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Trends in the Periodic Table

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1 Trends in the Periodic Table

2 History of the Periodic Table
The first Periodic Table was devised by Dmitri Mendeleev Table was based on the number of protons Some elements were missing (under Si) Predicted properties based on trends that were observed 1886 – Germanium was discovered – predicted properties of Ge matched experimental properties

3 Introduction to Trends
Elements are arranged to show similarities and differences in properties Properties are related to: Number of protons (Nuclear Charge) Number of energy levels

4 Introduction to Trends
Nuclear charge: the nucleus contains positively charged protons, which attract negatively charged electrons. As the atomic number increases, the number of protons increases and therefore the nuclear charge increases. The higher the nuclear charge, the more strongly “held” (attracted) the valence shell electrons are to the nucleus. +++ +++ Lower nuclear charge weaker attraction Higher nuclear charge stronger attraction

5 Introduction to Trends
Energy levels (shells): Electrons are located outside of the nucleus in specific energy levels. These energy levels are a certain distance from the nucleus. The further from the nucleus the electrons are located, the less tightly “held” (attracted) to the nucleus they are. Row Number = Period Number = Numbers of Energy Levels +++ Less energy levels Valence electron closer to the nucleus Less shielding Stronger attraction More energy levels Valence electron further from the nucleus More shielding Weaker attraction +++

6 Atomic Radius As you go across the table (from left to right), the size of the atom decreases Reason: Higher nuclear charge “pulls” more on the outer valence shell electrons, making the overall size decrease 3 p p p p p p p p+

7 Atomic Radius Going down the table, the size increases
Reason: More energy levels weakens attraction between valence shell electrons and nucleus, making the overall size increase

8 Question: Arrange the following atoms in order of
increasing atomic radius (from smallest to largest): Sc, Ba, Se.

9 Answer: Se < Sc < Ba 4 shells 4 shells 6 shells 34 p+ 21 p+
less shielding  stronger more shielding  weaker “pull” “pull” on valence shell e on valence shell e- higher nuclear charge  stronger pull on e-

10 Atomic Radius decreases increases

11 Ionization Energy (I.E.)
Amount of energy required to remove ONE electron from an atom (in a gaseous state) +++ +++ ACROSS THE PERIODIC TABLE Lower nuclear charge, weaker attraction Higher nuclear charge, stronger attraction Easier to remove e- More difficult to remove e- Lower I.E. Higher I.E.

12 Ionization Energy (I.E.)
Amount of energy required to remove ONE electron from an atom (in a gaseous state) Less energy levels Valence electron closer to the nucleus Less shielding Stronger attraction Higher I.E. +++ DOWN THE PERIODIC TABLE More energy levels Valence electron further from the nucleus More shielding Weaker attraction Lower I.E. +++

13 Atomic Radius I. E. decreases increases increases decreases

14 Question: Arrange the following in order of increasing
ionization energy (lowest I.E. to highest I.E.): As, Sn, Br, Sr. Explain your reasoning.

15 Answer: Sr < Sn < As < Br 5 shells 5 shells 4 shells 4 shells
38 p p p p + more shielding  less less shielding  stronger “pull” “pull” on valence shell e on valence shell e- higher nuclear charge  stronger pull on e-

16 Atomic Radius I. E. decreases increases (non-metals: don’t want to
lose e-, therefore high I.E.) increases decreases (metals: want to lose e-, therefore low I.E.)

17 Electron Affinity (E. A.)
A change in energy that accompanies the addition of an electron to an atom in the gaseous state High affinity : High attraction; Easy to gain electron Low affinity: Low attraction; Difficult to gain electron

18 Atomic Radius I. E. E. A. decreases increases increases non-metals
want to gain e-, therefore high E.A. increases decreases decreases metals do not want to gain e-, therefore low E.A.

19 Question: Arrange the following atoms in order of
increasing E. A.(lowest to highest): F, Na, N, Rb, Al? Explain your reasoning.

20 Answer: Rb < Na < Al < N < F metals: low I.E.
non – metals: high I.E. Rb < Na < Al < N < F 5 shells shells shells shells shells 37 p p p p p + more shielding  weaker less shielding  weaker “pull” “pull” on valence shell e on valence shell e- higher nuclear charge  stronger pull on e-

21 Electronegativity (E.N.)
Measure of an atom’s ability to attract a shared pair of electrons in a chemical bond The difference in EN determines the type of bond that forms between atoms

22 Atomic Radius I. E. E. A. E. N. decreases increases increases

23 Question: Which element has the highest electronegativity?
Which element has the lowest electronegativity?


25 Reactivity Metals and non-metals generally react differently.
Metals react by _________________ electrons. Metals have __________ E.N. and ______ I.E. Non-metals react by ________________ electrons. Non-metals have _______ E.N. and ______ E. A. losing low low gaining high high

26 Question: Which metal is the most reactive?
Which non-metal is the most reactive? Which elements in the Periodic Table are the least reactive?

Answer: reactivity of metal decreases reactivity of non-metal increases MOST “ELECTRONEGATIVE” NON-METAL MOST “REACTIVE” NON-METAL reactivity of metal increases reactivity of non-metal decreases MOST “ELECTROPOSITIVE” METAL MOST “REACTIVE” METAL

28 Question: Order the following metals in order of
increasing reactivity (lowest to highest)? Cs Fe K

29 Answer: Fe < K < Cs Cs: more shells weaker hold on e-
lose e- easily, reactive Fe: More protons, stronger hold on e- Loses e- less easily less reactive

30 Electronegativity (E.N.)
How powerful an atom is at “pulling” or “attracting” electrons to itself when it is bonded to another atom The difference in EN determines the type of bond that forms between atoms Ionic Covalent

31 Bonding Continuum Covalent Ionic  E. N. < 1.7  E. N. > 1.7
 EN = EN of atom 1 – EN of atom 2 1.7 Covalent  E. N. < 1.7 Ionic  E. N. > 1.7

32 Bonding Continuum – “Mostly” Covalent Bonds
C - H C - F C F H EXAMPLE:  EN = EN of atom 1 – EN of atom 2  EN C – H bond = 2.1 – = 0.4, therefore COVALENT  EN C – F bond = 2.5 – = 1.5, therefore COVALENT

33 Bonding Continuum – “Mostly” Covalent Bonds
C - H C - F E. N. = 0 pure covalent Covalent  E. N. < 1.7 Ionic  E. N. > 1.7 0.5 <  E. N. < 1.7  E. N. < 0.5 NON – POLAR COVALENT e- shared “fairly equally” POLAR COVALENT e- shared “unequally”

34 Percent Ionic Character
% Ionic Character = ( E. N. ) 3.3 Bond % Ionic Character Na – Cl 2. C – H 3. C – F (2.1/3.3) * 100 = 64 % (0.4/3.3) * 100 = 12 % (1.5/3.3) * 100 = 45 %

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