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Piaţa românească de leasing şi credit de consum/

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1 Piaţa românească de leasing şi credit de consum/
Asociatia Societatilor Financiare din Romania/ Romanian Association of Financial Companies Piaţa românească de leasing şi credit de consum/ Romanian Leasing and Consumer Credit Market Jean – Claude Boloux, Presedinte ALB – Romania President of ALB – Romania October 23, 2008

2 (decembrie 2007 / December 2007)
Ponderea leasingului financiar si a creditului de consum in total credite acordate/ Weight of the financial leasing and consumer credit in the total granted credits Structura IFN după domeniul de activitate măsurat ca pondere în total credite acordate NBFI structure based on the activity field measured as a weight in the total granted credits (decembrie 2007 / December 2007) Procente Percentage Operaţiuni de factoring, scontare, forfetare/Factoring, Discount, Forfeiting Operations 1.14 Leasing financiar / Financial Leasing 81.89 Credite de consum şi vânzări în rate / Consumer Credits and Sales by Installments 7.73 Credite pentru investiţii imobiliare / Credits for Real Estate Investments 3.99 Microcredite / Micro-Credits 0.11 Credite de trezorerie/ Treasury Credits 3.49 Credite pentru finanţarea stocurilor şi pentru echipamente / Credits for Stocks Financings and for Equipment 0.85 Alte tipuri de credite / Other Types of Credits 0.8 Sursa/Source: BNR

3 Weight & Dynamics of the leasing and of the Non - Governmental Credit
Gradul de penetrare a IFN, dinamica leasingului si a creditului neguvernamental / Weight & Dynamics of the leasing and of the Non - Governmental Credit Sursa/Source: BNR

4 Dinamica pietei de leasing/ Romanian Leasing Market in Dynamics

5 Sursa/Source: BNR - ALB
Sursa/Source: INSSE - ALB

6 Sursa/Source: INSSE - ALB

7 Total bunuri finantate in functie de tipul finantatorilor/ Total Asset Value by Type of Lessors (000) Euro

8 Total societati/ Total Companies Total societati ALB/ ALB Companies
Cadrul legislativ intre bun si mai putin bun Legislative framework between good and less good Total societati/ Total Companies Total societati ALB/ ALB Companies Q2 2007 Q2 2008 Registrul General/ General Register 155 277 5 31 Registrul Special/ Special Register 52 22 30

9 ALB CHART . AGA BOD Secretariat General Compliance/ Controlling
Internal Censors BOD External Audit Secretariat General Leasing Council Technical Committees Risk Legal Fiscal / Accounting Logistics / Operational Factoring Council Technical Committees Risk Legal Fiscal / Accounting Mortgage Credit Council Technical Committees Risk Legal Fiscal / Accounting Consumer Credit Council Technical Committees Risk Legal Fiscal / Accounting

10 Cadrul legislativ intre bune si mai putin bune/ Legislative framework between good and less good
Weaknesses: No penal restrictions for illegal practice No access to data bases for risk management (CRB, CIP, Credit Bureau) Two Registers imposing different rules having as main criteria the volume of business: Different capital adequacy criteria in the Special Register. Different internal organizational rules in the Special Register Consequences: Increase of financial fraud Consumer Credit – increase of default Unfair competition: a. 2 Registers = double standards b. European Passport = 3rd standard

11 Actions to be taken: New text of NBFI Law, bringing:
unique standards strong supervision from NBR antifraud penalties penalties to illegal actors access to CRB, CIP, Credit Bureau ALB – IGPR co-operation Strict measures to be taken by ALB members

12 Conclusions Good dialogue with the NBR Good dialogue with the ARB
Activity of NBFI to be Properly structured Properly supervised To contribute to the development of the Romanian economy

13 Thank you for your kind attention!
Jean-Claude Boloux ALB President Romanian Association of Financial Companies - ALB

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