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Benzene and Aromaticity

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Presentation on theme: "Benzene and Aromaticity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benzene and Aromaticity

2 Bonding in Benzene

3 Proposed Benzene Structures

4 C6H6 reacts with HBr to form one isomer of C6H5Br

5 Other Conjugated Hydrocarbon Rings Annulenes

6 DHhyd Data Illustrates Stability

7 Benzene Representations

8 Molecular Orbitals of Benzene


10 M.O.’s of Cyclobutadiene

11 6 p Electrons is Stable 4 or 8 p Electrons is not

12 Huckel’s Rule: 4N + 2

13 In Order to Exhibit Aromaticity a Compound Must…
- Cyclic - Planar - Conjugated throughout - Has a “Huckel #” of p electrons o 4N + 2 where N is any integer or 0 § hence, 2,6,10,14 p e-

14 Naphthalene

15 Pyridine, an Aromatic Heterocycle

16 Pyridine as a Base

17 Pyrrole

18 Pyrrole as a Base

19 Other Aromatic Heterocycles

20 Cyclopentadiene as an Acid pKa = 16

21 Cyclopentadienyl ion: One is Aromatic, one is Antiaromatic

22 Resonance Depictions of the Ions

23 Tropylium Ion

24 Aromatic?

25 Aromatic, Anti-Aromatic or Nonaromatic?

26 Some Well-known Aromatic Compounds

27 Designer Drugs

28 Nomenclature

29 Disubstitution ortho, meta and para

30 Disubstitution Nomenclature

31 Aromatic Template Names

32 More Common Names

33 Aromatic Ring as a Substituent

34 Name These


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