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Freight in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning

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1 Freight in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER 5th SUMP Award Freight in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Thomas Mourey Polis 6th SUMP Coordination group meeting 10 November 2016 #mobilityweek Smart mobility. Strong economy.

2 The SUMP Award EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Smart mobility. Strong economy.
16-22 SEPTEMBER The SUMP Award Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

16-22 SEPTEMBER The SUMP Award Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Award (SUMP Award) introduced in 2012 by the European Commission Part of the “Do the Right Mix” campaign until 2015 Part of the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK since 2015 Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

16-22 SEPTEMBER Objectives Adoption of SUMPs by local authorities across Europe Showcase successful and encouraging SUMP experiences Reward cities that are already doing well Target group: local authorities (which can be at different stages in the SUMP process) Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

5 Edition Theme Winner Applicants EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 29 21 16 13 12
16-22 SEPTEMBER Edition Theme Winner Applicants Stakeholder and citizen participation 1st SUMP Award Aberdeen, UK 29 Economic, social and environmental policy & institutional cooperation Rivas Vaciamadrid, ES 2nd SUMP Award 21 Bremen, DE 16 3rd SUMP Award Evaluation and monitoring Multimodality and intermodality 4th SUMP Award Malmö, SE 13 5th SUMP AWARD Freight ? 12 Do the Right Mix EMW Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

16-22 SEPTEMBER fRAmework SUMP Award fully integrated in the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK framework (communication, design, etc.) In parallel with the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Award Common Award Ceremony Similar theme (when applicable) Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

7 fRAmework – 3-year Cycle
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER fRAmework – 3-year Cycle Up to 10 shortlisted local authorities; 3 finalists; 1 winner The winner receives a trophy (traditionally handed by the EU commissionners for transport and for environment) and a professional video clip (shorter clips are made for the 3 finalists) 3 finalists (incl. winner) receive certificate All shortlisted local authorities invited to the SUMP Award Ceremony Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

8 SUMP AWARD – Video clips
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER SUMP AWARD – Video clips Winner of the 4th SUMP Award: Malmö Video clip of presentation of the 4th SUMP Award finalists Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

16-22 SEPTEMBER 5th SUMP Award Freight Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

10 The 5th SUMP Award: FREIGHT
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER The 5th SUMP Award: FREIGHT What? “Integration of urban freight transport in sustainable urban mobility planning” Transport of goods in urban areas All types of goods All types of logistics schemes All types of vehicles Why? A significant share of urban traffic with related impacts. A significant (positive) impact on the economy. In line with the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK theme: ‘Smart and sustainable mobility – an investment for Europe’ Freight can be better integrated in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

16-22 SEPTEMBER Criteria 5 Criteria  5 corresponding questions (based on CIVITAS policy note: Smart choices for cities - Making urban freight logistics more sustainable) Relevant and realistic quantitative and qualitative objectives. The SUMP acknowledges and supports the development of urban freight delivery as a local economic driver. The SUMP acknowledges and aims to limit the adverse impact of freight on the quality of life. The SUMP encourages and supports the use of clean freight vehicles The SUMP encourages and supports the introduction of urban logistics schemes. Maximum 5 points per question Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

12 Promotion & Communication
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER Promotion & Communication General communication (mailing, website, newsletters, meetings) and social media via EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, Polis, EUROCITIES, ICLEI Leaflet Webinar (05/09) Targeting cities in several EU freight projects (direct communication via , meetings, social media and websites) & in Polis freight WG Other ideas? Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

13 The application process
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER The application process Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

14 Who can apply? + 28 3 EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK
16-22 SEPTEMBER Who can apply? Local and regional authorities which have legal competences in developing and implementing a SUMP From the European Union and the European Economic Area + EU candidate countries, potential EU candidate countries that are part of Stabilisation & Association Process (SAP), European Economic Area countries (EEA) or European Free Trade Area countries (EFTA). Applicant must be the public authority (NOT a consultant or a public transport operator) Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

15 How to apply? Deadline: 28 October 2016
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER How to apply? Download the application form (.doc ) on the website Complete the application form in English Send the completed form in both .doc and PDF formats as an attachment to Deadline: 28 October 2016 Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek


16-22 SEPTEMBER Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

18 The evaluation process
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER The evaluation process Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

19 Evaluation process - Planning
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER Evaluation process - Planning Monday 5 September: Official launch of the 5th SUMP Award 16 – 22 September: EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Friday 28 October: Deadline for submission of application forms 31 October – 14 November: Eligibility check by the European secretariat 15 November -  2 December: Jury assessment 7 December: Jury meeting in Brussels – Notification of the finalists (and others) January- February  2017: Preparation of video clips for the finalists 20 March 2017: Award ceremony in Brussels Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

20 The evaluation process
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER The evaluation process Evaluation of the applications by a jury of three independent experts. Among 11 eligible applicants from 9 countries Selection of: 1 Winner 3 Finalists (including the winner) Up to 10 Shortlisted cities (including the finalists) Applicants Country Alba Iulia Romania Berlin Germany Brussels Belgium Budapest Hungary Croatian post Croatia Malaga Spain Naples Italy North Limburg Netherlands Piatra Neamt Rotterdam Stockholm Sweden Turin Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

21 The Jury EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Maria Lindholm Lindholmen Science Park
16-22 SEPTEMBER The Jury Maria Lindholm Lindholmen Science Park Sweden Cathy Macharis VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium Fernando Liesa ALICE platform Spain / Belgium Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

22 Next edition? EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Smart mobility. Strong economy.
16-22 SEPTEMBER Next edition? Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

16-22 SEPTEMBER 6TH SUMP AWARD 2017 EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK theme: “Clean, shared and intelligent mobility” (already defined) 6th SUMP Award theme: Similar theme for the SUMP Award? With three ‘sub-themes’? Electromobility and clean vehicles? (originally proposed) Bank of topics Health dimensions in sustainable urban mobility planning Transport and social inclusion in times of demographic change (ageing society) Road safety challenges Considering behavior and attitudes of road traffic participants Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

24 Your questions? EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Email
16-22 SEPTEMBER Your questions? Website Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

25 Thank you for your attention!
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16-22 SEPTEMBER Thank you for your attention! Smart mobility. Strong economy. #mobilityweek

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