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CE 808: Structural Fire Engineering

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1 CE 808: Structural Fire Engineering
V. Kodur Professor Dept of Civil and Env. Engineering Michigan State University

2 General Information Class Room 2320 EB Class Hours Tue,Thu, 3-4:20 pm
Back up Instructor Venkatesh Kodur Professor, CEE Office 3580 EB Phone (517) Use sparingly Use as often as required Office Hours T W Th 2:00-3:00 p.m. Lecture Notes & handouts at Angel on MSU website Grader Aqeel Ahmed 3577 EB Office hours M 1:30-2:30 p.m CE – 808 Outline

3 CE808 - Course Objectives CE Basic course on the design and analysis of structures exposed to fire Recommended for graduate students in the civil/ mechanical engineering program interested in learning the basic concepts of fire safety design and analysis of structures The objectives of this course are: To learn the behavior & design of structural components under fire exposure To gain an educational & comprehensive experience in the fire resistance design concept To learn basic fire safety design issues CE – 808 Outline

4 Course Objectives By the end of this course, you should be able to calculate/determine: Time-temp relationships for post-flashover fires Equivalent fire severity Material properties at elevated temperatures Temperatures profiles in structural assemblies Fire resistance of steel, concrete & composite struc-tures using hand methods & computer programs Fire resistance of heavy timber & light timber frame structures, and Earn basic knowledge required to design buildings for fire resistance CE – 808 Outline

5 Course Material & References
The course will follow the contents of the Textbook: Andrew H. Buchanan, Structural Design for Fire Safety, John Wiley & Sons, 2001 Other References include: (on Reserve in the library) T.T. Lie, (Ed), Structural Fire Protection, ASCE, Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 78, 1994 SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 3rd Ed., Quincy, MA: NFPA, 2002, Sections 1-8, 1-10, 4-8 to 4-11. Y.C. Wang, Steel and Composite Structures: Behaviour and Design for Fire Safety, 2002 ASCE/SFPE 29, Standard Calculation Methods for Structural Fire Protection, Reston, VA, ASCE, 1999. PCI Design for Fire Resistance of Precast Prestressed Concrete, 2nd Ed., Chicago: PCI , 1989. D. Drysdale, Introduction to Fire Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons, UK, 1999 CE – 808 Outline

6 Course Framework/Grading
15 weeks of lectures Assigned HW, Exams,& Research project. Final grades based on HW, exams, & research project: Homework % Exam % Final Exam % Research Project % Final grades will be assigned on a straight scale, with some adjustment for the level of difficulty of exams & overall class performance Score  90   Score < 90   Score < 85  3.0 75  Score < 80   Score < 75   Score < 70  1.5 60  Score < 65  1.0 Score  60  0.0 CE – 808 Outline

7 Course Policies Attendance policy - Expected to attend all the lectures & perform all the work assigned by the instructor. Tardy policy - All the assigned work must be submitted by the due date & time. Penalty for late submissions. Make-up policy - Students are expected to take the exams on the assigned dates & times. Make-up exams may be arranged for students with emergencies or special circumstances. Quality of Submissions - Students are encouraged to submit their work on engg. paper or clean white paper & are required to include a cover page. Please explain & show all your calculations & include appropriate references to any code/std. specifications & final drawings of designed structure. The submission must be neat & clear. 5% of total marks in each of the assignments & research project may be reserved for the tidiness of the work. CE – 808 Outline

8 University Policies & Procedures
1) Academic Honesty: Article of the Academic Freedom Report states that "the student shares with the faculty the responsibility for maintaining the integrity of scholarship, grades, and professional standards." In addition, the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MSU adheres to the policies on academic honesty as specified in General Student Regulations 1.0, Protection of Scholarship and Grades, & in the all-University Policy on Integrity of Scholarship and Grades, which are included in Spartan Life; Student Handbook and Resource Guide. Students who plagiarize may receive a 0.0 on the assignment or fail the course. 2) The last day to drop this course with a 100 percent refund & no grade reported is Friday, 2/2/2007. The last day to drop this course with no refund & no grade reported is Wednesday 2/28/2007. You should immediately make a copy of your amended schedule to verify you have dropped this course. CE – 808 Outline

9 University Policies & Procedures
3) Religious Observance If you wish to be absent from class to observe a religious holiday, make arrangements in advance with the instructor. 4) Missing Class to Participate in a Required Activity To be excused from this class to participate in a required activity for another course or a university-sanctioned event, you must provide the instructor with adequate advanced notice and a written authorization from the faculty member of the other course or from a university administrator 5) Commercialized Lecture Notes: Commercialization of lecture notes & university-provided course materials is not permitted in this course. CE – 808 Outline

10 Important Dates Classes Begin Monday, January 7, 2008
Classes Cancelled Monday, January 21, 2008 (MLK Holiday) End of Tuition Refund Friday, February 1, 2008 Middle of Semester Wednesday, February 27, 2008 Spring Break March 3-7, 2008 Classes End Friday, April 25, 2008 Final Exam Thursday, May 1, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Exam (Test) March 2/3 Week Project Presentation April 3/4 Week CE – 808 Outline

11 Course Outline Chapter 1. Introduction to Fire Safety Week 1
Fire Problem Importance of Fire Safety Structural Fire Safety within the Context of Overall Fire Safety Fire Resistance Codes and Standards Performance-based Design Chapter 2. Fire Safety in Buildings Weeks 1-2 Fire Safety Objectives Process of Fire Development Fire Safety Concepts Tree Controlling Fire Spread CE – 808 Outline

12 Course Outline Chapter 3. Fire and Heat Weeks 2-3
Fuels Combustion Fire Initiation Simple Description of Pre-flashover Fires t-squared Fires Basic Review of Heat Transfer Ch 4: Room Fires & Post-flashover Fires Weeks 3-4 Fire Behavior in Rooms Pre-flashover Fires Post-flashover Fire - Impact on Fire Resistance Design Fires Time-temperature Relationships for Post-flashover Fires CE – 808 Outline

13 Course Outline Chapter 5: Fire Severity Weeks 4-5
Methods to Quantify Fire Severity Standard Fires and Real Fires Concept of Equivalent Fire Severity Chapter 6: Fire Resistance - Standard Tests & Calculation Methods Weeks 6-7 Methods of Assessing Fire Resistance Fire Resistance Tests Performance Criteria Non-standard Evaluations Fire Resistance - Calculation Methods Fire Resistance of Assemblies CE – 808 Outline

14 Course Outline Ch 7: Design of Structures Exposed to Fire Weeks 7-8
Review of Mechanics, Loads, Load Combinations Structural Design at Normal Temperatures Material Properties in Fire Structural Design for Fire Conditions Design of Structural Members Exposed to Fire Design of Structural Assemblies Exposed to Fire Chapter 8: Steel Structures Weeks 9-10 Behavior of Steel Structures in Fire Material Properties at Elevated Temperatures Protection Systems Calculation Methods for Evaluating Fire Resistance Design of Steel Members Exposed to Fire Response of Structural Frames CE – 808 Outline

15 Course Outline Ch 9: Concrete and Masonry Structures Weeks 11-12
Behavior of Concrete Structures in Fire Material Properties at Elevated Temperatures Protection Strategies Calculation Methods for Evaluating Fire Resistance Design of Concrete Members Exposed to Fire Composite Construction Exposed to Fire Chapter 10: Timber Structures Weeks 13-14 Behavior of Timber Structures in Fire Design of Timber Structures Exposed to Fire CE – 808 Outline

16 Course Outline Chapter 11: Light Frame Construction Weeks 14-15
Behavior of Light Frame Assemblies in Fire Material Properties at Elevated Temperatures Fire Protection Strategies Methods for Evaluating Fire Resistance Design of Light Frames Assemblies in Fire Special Lectures Week Building Performance Investigations in Fire CE – 808 Outline

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