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Literacy and Numeracy in P1

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1 Literacy and Numeracy in P1


3 Play in Primary One spontaneous play planned, purposeful play
Renewed focus on the continuity within the Early Level between Nursery and Primary 1 Research shows that active learning, including purposeful play, has a positive and lasting impact on children’s learning in pre-school and the early years of primary school. Types of play: spontaneous play planned, purposeful play investigating and exploring events and life experiences focused learning and teaching Nursery and Primary 1 are encompassed in the same curricular Level – Early Level. More recently there has been a more structured approach to P1 due to the busy curriculum, however research is now finding that this may not work for all children. While play will be central to your child’s learning in P1, it is important that there is progression and development from Nursery, where the majority of time is spent in spontaneous play with some planned activities. The types of play in Primary 1 will be well planned, varied and appropriate to the children’s development.

4 Literacy Term One Speaking and Listening (interactions, conversations, play, vocabulary development) Stories (5 a day, extended stories) Using the library (reading at home, P6 Reading Buddies) Rhyme Syllables Introduction to sounds through play The focus for Literacy in the first time will be developing their speaking and listening skills. This will mainly be achieved through their play with appropriate adult intervention, and many group times during the day reading stories and developing their understanding of rhyme and syllables. These will be incredibly important skills as they move forward to more structured Literacy learning.

5 Questioning through Reading
Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering How might the story have been different if Goldilocks had visited the three fishes? Do you think Goldilocks was good or bad? Why do you think so? What parts of the story could not actually have happened? If Goldilocks had come into your house, what are some of the things she might have used? Why did Goldilocks like the little Bear's chair best? What are some of the things that Goldilocks did in the Bears' house?

6 Extended Stories Goldilocks and the Three Bears

7 Literacy Terms Two - Four
Learning will slowly become more structured but play will continue to be a massive part of your child’s day. Literacy Rich Oxford Reading Tree

8 Literacy Rich Sounds (songs, actions, letter formation)
Blending sounds Segmenting words Tricky words

9 Oxford Reading Tree Meet the characters Wordless books
Extended Stories Books with words

10 How is reading taught and developed?
Key words - look and say Blending sounds – cat, man Using the pictures as clues Using context

11 Numeracy – SEAL (stages of early arithmetic learning)
A teaching progression for Numeracy, not including Mathematics Focus on the structure of number – provides a secure understanding on which to build further learning Children working through 5 stages: Emergent (begun during their time at Nursery and continued into Primary 1) Perceptual Figurative Counting On Facile (roughly end of P4)


13 The Emergent child Number Word Sequences Forwards and Backwards to 20
Alternate Numbers Saying the next number after/before Numerals to 10 Sequences forwards and backwards Sequencing numerals Recognising numerals Counting Visible Items Counting items in one collection Giving a certain number of items Counting items in rows forwards and backwards Counting items in two collections

14 The Emergent child Spatial Patterns Domino Patterns Finger Patterns
Term One – exploring many of these concepts through play, stories and songs Term Two – Four – more structured group activities Temporal Patterns/Sequences Copying and counting movements Copying and counting rhythmic patterns Copying and counting arythmical patterns Spatial Patterns Domino Patterns Random Arrays Pairs Patterns Matching these to sounds/actions Finger Patterns Seen and unseen (bunny ears) Doubles patterns Using fingers to track movements/sounds

15 From emergent to perceptual
Increase forward and backward number word sequences to 30 Recognising numerals up to 20 Counting items in two collections, but introduce ‘screening’ of one or both of the groups Build up number bonds to 10 Using pairs patterns and domino patterns, by looking at the dots and partitioning Using double sided counters to make random arrays in a variety of ways Using finger patterns Understanding doubles Sharing or grouping items equally

16 Important things to remember about SEAL
Focus on strategies – how did your child find that answer? Encourage them to discuss strategies! Counting forwards and backwards! Counting movements/sounds Provide challenge – can count to larger numbers but should also be able to discuss the value of larger digits, the number before and after, its position on a 100 square etc.

17 Primary One - Mathematics
Patterns Money Time Position Symmetry Bar Graphs Sorting objects (venn/carroll diagrams) Measuring length and weight 2D and 3D shape Many of these mathematical concepts will arise naturally through your child’s play. For example, the use of money in a shop role play area, use of the BeeBots to explore position, measuring equipment at the Numeracy area for your child to use as they wish.

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