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Biomes By Jade Brasher.

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1 Biomes By Jade Brasher

2 The Tundra

3 Precipitation- the tundra receives less than 10 inches of precipitation annually
Temperature- in the winter, the average temperature is below -30 degrees. In the summer, the average temperature is between degrees.

4 Plants of the Tundra Arctic Dwarf Willow Arctic Lichen
The Arctic Lichen’s adaptation is the ability to grow almost anywhere! It is seen in this picture growing on bare rock. Arctic Dwarf Willow The Arctic Dwarf Willow’s adaptation to the snow is its shallow root system. This is due to the amount of permafrost. Its leaves have also adapted by growing fuzzy hairs. Arctic Lichen

5 Animals of the Tundra Arctic Fox Snowy Owl
The Arctic Fox’s adaptations to the cold climate is its short ears and short, round body that minimized the amount of skin exposed to the frigid air. The Snowy Owl’s adaptations to the cold climate is its thick layer of feathers on its body and feet.

6 Environmental Concerns
The Tundra Location Interesting Facts The tundra is located in the far northern hemisphere. Only 48 mammals can be found in the tundra. The tundra is covered in marshes, lakes, bogs, and streams in the summer. Websites and Environmental Concerns The environmental concern for this biome is global warming. If the ice melts, it will release a lot of water into the oceans. Also the amount of carbon dioxide in the air will increase.

7 The Taiga

8 Precipitation- The taiga receives 12-33 inches of rain annually
Temperature- In the summer, the temperature can get as low as 20 degrees, but as high as 70 degrees. In the winter, the temperature ranges from -60 degrees to 30 degrees.

9 Plants of the Taiga The Douglas Fir The Siberian Spruce
The Siberian Spruce’s adaptation is the color of its needles. The dark green helps the needles absorb sunlight to quicken the process of photosynthesis. The Douglas Fir’s adaptation is its pyramid shape that helps the snow fall off of it easily. The Douglas Fir The Siberian Spruce

10 Animals of the Taiga Wolverine River Otter
The wolverine has very strong jaws that help it bite through frozen meat. The River Otter’s adaptation is its two types of fur. One type is its outer layer- the guard. It keeps the otter warm while it’s swimming in the water. The other type is its inner layer. It’s like a thermal layer for extra warmth.

11 Environmental Concerns
The Taiga Interesting Facts Location In the taiga, there are millions of insects in the summer. The spring and fall in the taiga are so short, you hardly know they exist. The taiga is the largest biome in the world! The Taiga is located in the northern hemisphere, in parts of Canada, Scandinavia, Western Russia, and Northern North America. Environmental Concerns Websites The cutting down of trees could be bad for animals who seek refuge within the branches. Also for animals who eat the trees. and

12 The Desert

13 Precipitation- The desert receives under 15 cm of rain annually
Temperature- The desert’s average temperature is degrees in the winter. In the summer, the average is degrees.

14 Plants in the Desert The Barrel Cactus The Jumping Cholla
The Barrel Cactus’ adaptation is its dangerous and sharp pulps that defend it from animals. The Barrel Cactus The Jumping Cholla The Jumping Cholla’s adaptation is its silvery spines that “jump” on a predator if it gets too close!

15 Animals of the Desert Gila Monster Mexican Gray Wolf
The Gila Monster’s adaptation is its coloration that keeps it camouflaged from its predators. Another adaptation is its poisonous venom. Gila Monster Mexican Gray Wolf The Mexican Gray Wolf’s adaptation is its large nose for smelling out its prey. Its ears also turn very quickly to pick up sounds of its prey.

16 Environmental Concerns
The Desert Interesting Facts Location There are different types of deserts. There is the best known type which is hot. But there is also such thing as a cold desert. Desert biomes are located in many parts of the world. There are some in Africa, Australia, Asia, and North America. Websites Environmental Concerns and Scientists believe that over-cultivation is extending deserts beyond their boundaries.

17 The Temperate Forest

18 Precipitation- the temperate forest receives 2-5 feet of rain annually
Temperature- the temperate forest’s average temperature is degrees with an average of 50 degrees all year long.

19 Plants of the Temperate Forest
The American Beech Tree’s adaptation is its ability to absorb any moisture in the ground. It also has many leaves that take in lots of sunlight. Pecan Tree The Pecan Tree likes rich, moist, well drained soil. It’s bark is susceptible to fire, but leaves many seeds to be grown if it gets burned. American Beech Tree

20 Animals of the Temperate Forest
Weasel Weasels are very small to help them hide from predators. They are also very good fighters to help them defend themselves. Weasels are also very silent to help them move around the forest without getting heard by a hungry predator. Dhole The Dhole has many hunting adaptations. It is a great swimmer so it can go after otters and other animals. It also has a very keen sense of smell.

21 Environmental Concerns
The Temperate Forest Interesting Facts Location Temperate forests are located in Eastern Asia, Central and Western Europe, and in the Eastern United States. The forests that are in our area are temperate forests. Websites Environmental Concerns and Scientists are concerned that temperate forests are being destroyed by trees being cut down too frequently.

22 The Grasslands

23 Precipitation- annual rainfall is between 24-59 inches
Temperature- temperatures in the temperate grassland are between -40 to 100 degrees annually. In the savanna they can get much hotter

24 Plants in the Grasslands
Umbrella Thorn Acacia Buffalo Grass Umbrella Thorn Acacias can be found in the African savanna. They have very little leaves to prevent water loss in hot temperatures. Buffalo grass can be found in the temperate grasslands. It has a high tolerance to droughts and extreme temperatures.

25 Animals in the Grasslands
Rabbit Aardwolf Aardwolves can be found in the African savanna. They have the ability to poof their fur out to look bigger to scare predators. Rabbits can be found in the temperate grasslands. Rabbits have very long ears to listen for predators.

26 Environmental Concerns
The Grasslands Location Interesting Facts The grasslands can be found in North America, Africa, Europe, and pretty much all over the world on every continent except Antarctica. Grasslands have many different names. In America they are called prairies. In Africa, the savanna. And in Europe, steppes. Environmental Concerns Websites and Scientists are afraid natural prairies in North America will soon disappear due to the amount of farming that is done upon them.

27 The Tropical Rainforest

28 Precipitation- there is 50-260 inches of rain in the tropical rainforest annually
Temperature- the temperature ranges from 68 to 93 degrees annually. The average is 77 degrees.

29 Plants in the Tropical Rainforest
Bougainvillea The Bougainvillea is a vine that clings onto other trees to grow toward sunlight. Kapok Tree The Kapok Tree has large spines on its trunk to discourage damage to its trunk.

30 Animals in the Tropical Rainforest
Sloth Orangutan The orangutan has long, strong arms for traveling among trees. The sloth has two front claws on its feet. These claws help it to defend itself. They also help the sloth to climb trees.

31 The Tropical Rainforest
Interesting Facts Location The Tropical Rainforest is the smallest biome, but is thought to be the habitat with the largest amount of organisms. The Tropical Rainforest is located in three parts of the world: Central America, Africa (Zaire Basin), and Indo-Malaysia Environmental Concerns Websites and Scientists are concerned about the plant life of the tropical rainforest. They are afraid farmers cut down too many trees to make more room for crops.

32 The End

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