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Prototype Presentation

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1 Prototype Presentation
SWIM MEET SIGN UP Prototype Presentation Team 03: Archan Dutta Deepanshu Suneja Jenny Greer Rasleen Sahni Swasti Sharma Vibhanshu Sharma Client: Davey Lam Treasurer, Arcadia Riptides Swim Club September 29, 2017

2 ROADMAP Core Capabilities User Personas Risks Prototypes 1 and 2
Project description Core Capabilities User Personas Risks Why these Risks to Prototype? How do the prototypes add value? Prototypes 1 and 2

3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Develop a website that allows parents to sign-up their kids for swimming events and generate a pdf/csv of the events and the kids participating in those event.

4 CORE CAPABILITIES Parents can sign up their children for swim events they qualify for Head Coach will have a list of swimmers and which events they can participate in Head Coach can modify swimmers event information Information about swim events will be extracted from a pdf file

Age: 40 Gender: Female Location: Glendale, CA Sarah has a 12 year old son, Tyler, who is on the swim team Tyler has dreams of being on the US swim team and swim in the Olympics in Tokyo Most Visited Websites: Facebook, Instagram, Allrecipes Mobile phone Samsung Galaxy 8 Windows 10 laptop with Firefox Sarah has a 12 year old son, Tyler, who is on the swim team. Tyler has dreams of being on the US swim team and swim in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Sarah signs up her son for all competition that he qualifies for, so that he can get lots of practice. Sarah also has a 10 year old daughter in dance. Sarah is very busy with both of her kids practices and doesn’t have a lot of extra time.

6 CHARLES – HEAD COACH Age: 56 Gender: Male Location: Pasadena, CA
Head Swim Coach for 15 years Teaches swim lessons to children starting at the age of 6 3 of his swimmers make it to the Olympics “Computers are a necessary evil” Online only when he needs to get information for swim activities Desktop computer using Microsoft Internet Explorer Sarah has a 12 year old son, Tyler, who is on the swim team. Tyler has dreams of being on the US swim team and swim in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Sarah signs up her son for all competition that he qualifies for, so that he can get lots of practice. Sarah also has a 10 year old daughter in dance. Sarah is very busy with both of her kids practices and doesn’t have a lot of extra time.

7 Risk Mitigation Action Items
RISKS Rank Risk Description What causes this risk? Risk Mitigation Action Items P(L) 1-10 S(L) 1-10 RE 1 Information extraction from PDF The format is specific to the client and there are no available solutions that can be used without lot of modifications. 1- Research tools/technologies and procedures for PDF extraction 2- Run Prototype on a PDF to see if it works. 4 9 36 2 Easy to use UI/UX for the end-users. Since, the end-user has broad demographics, the UI/UX should be able to consider this and be suitable for head-coach and the parents. Develop prototypes for the UI and get feedback from the users on the UI" 5 20 3 A lot depends on the format of the PDF that is being provided. Suppose in future if the PDF format changes, then the system becomes useless. 18 Non-involvement of other stakeholders. Currently, we have met only one of the stakeholders. The team might not be able to understand the key-requirements and value propositions of the stakeholders. Get in touch in with other stakeholders such as the head coach and parents for the purpose of designing interface for all users".. Risk of using obsolete tools and technology during development Limited number of tools availability in the market Research on available tools and get client agreement on the final tool used. 6

Based on Risk Exposure, the team has identified two major risks: Risk 1 : Information Extraction from PDF Risk Exposure = 36 Risk 2: UI/UX for end-users Risk Exposure = 20

Reduces the risk exposure by evaluating these early in the development process Reduce technical risk associated with extracting information from a pdf Foundational requirement UI Prototype is helping us more accurately capture the user requirements Helps us make sure we are on the same page as the customer Foundation requirement means if this doesn’t work, we will have a hard time delivering the product. This project assumes we can get the data from this file and display it in a manner friendly to the users Being on the same page as the customer helps us avoid rework and delivering a product that is not wanted.

Prototype: PHP integration with PDFBox Extracting the text Parsing to fetch meaningful information

The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents This allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents

Able to grab top 46 items from page 2

13 Prototype 2: Some Basic Guidelines for UI/UX
Navigation: Important buttons away from Axis of Interaction Instructive buttons Avoid New Windows and Pop-ups Design/Look: Colors and Contrast Font and Font Size

14 Inappropriate Design 1: Congested UI
User Interface design helps in achieving the objective of a website. If the design is complicated, inconsistent and hard to figure, then it does not appeal the user. Project critical stakeholder being elderly people, website should be appealing, simple, self-explanatory to the user Figure on the left is a bad example of website for this project. It is congested, hard to read and understand and thus, a bad UI design.

15 Inappropriate Design 2: Inconsistent UI
Color consistency plays a significant role in UI/UX design. No matter how good the website’s functionality, if it won’t attract users, then the application is of no use. Some parents of the kids, who are success critical stakeholders of this project, might be color-blind or have low/bad eyesight. Thus, keeping all these factors, team has created layout designs for the website. Figure on the right is an example of website that has multi-variant colors, which might appeal the kids but definitely not the elderly parents. Thus, avoiding such color choices and keeping consistent pattern in the web pages is preferred.

16 Inappropriate Design 3: Complex UI
Webpage navigation plays a significant role in UI/UX design. It is necessary that the team creates a UI, that is not only simple and consistent but also accessible with easy navigation. Snapshot on the left displays a complex, non-standard webpage which is hard to navigate for older people. We cannot say this as an ideal webpage.

17 : Homepage

18 Login Page

19 : Events Page

20 Payments Page

21 User Profile Page

22 Head-Coach Page

23 NEXT STEPS Prototype 1: Prototype 2:
(i) Extract Information from remaining tables (ii) Extract text from the “General Information Page” Prototype 2: (i) Improve Navigation and Design (ii) Client Feedback


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