the League of Nations

20 Germany Invades the Rhineland March 7, 1936

21 The Austrian Anschluss, 1936

22 The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939
National Front [Nationalists] The Popular Front [Republicans] Carlists [ultra-Catholic monarchists]. Catholic Church. Falange [fascist] Party. Monarchists. Anarcho-Syndicalists. Basques. Catalans. Communists. Marxists. Republicans. Socialists.

23 The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939 The American “Lincoln Brigade”

24 The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939
Francisco Franco

25 The “Problem” of the Sudetenland

26 Appeasement: The Munich Agreement, 1938
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain “Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr Hitler is a man we can do business with.”

27 Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of the Third Reich: March 1939

28 Hitler and Mussolini: The “Pact of Steel”
Rome-Berlin Axis, 1939 Hitler and Mussolini: The “Pact of Steel”

29 The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, 1939
Foreign Ministers von Ribbentrop & Molotov

30 Germany Conquers Europe
September 1939: Invasion of Poland. May 1940: Invasion of Norway, Belgium, Holland, and France. July – October 1940: Battle of Britain. June 1941: Invasion of the Soviet Union.

31 America Responds to Japanese Expansion
U.S. responds (July 1941): U.S. places oil and iron embargo on Japanese U.S. demands withdrawal from conquered territory Japanese response: Negotiations in Washington Navy plans attack on U.S. Pacific Fleet Secretary of State Hull with Japanese emissaries, Aug. 1941

32 ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR Dec. 7th, 1941: Japanese attack U.S. Pacific Fleet “Battleship Row” decimated, carriers escape. Congress declares war on Japan the next day Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S.

33 “I fear all we will do is awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve.” -Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Imperial Japanese Navy

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