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2 Profile of Child Did not speak any until five years old K. (Kevin)
ADHD Developmental Delay Specialized program in school K. (Kevin) Male Born in 2004, Italy Only Child Moved a lot Single Mom Over weight (CDC) Moved to the US in 2009 Developmental Milestones for school aged Use language as a communication tool Recognize between behavior and intent Can accurately recognize and consider other’s viewpoint Understands concept of space and time Understands how his behavior affects others Understands concepts of right and wrong Less fantasy play, more team sports, board games 10years old, his daily routine is to stay with mom and follow mom’s schedule. His mom did not put him in any physical activities before and he is obese according to CDC which is Center for Disease control and prevention. That made him hard to practice how to socialize with others. Since he did not have many chance to make friends, he doesn’t know how to make friends. When he come to martial arts class or after school program, he touch or kick others, take away toys, and be silly. He use inappropriate words all the time and that also give him hard time because he use at home.

3 Observation 1. Anecdotal Record Physical, Social 2. Running Record
Language, Reading 3. Checklist Social skill

4 Lesson plan 1. (Cognitive Development) Lesson plan to teach him not to make any physical contact to his friends other than sparring time. 2. (Physical Development & Language) Give him enough work out with what K likes to do. (jump rope) Practice spelling with him. 3. (Emotional & Social) Teach him how to make friends, and tell K how others feel.

5 Work sample & Summary K needs consistent help and care
I must work with parent to keep up with K Parent needs to give him enough time to do physical activities K needs to socialize with his age group & gender Need to work with parent.

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