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Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences SBS200 - Lecture Section 001, Fall 2017 Room 150 Harvill Building 10:00 - 10:50 Mondays, Wednesdays.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences SBS200 - Lecture Section 001, Fall 2017 Room 150 Harvill Building 10:00 - 10:50 Mondays, Wednesdays."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences SBS200 - Lecture Section 001, Fall 2017 Room 150 Harvill Building 10: :50 Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Welcome

2 Lecturer’s desk Projection Booth Screen Screen Harvill 150 renumbered
Row A 15 14 Row A 13 3 2 1 Row A Row B 23 20 Row B 19 5 4 3 2 1 Row B Row C 25 21 Row C 20 6 5 1 Row C Row D 29 23 Row D 22 8 7 1 Row D Row E 31 23 Row E 23 9 8 1 Row E Row F 35 26 Row F 25 11 10 1 Row F Row G 35 26 Row G 25 11 10 1 Row G Row H 37 28 27 13 Row H 12 1 Row H 41 29 28 14 Row J 13 1 Row J 41 29 Row K 28 14 13 1 Row K Row L 33 25 Row L 24 10 9 1 Row L Row M 21 20 19 Row M 18 4 3 2 1 Row M Row N 15 1 Row P 15 1 Harvill 150 renumbered table 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Projection Booth Left handed desk


4 A note on doodling

5 Project 3 And Start Project 4
Lab sessions Everyone will want to be enrolled in one of the lab sessions Hand in Project 3 And Start Project 4

6 Schedule of readings Before next exam (November 17th)
Please read chapters in OpenStax textbook Please read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 in Plous Chapter 2: Cognitive Dissonance Chapter 3: Memory and Hindsight Bias Chapter 4: Context Dependence

7 Two-way analysis of variance Variance is divided further
College Number of cookies sold Elementary Remember, two-way = two IV None Bike Hawaii trip Total variability Between group variability Within group variability Remember, factor = independent variable Remember, within group variability = error variability = random error Factor A Variability Factor B Variability Interaction Variability

8 Main effects and interactions
Does incentive have an effect? We have two main effects and an interaction Do age and the type of incentive interact? Number of cookies sold Incentives None Bike Hawaii trip Number of cookies sold Incentives None Bike Hawaii trip Elementary College No incentive Number of cookies sold Age Elementary College Bike Hawaii trip Number of cookies sold Age Elementary College Does age have an effect? Rule for interactions: No interaction: If lines are parallel Yes interaction: If lines are (in any way) NOT parallel 8

9 What if there were no interactions?
Do age and the type of incentive interact? Does incentive have an effect? Does the age and the type of incentive interact? Incentives Number of cookies sold None Bike Hawaii trip College Elementary Number of cookies sold None Bike Hawaii trip Incentives Number of cookies sold Age Elementary College Hawaii trip Bike Number of cookies sold No incentive Elementary College Does age have an effect? Age We have no interaction Rule for interactions: No interaction: If lines are parallel Yes interaction: If lines are (in any way) NOT parallel 9

10 What would this 2 x 3 design look like?
Number of cookies sold Incentives None Bike Hawaii trip Two-way ANOVA with one factor having two levels, and the other factor having three levels 2 x 3 design Number of cookies sold Age Elementary College mean=2.67 mean=5.33 Elementary College Age 0.5 1.5 Incentive Type None Bike Hawaii mean = 1 mean = 5 mean = 6 4.5 5.5 3 9 10

11 What would this 2 x 3 design look like?
Number of cookies sold Number of cookies sold None Bike Hawaii trip Elementary College None Bike Hawaii trip Incentives Number of cookies sold Age Elementary College mean=2.67 mean=5.33 Elementary College Age 0.5 1.5 None mean = 1 mean = 5 mean = 6 Incentive Type Bike 4.5 5.5 Hawaii 3 9 11

12 What would this 2 x 3 design look like?
Number of cookies sold Number of cookies sold None Bike Hawaii trip Elementary College None Bike Hawaii trip Incentives Number of cookies sold Age Elementary College mean=2.67 mean=5.33 Elementary College Age Main effect of incentive 0.5 1.5 None mean = 1 mean = 5 mean = 6 Incentive Type Bike 4.5 5.5 Hawaii 3 9 12

13 What would this 2 x 3 design look like?
Number of cookies sold Number of cookies sold None Bike Hawaii trip Elementary College None Bike Hawaii trip Incentives Number of cookies sold Age Elementary College mean=2.67 mean=5.33 Elementary College Age 0.5 1.5 Main effect of age None mean = 1 mean = 5 mean = 6 Incentive Type Bike 4.5 5.5 Hawaii 3 9 13

14 What would this 2 x 3 design look like?
Number of cookies sold Number of cookies sold None Bike Hawaii trip Elementary College None Bike Hawaii trip Incentives Number of cookies sold Interaction Age Elementary College mean=2.67 mean=5.33 Elementary College Age 0.5 1.5 None mean = 1 mean = 5 mean = 6 Incentive Type Bike 4.5 5.5 Hawaii 3 9 14

15 Examples of two-way ANOVA
Effect of Adderall in subjects who have ADHD and who don’t on activity level Q: What is dependent variable? A: Activity level of subjects (like a measure of hyperactivity) Q: What is independent variable? A: Whether the subjects received Adderall or not Q: What are the levels of this independent variable? A: Yes received Adderall vs no, did not receive Adderall Q: What is other independent variable? A: Type of subject Q: What are the levels of this independent variable? A: Yes have ADHD versus no, do not have ADHD 15

16 What if we had done just a one-way ANOVA?
2x2 ANOVA Control Amount of Activity ADHD No Yes Adderall Effect of Adderall and subject type on activity level Dependent Variable? Why even do a 2-way ANOVA??! What if we had done just a one-way ANOVA? Amount of activity Independent Variable? No Adderall versus yes Adderall Independent Variable? Type of subject (ADHD vs no ADHD) . 16

17 2x2 ANOVA No Yes Amount of Activity Adderall Main effect:
Whether there was a significant finding for one of the independent variables, ignoring the others When understanding a main effect it may be helpful to pretend we don’t know anything about the other variable, what would the results be if this had been a one-way ANOVA The effect of a single factor when any other factor is ignored 17

18 Interactions Q: Does Adderall increase or decrease activity level?
A: Depends on who is using it Interaction Whether levels of one independent variable respond differently to different levels of the other independent variable The joint effect of two (or more) factors on the dependent variable, independent of the separate effects of either factor. Interaction occurs whenever the effects of one factor are not consistent for all values (or levels) of the second factor 18

19 Interactions No Yes Amount of Activity Adderall Interaction
Control Amount of Activity ADHD No Yes Adderall Interaction Whether levels of one independent variable respond differently to different levels of the other independent variable The joint effect of two (or more) factors on the dependent variable, independent of the separate effects of either factor. Interaction occurs whenever the effects of one factor are not consistent for all values (or levels) of the second factor 19

20 Interactions No Yes Amount of Activity Adderall Interaction
Control Amount of Activity ADHD No Yes Adderall Interaction Whether levels of one independent variable respond differently to different levels of the other independent variable The joint effect of two (or more) factors on the dependent variable, independent of the separate effects of either factor. Interaction occurs whenever the effects of one factor are not consistent for all values (or levels) of the second factor 20

21 Main effect of Adderall? – Comparing “Yes” Adderall to “No” Adderall
Average would be about here Adderall Yes ADHD Control Amount of Activity No Main Effect of Adderall: Is there a difference between “Yes” Adderall and “No” Adderall? We have two “Yes Adderall” means YES Average would be about here Adderall ADHD Control Amount of Activity No Yes Main effect of Adderall? We have two “No Adderall” means NO YES No, no difference in activity level in “yes” vs “no” Adderall groups 21

22 Main effect of Subject? – Comparing “Control” to “ADHD” Subjects
Average would be about here Main Effect of Subject Type: Is there a difference between “Control” and “ADHD”? Adderall Yes ADHD Control Amount of Activity No We have two “Contol” means Control Average would be about here Adderall Yes ADHD Control Amount of Activity No We have two “ADHD” means ADHD Control Main effect of Subject Type? No, no difference in activity level in “control” vs “ADHD” groups 22

23 2x2 ANOVA No No Yes Yes Amount of Activity Amount of Activity Adderall
Control Control Amount of Activity Amount of Activity ADHD ADHD No No Yes Yes Adderall Adderall Effect of Adderall and subject type on activity level Main effect of Adderall? No, no difference in activity level in “yes” vs “no” Adderall groups Main effect of type of subject? No, no difference in activity level of two groups Interaction? Yes, the lines are not parallel – and it depends on who is using it 23

24 2x2 ANOVA No No Yes Yes Amount of Activity Amount of Activity Adderall
Control Control Amount of Activity Amount of Activity ADHD ADHD No No Yes Yes Adderall Adderall Interaction? Yes, the lines are not parallel – and it depends on who is using it Interaction occurs whenever the effects of one factor (Adderall) are not consistent for all values (or levels) of the second factor (who is using it – or type of subject) 24

25 Examples of two-way ANOVA
Effect of exercise and calorie intake on weight Q: What is dependent variable? A: Amount each person weighs Q: What is independent variable? A: Amount of exercise Q: What are the levels of this independent variable? A: A lot versus a little exercise Q: What is other independent variable? A: Amount of calorie intake Q: What are the levels of this independent variable? A: More than 3000 versus less than 1000 per day 25

26 2x2 ANOVA Weight Low High Calorie Intake
Low Exercise Weight High Exercise Low High Calorie Intake Effect of exercise and calorie intake on weight Main effect of calorie intake? Yes, lower calorie intake: lower weight Main effect of exercise? Yes, higher exercise: lower weight Interaction? No, the lines are parallel 26

27 Main effect of Calorie Intake? – Comparing “High” to “Low”
Average would be about here Main Effect of Calorie Intake: Is there a difference between “High Intake” and “Low Intake”? Low Exercise We have two “High Intake” means Weight High High Exercise Low High Calorie Intake Yes there is a difference in Weight Depending on calorie intake. There is a difference between High and Low levels of calorie intake Average would be about here Weight Calorie Intake Low High High Exercise Low Exercise We have two “Low Intake” means Low High 27

28 Low High Low High Main effect of Exercise? – Comparing “High” to “Low”
Average would be about here Weight Calorie Intake Low High Main Effect of Calorie Intake: Is there a difference between “High Exercise” and “Low Exercise”? High Exercise Low Exercise We have two “High Exercise” means High Yes there is a difference in Weight depending on amount of exercise. There is a difference between High and Low levels of exercise intake Average would be about here Weight Calorie Intake Low High High Exercise Low Exercise We have two “Low Exercise” means Low HIGH 28

29 2x2 ANOVA Weight Low High Calorie Intake
Low Exercise Weight High Exercise Low High Calorie Intake Effect of exercise and calorie intake on weight Main effect of calorie intake? Yes, lower calorie intake: lower weight Main effect of exercise? Yes, higher exercise: lower weight Interaction? No, the lines are parallel 29

30 2x2 ANOVA Weight Low High Calorie Intake Interaction?
Low Exercise Weight High Exercise Low High Calorie Intake Interaction? No, the lines are parallel – lower calorie intake will reduce weight Whether or not you exercise. It does not depend on exercise to work Interaction occurs whenever the effects of one factor (Calorie intake) are not consistent for all values (or levels) of the second factor (whether or not you exercise) 30

31 Examples of two-way ANOVA
Effect of “territory marking” and sex of rat on activity level in rats Q: What is dependent variable? A: Activity level of rats (like a measure of anxiety) Q: What is independent variable? A: Whether the territory was marked (sprayed) or not Q: What are the levels of this independent variable? A: Yes, sprayed versus not sprayed Q: What is other independent variable? A: Sex of rat Q: What are the levels of this independent variable? A: Male versus female 31

32 2x2 ANOVA Activity Level Marking chemical
Males Activity Level Females None A lot Marking chemical Effect of “territory marking” and gender on activity level in rats Main effect of territory marking ? Yes, marking territory pulls mean activity level up Main effect of sex of rat? Yes, males overall have higher levels of activity Interaction? Yes, the lines are not parallel 32

33 2x2 ANOVA Activity Level Interaction? Marking chemical
Males Activity Level Females None A lot Interaction? Marking chemical Yes, the lines are not parallel – males are much more affected by presence of chemical than females are. Effect of chemical does depend on gender Interaction occurs whenever the effects of one factor (marking chemical) are not consistent for all values (or levels) of the second factor (male or female) 33

34 Main effect of A? Main effect of B? Interaction? Significant Fs?
Dependent Variable Factor A A1 A2 Factor B B1 B2 No main effect of A No main effect of B Yes, interaction Dependent Variable Factor A A1 A2 Factor B B1 B2 Yes main effect of A Yes main effect of B No interaction 34

35 Main effect of A? Main effect of B? Interaction? Significant Fs?
Dependent Variable Factor A A1 A2 Factor B B1 B2 No main effect of A Yes main effect of B Yes, interaction Dependent Variable Factor A A1 A2 Factor B B1 B2 Yes main effect of A No main effect of B No interaction 35

36 Thank you! See you next time!!

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