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Beheerliggaam - Deon Labuschagne
The School Governing Body had a few challenges during the past year. The biggest of course was the resignation of both our chairman, Mr. P du Plessis and our vice chair, Me L Willers due to personal reasons. Both of them had vast amounts of experience and guided us on the road to excellence. They left a huge void to fill. They will be sorely miss We also welcomed new members to the SGB. Mr. CN Swart, Ms. Ilonka Barnard and Mr. D de Bruin. They bring a new, unique set of skills to our school and we are honored to have them as part of the Governing Body of our beloved Denneoord. As we reach the end of the year, it is with a grateful heart that we look back on all that Denneoord Primary has achieved during Thank you to the headmaster, Mr. H Du Plessis, teachers, staff, parents and children of Denneoord Primary. We appreciate all the hard work you have all put into the school during May you all have a blessed Christmas and prosperous Enjoy the break and be safe. Gedurende die afgelope jaar het die Beheerliggaam n paar uitdagings gehad. Die grootste was die bedanking van beide ons voorsitter, Mr. P du Plessis en ons ondervoorsitter, Me L Willers weens persoonlike redes. Hulle het `n geweldige hoeveelheid ondervinding tussen hulle gehad wat hulle uitstekend gebruik het om ons te lei op n strewe na uitnemendheid. Hulle laat `n groot gaping en ons mis hulle beslis. Ons het egter ook nuwe lede bygekry. Mr. CN Swart, Me I Barnard en Mr. D de Bruin. Hierdie mense bring nuwe en unieke gawes na die Beheerliggaam en ons is trots en ge-eërd om hulle as lede van die span te hê. Soos die einde van die jaar nader sel is dit met `n dankbare hart wat ons terugkyk na alles wat Laerskool Denneoord vermag het. `n Besondere woord van dank aan ons hoof, Mr H du Plessis, onderwysers, personeel, ouers en leerders van Laerskool Denneoord. Ons waardeer jul toewyding en harde werk. Mag julle `n geseënde Kersfees en `n voorspoedige 2017 hê. Geniet die blaaskans en kom veilig terug.
Toekenningsaand - Karen du Plessis
Tydens die afgelope Toekenningsaand is baie van Laerskool Denneoord se leerders beloon vir hul harde werk gedurende Aan elke leerder wat ‘n toekenning ontvang het wil ons net weereens geluk sê. Uitsonderlike Toekennings - Junior Cuwin Baker Gr 1 Tennis: Junior Speler van die jaar Lilitha Luyeye Gr 1 Athletics: Junior Victor Ludorum Joshua Pijoos Gr 2 Rugby: Junior Player of the year Leah Manuel Gr 2 Hockey: Junior Player of the year Alexander Ehlers Gr 3 Skaak: Junior Speler van die jaar Lihle Toto Gr 3 Hockey: Junior Player of the year Cricket: Junior Player of the year Uyobanam Gulani Gr 3 Netball: Junior Player of the year Athletics: Junior Victrix Ludorum Zoë Barnard Gr 3 Akademie: Erekleure Gr 3
Uitsonderlike Toekennings - Seniors
Faith Hartley Gr 7 Outstanding Môreson Learner Ilse-Maree Pretorius Gr 7 Outstanding Behaviour Continuous Hard Worker Lara Ras Gr 7 Voortreflike Gedrag Kaylee de Kock Gr 7 Deurlopende Harde Werker Jivanio Faniso Gr 7 Entrepreneur van die Jaar - Silwer Kyla Meyer Gr 7 Entrepreneur van die Jaar - Goud Matthew McCombi Gr 6 Music: South Cape Children's’ Choir Lelanie Willers Gr 7 Musiek: Lid van die Suid-Kaap Kinderkoor Liyabona Zuka Gr 4 Athletics: Senior Victor Ludorum Aaron Opperman Gr 5 Cricket: Senior Player of the year Tiardt Botes Gr 6 Skaak: Senior Speler van die Jaar Xandre Labuschagne Gr 6 Hokkie: Senior Speler van die Jaar Abulele Ndabambi Gr Rugby: Senior Player of the year Sport: SWD Colours in Rugby Keanu Kapank Gr Sport: SWD Klere ontvang in Tennis Tennis: Senior Speler van die Jaar Roche Andries Gr Netbal: Senior Speler van die Jaar Sibonelo Ndaba Gr Hockey: Senior Player of the Year Jeslyne Fridie Gr Academic: Colours Gr 4 Mlibo Masala Gr Academic: Colours Gr 4 Conryn le Fleur Gr Academic: Colours Gr 5 Jaydin Manuel Gr Academic: Colours Gr 5 Lauren Michaels Gr Academic: Colours Gr 5 Paige Richter Gr Akademie: Erekleure Gr 5
Spesiale Toekennings - Karen du Plessis
Uitsonderlike Toekennings - Seniors (Vervolg) Francois de Bruin Gr 6 Akademie: Erekleure Gr 6 Tyreke Naidoo Gr 6 Academic: Colours Gr 6 Kaylee de Kock Gr 7 Akademie: Erekleure Gr 7 Lara Ras Gr 7 Akademie: Erekleure Gr 7 Gedurende die Toekenningsaand maak Laerskool Denneoord die Spesiale Toekennings bekend wat die hoogste vlak van toekenning is wat deur die skool oorhandig word. Spesiale Toekennings - Juniors Uyobanam Gulani Gr 3 Junior Sports Girl of the year Lihle Toto Gr 3 Junior Sports Boy of the year Zoë Barnard Gr 3 Dux Leerder - Junior Spesiale Toekennings - Seniors Yibanathi Mtsi Gr 7 Outstanding Sport Achievement Outside School Lelanie Willers Gr 7 Voortrekker Penning vir Leierskap Roché Andries Gr 7 Senior Sport Dogter van die Jaar Abulele Ndabambi Gr 7 Senior Sports Boy of the Year Arno Boltman Gr 7 Skoolhooftoekenning van die Jaar Mlibo Masala Gr 7 Dux Learner Gr 4 Paige Richter Gr 7 Dux Leerder Gr 5 Francois de Bruin Gr 7 Dux Leerder Gr 6 Lara Ras Gr 7 Dux Leerder Gr 7
Grade R - Vanessa Gerber
We had such a busy full year. We had our very first “AMAZING RACE” on the 28th of February. We invited neighbouring schools and much fun was had by all. We held awesome sporting events, fun days and outings, even went to the Cango Wildlife Ranch this year and saw some amazing wild animals. We picked strawberries at the Redberry Farm- delicious. We took part in the athletics day held in the beginning of the year. We celebrated winter by making hot chocolate and pan cakes, we even learnt how to make our very own sandwiches…. We had a fun sports day and had our faces painted. We also welcomed spring by planting our very own plants in our brand new garden, in the 3rd term to celebrate spring. We also had so many visitors at school this year, from the traffic department, to the police, even the fire department came to teach us more about safety and fire. We were visited by the police dog unit, which was a lot of fun. They came to talk to us about drugs and how to say NO. They educated us about the dangers out there in the world and what to do if we find ourselves exposed to drugs. We covered so many interesting themes this year and we learnt so many poems and had so much fun messing, painting and being creative while doing our art activities. What a glorious year! We spoke about the following themes:,” Our new school, shapes and colours, My unique face, My body, My Family my pets, Farm animals, Wild animals, Dinosaurs, Safety around us, Personal hygiene, Space, day and night, the planets, Shopping, emotions, my senses, “ just to name a few.
Grade R - Vanessa Gerber
We took part in the eisteddfod visual arts this year where 6 of our learners got gold certificates. We had our year end concert in the 4th term and we had such a lovey evening with our parents and family who came to support us. The children were blessed with brand new school bags from Solidariteid. We also handed out the diplomas to the grade R’s at the end the year. Looking forward to 2017 to being even better than 2016. Recommendations for future: 2017 Next year we will have more frequent and regular small class fundraisers eg: dress up day once a month Outings: term 1 strawberry farm Term 3: Cango wild life ranch. AND TRAFFIC DEP VISIT. DANIE KAT. Term 4: the mall/movies/shopping. T-shirt project in term 1 Take part in the Eisteddfod visual arts and poetry division
Grondslagfase - Heidi Pool
Dit was met baie entoesiasme en opwinding dat ons in Januarie die jaar afgeskop het Klein lyfies het met blink gepoetste skoene en breë Colgate glimlaggies opgedaag has proven to be quite a phenomenal year for us! In our classrooms, on the sport fields, culturally, as well as socially and emotionally, our little ones have once again outdone themselves. Ons graad 1 leerders het die jaar leer lees, skryf en somme doen! Wat ‘n merkwaardige prestasie. Dit is fantasties om te sien hoe u kinders voor ons oë ontluik en deur die jaar in selfvertroue toeneem. Our grade 2’s development has been holistic in that they are now ready to become the seniors in the foundation phase. The grade 3’s have been equipped with only the best to take forward with them into the next phase of their schooling career. The roots of our young saplings which we, as a combined team, have nurtured over their 3 years, are ready to sprout forth and bear fruit. Ons deel graag die uitslae van ons formele assessering met u. Maths Eng HL Afr FAL Wisk Afr HT Eng EAT Grade 1 53% 62% 83% 57% 66% 73% Grade 2 71% 68% 67% 69% Grade 3 58% 64% 63% 59%
Leerondersteuning – Karin Louw
LEERONDERSTEUNING/ LEARNING SUPPORT Children develop at their own pace, depending on whether their needs are met and if they can cope effectively with the challenges they face. What a teacher should see is a group of individuals unique unto themselves. Not until differences are seen, is the teacher ready to teach, because learning to know the child precedes teaching him or her. Afrikaans-, sowel as Engelse leerders vanaf Gr R – 4 ontvang weekliks leerondersteuning t.o.v. lees, spelling, skryf, taalverryking en wiskunde. Daar word veral gekonsentreer op Ouditiewe en Visuele Persepsie, Groot- en Fyn Motoriese Ontwikkeling asook Taalontwikkeling tydens Gr R onderrig. Hierdie leerders word in ‘n kleiner groep uit die klassituasie onttrek. During Learning Support lessons, provision is made for differentiation so that each child is able to progress to the best of his/her ability at their own pace to consolidate understanding. Sommige leerders se werk het gedurende die jaar so mooi verbeter dat ons in staat was om hulle uit die leerondersteuningsgroep te skakel. Baie dankie vir dié kollegas en ouers wat altyd bereid is om die ekstra myl saam met die leerders te loop.
Biblioteek– Karin Louw
BIBLIOTEEK/ LIBRARY Reading is one of the most effective means by which one can become acquainted with the past and understand the present. It is invaluable for the development of a child’s personality. The library is run by a group of very hardworking and dedicated library prefects who help with the issuing of books, as well as keeping the library in order. Leerders kry geleentheid om die biblioteek gedurende pouses en na skool te besoek om boeke uit te neem. The foundation phase learners are keen readers and it is a pleasure to help them every week when they visit. Ons hartlike dank aan die 14 biblioteekprefekte van 2016 vir hul uitstekende werk en entoesiasme waarmee hulle die afgelope jaar hul taak in die biblioteek verrig het . Dit gaan nie ongesiens verby nie!
English gr 4-7 Hermien Kadé (Home language & Additional language)
2016 was the year for change. An opportunity to move our English Home Language and English FAL to a higher level. Planning to uplift the standard to a higher level took a lot of time and consideration. A workshop presented by Mrs Beukes from the Department of Education, helped me to reconstruct and roll out a new level of English at Denneoord Primary. The results during the June examination had me worried as the learners were not on standard and would fall behind. With hard work, time, intervention and revision before every assessment, teacher and parent involvement the unthinkable became a reality. Gr. 5, 6 and 7 improved from a failing average in the June to a passing average for November exam. This made every setback we faced this year worth it. The recipe for success in English, will be based on hard work, parents involvement, learner support, motivation, intervention and revision. English FAL will be targeted in 2017 where I feel we need to lift the standard of our Afrikaans speaking learners. Systemic testing was done and my feeling, was that, we are on the right track. Again Gr. 6 parents were supporting their children, encouraging them all the way to study and prepare. It was a very hard and difficult road to bring our learners, especially Gr. 7 learners, to a level where we can send them to High School without a doubt in our minds. I wish them the best of luck. For us staying behind, hold on ….. here we come, aiming for excellence in English!
Afrikaans gr 4-7 Ray-Jean Wright (Huistaal & Addisionele taal)
Wiskunde gr 4-7 Karen du Plessis Afrikaans gr 4-7 Ray-Jean Wright (Huistaal & Addisionele taal) Laerskool Denneoord se wiskunde department is tans baie sterk. Dit is veral omdat ons ervare kundige onderwysers het wat hier werksaam is. Twee nuwe personeel lede is in 2016 betrek in die wiskunde department nl. Me Debbie Bezuidenhout en Me Jana Larson. Albei die dames lewer uitstekende werk en elkeen het groot sukses behaal gedurende die jaar. Wiskunde bly ‘n uitdagende vak vir die leerders en ons is oortuig dat dit vir hulle baie meer verstaanbaar sal wees indien dit deel gemaak kan word van hul leef wêreld. Measuring is one of these problem areas where parents can help us. If mom is busy in the kitchen, let your child measure the ingredients. In this way it becomes part of their lives and they understand it better in the maths class. Also when dad is doing work around the house, let your child measure, add and subtract with you. Die wiskunde departement bly onveranderd in 2017 en daarom sien ons uit na ‘n jaar waarin elke leerder die wiskunde beter sal verstaan en kan toepas. We wish every child and their families a wonderful festive season. Die jaar het sommer met ‘n groot slag afgeskop. Sommer van die begin af, het ons personeel en leerders aan die werk gespring om hul Afrikaans as taal te verbeter. Soos ons almal weet, bestaan Afrikaans uit verskeie komponente, soos bv. Luisterbegrip, leesbegrip, hardop lees, skriftelike werk, mondeling en taalstrukture en konvensies. Dit is heelwat om deur te werk en te assesseer. Die uitslae van kwartaal 1 en 2, het getoon dat sommige van ons leerders se taal nie op standaard is nie. Gesprekke het tussen al die betrokke onderwysers plaasgevind en ons het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat leerders nie meer lees nie en hulle dink dat hulle nie vir ‘n taal hoef te leer nie omdat hulle dit dan kan praat. Ongelukkig, werk dit nie so nie. Leerders moet aangemoedig word om gedurig te lees. Ouers word dus ook aangemoedig om leesstof vir hul kinders te kry waarin die kind belangstel. Soms kan ons kinders lees, maar weet nie altyd wat hulle gelees het nie. Dit het met die leesbegrip te doen. Toets die kind gedurig wanneer hy/sy vir u lees. Verskeie taalaspekte moet ook geleer word sodat dit korrek toegepas kan word. Te veel leerders het hierdie jaar nie hul huiswerk gedoen nie en dit het ook tot die bekommernis bygedra. Taal is iets wat elke dat gedoen moet word. Die Sistemiese Assesserings, het getoon dat ons heel goed met die ander skole in ons kring vergelyk, maar ons by Denneoord glo dat daar altyd ruimte vir verbetering is. Ek moedig alle ouers aan om konsekwent by u kind se Afrikaanse ontwikkeling betrokke te bly.
Fondsinsameling komitee - Jeandré Spangenberg
2016 was in baie opsigte weereens ‘n uiters suksesvolle jaar. Dit is besonder aangenaam om verbonde te wees aan die Beheerliggaam van Laerskool Denneoord, maar ‘n groter voorreg om betrokke te wees as ouer by die skool. Dit was ‘n besige Ons het ‘n paar groot fondsinsamelings projekte geloods. Op 20 Februarie het die skool die kleuters van ander klein kleuterskole vergas met ons gr. R se “Amazing Race”. Op 17 Maart het die leerders van Laerskool Denneoord teen mekaar meegeding in die jaarlikse “Hol en Jol”. Op 28 April het ons op ‘n baie deftige aand ons skool se “Mnr. en Mej. Denneoord” gekroon. Die onderwysers en ouers het baie hard gewerk en die kinders het pragtige gelyk! Op 2 Mei het ons jaarlikse Driehoekige byeenkoms plaasgevind. Dankie vir al die ouers wat so hard saamgewerk het! Mev. Karen du Plessis het weereens die “Gesiggie Projek” geloods gedurende die tweede kwartaal. ‘n Baie groot ”Dankie” aan al ons ouers, personeel, leerders en ondersteuners wat so hard gewerk het om van alles ‘n sukses te maak. ‘n Spesiale dank gaan ook aan ons borge. Sonder julle sou ons funksies en sportdae nie so ‘n groot sukses gewees het nie.
Finansiële komitee – Deon Labuschagne
2016 has been relatively good for Denneoord Primary from a financial perspective. We managed to reach and complete a few of our goals and projects that were set in the beginning of the year. Ek is seker daarvan dat almal baie bly en trots is op ons parkeerarea en die nuwe Graad R terrein. (Die wat dit nog nie gesien het nie moet gaan kyk hoe lyk Duppie die draak daar by die graad R speelgrond) om net 2 uit te lig. Baie dankie aan die ouers wat so getrou hul skoolfonds betaal het en die skool ondersteun het met fondsinsamelings pogings. Sonder julle sou ons nie kon doen wat ons gedoen het nie. Our school fees for 2017 have been approved and I am very proud that we were able to keep them at a level well below some of the other schools in our area. Ons will u ook uitnooi om met ons te kom gesels indien u enige probleme ondervind met die betaling van skoolfonds. A special word of thanks to my financial committee, our headmaster, Mr H du Plessis, Ms H Pool and Ms M du Plessis (Our financial secretary and the person who keeps us all in line). I really appreciate your hard work and the long hours that you dedicate to our finances to ensure that all remains sound. Gaan rus goed want volgende jaar maak ons weer so.
Safety and Security – Margaret Ruth van der Merwe
We as a school, believe that the health and safety of every individual on the premises is important and as such have taken many steps to ensure this. The procedures we follow and decisions we make are not always immediate, but are always executed as quickly as budget , meetings and construction allow. Our Health and safety policy has been drafted, checked and is in the process of being accepted by the governing body. Health and safety officers were sourced from outside the school to do a thorough check and spot any discrepancies or problems that we may have omitted. I am proud to say that we are in good shape and not much needed to be addressed. All our equipment has been checked and refilled and are all in good working order. Our evacuation drill was also successful and treated with respect. A good sense of urgency was demonstrated. We believe that we are as ready as we can be in the case of a real emergency. Minor incidents that occurred on the grounds, were dealt with immediately and as such hardly warrant mentioning. Many courses were attended this year, including a drug testing information session, cluster, evacuation, safe schools and 1st Aid meetings. We have also organised our parking area at the back of the school and we are confident that it is safe. Our parents can now utilize allocated parking bays. I thank all the staff for their input into the safety of our learners and parents. Without you all, it would not be possible to manage a 100 % safety net. Looking forward to working with you all again next year. Be safe.
Dissiplinêre komitee – Maryna Venter
The new camera system at the school has contributed to incidents being resolved in a faster and more effective manner. Bullying has always been a constant companion of school life. However, incidents have decreased significantly and we are attributing this to the fact that our learners are increasingly aware of the decent values being promoted by the teachers during our weekly assemblies. Positive Discipline / Positiewe Dissipline: Role of the Parents / Ouers se rol - Know the school’s code of conduct and encourage your child to uphold it. - Versterk die gedragskode van die skool deur primêre verantwoordelikheid vir u kind se gedrag te aanvaar. - Communicate regularly with your child about his/her school day. Children always have the need to share what happened at school. - Versterk leer tuis deur gereeld u kind se huiswerk na te gaan. - Be involved with your child by supporting his/her academic and extra-mural activities. - Luister altyd met ‘n oop gemoed na u kind en die opvoeder. - Teach children to find positive solutions to problems that they encounter daily and to manage confrontation without violence. Maryna Venter Die pad na ‘n suksesvolle skool begin by dissipline, wat op sy beurt begin by die korrekte skooldrag en goeie klaskamerdissipline. Die gedragskode vir 2016 is aan die begin van die jaar met elke leerling behandel en ouers het ook ‘n afskrif daarvan ontvang. Dit kos respek en dissipline om daagliks reg geklee en gehoorsaam te wees. Discipline remains a challenge every year and the fact that we constantly encourage our learners to strive for high standards and values, means that there is much to do to create a disciplined culture at Denneoord Primary. Huiswerk bly die een een aspek van die skool wat die meeste deur sommige ouers en leerlinge bevraagteken word. Huiswerk word ook gereeld in die media gedebatteer. Ons glo egter dat die redes hoekom ons dit doen, baie meer voordele as nadele vir ons leerlinge inhou. Dit is egter uiters belangrik dat leerlinge en ouers sal waak teen swak selfdissipline en negatiwiteit rondom huiswerk.
Leerderraad – Ray-Jean Wright & Margaret Ruth van der Merwe
It has been a privilege for us to serve on the student council with the leaders of the last three years. They have taught us as much as we have taught them. We have really appreciated all their hard work and dedication. It is not always easy to accept and complete all these duties as a self sacrifice. The prefects were really our right hands and were always ready to assist the staff to ensure the smooth running of the school. We, Mr Wright and I, step down this year to provide a new learning opportunity for others. Mr De Swardt and Mrs Bezuidenhout have accepted this new opportunity and we wish both of them well in this exciting venture. We know the student council is in good hands. To all the prefects, we wish you a splendid high school career. Remember to stand firm in what is right and remember what Denneoord has taught you. Be the role-models we know you to be, stand tall for Christ by stooping low to help and guide others. Greetings from your Denneoord family.
Skoolkore – Marionel Botha
Junior Koor 2016 Ons het hierdie jaar afgeskop met ons jaarlikse oudisies wat in Februarie gedoen word, om die suiwerheid van die stemme in die koor te verseker. Elke koorlid het die oefeninge getrou bygewoon en daarom kon ons weereens met selfvertroue aan die Outeniqua Koorfees deelneem. Die Junior Koor het onderskeidelik ‘n A, A+ en A++ by die koorfees behaal. Die Junior Koor het ook deelgeneem by die skool se jaarlikse Prysuitdeling. On the 20th of November the choir participated in the Christmas Concert at the Denneoord Church. They did very well and did our school proud. They also participated in the mass choir at the end of the programme. What a wonderful experience it was for all of us! Well done, Junior Choir!! Senior Choir 2016 By gebrek aan ‘n geskikte begeleier, kon ons nie reg aan die begin van die jaar met die Senior Koor voortgaan nie. Ons was egter bevoorreg om van mev. Ronel Kruger te hore te kom. Sy was ‘n begeleidster van die Suid-Kaap Kinderkoor en het by verskeie skole in die dorp musiek as vak onderrig. In die derde kwartaal kon ons dus weer voortgaan met die Senior Koor. Ons het op 20 November 2016 ‘n baie suksesvolle optrede in die Denneoord Kerk gehad tydens hul Kerssangdiens. Ons is baie trots op twee van ons leerders, Lelanie Willers en Matthew Mcombi, wat hierdie jaar ook deelgeneem het aan die Suid-Kaap Kinderkoor. Die Senior Koor oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag en die leerders woon hul oefeninge getrou by. Daar gaan vroeg in 2017 weer oudisies vir albei kore wees. Daar is ‘n vooruitsig dat die Senior Koor aan ‘n optrede gaan deelneem in April 2017, by Tuinedal gemeente. Meer inligting hieroor sal later volg. Hiermee wil ons elke ouer hartlik bedank vir hul ondersteuning en samewerking die afgelope jaar. Ons waardeer dit opreg. We would like to thank each and every parent for their support over the past year. We greatly appreciate it.
Eisteddfod – Heidré Basson
What a year! This year we set a record when not one, but 6 choral verse groups participated. All the groups achieved A++ symbols and a total of 77 learners were able to experience the thrill of performing in front of an audience. There were also those who performed individually…some even participated in more than 1 category! Ons wil dankie sê aan elke ouer wat ons hand gevat het en tuis gehelp het met die memorisering van woorde en motivering. Dit verg harde en konsensieuse werk en baie selfdissipline. Die graad 4 Engelse groep het ook die voorreg gehad om aan Laerskool George-Suid se kultuurtrein deel te neem. Hulle het hulle uitmuntend van hulle taak gekwyt en as ware ambassadeurs ons skool verteenwoordig. Our results were as follows: A++ : 6 Choral verse groups (77 learners) A++ : 3 Learners A+ : 14 Learners A : 16 Learners B+ : 2 Learners B- : 2 Learners Thank you once again to each and every teacher, learner and parent. Success is achieved through team work. 8 Little grade R’s represented our school in the Visual Art category. The results were as follows. A+ : 6 Learners A : 2 Learners Well done. You did us proud!!
Atletiek – Hermien Kadé
Die 2016 atletiekseisoen het afgeskop met groot entoesiasme van ons leerders. Our learners attended the scheduled practise times and improved their skills and tactics. We had three athletes attending the SWD meeting in Oudtshoorn but unfortunately, fell out of the league. During November we participated in an athletics meeting at Outeniqua Preparatory. We excelled and made Denneoord Primary a proud of out behaviour and performance. Ons het reeds ons uitdunne gehou sodat ons 2017 kan begin met ons bestaande atletiekspan en fokus op voorbereiding vir opkomende byeenkomste in 2017. Dankie aan elke leerder, ouer, afrigter en ondersteuner van Laerskool Denneoord.
Cricket – Margaret Ruth van der Merwe
This year has been an exceptionally good year for our cricket boys. Our U12 and 13 boys played every week and developed their skills under the excellent coaching of Mr Wright. These boys went from strength to strength and made us proud. They held their ground and performed as true Denneoord sportsmen. We thank Mr Vorster for his dedication and hard work with regards to the U10 and 11 cricket team too, as out of the 5 games that were played, they won 4. This was an excellent achievement and proves that hard work is rewarded. Well done to both the coaches and players. Lastly, thanks to Mr Du Plessis for mowing and preparing the field for the games, as well as rolling the pitch when he was able. We know that next year will be phenomenal. The mini cricket has also developed well. The juniors were sharpening up their skills and were able to play 2 games on Saturday the 19th of November at York High School fields. All the teams played the same schools, Holy Cross and George Preparatory school respectively, and the results were as follows: U7 and U9 learners won one and lost one, while the U8 learners won both their matches. We thank Mrs Larson and Mr De Swardt for their dedicated hard work. These players had a wonderful experience. Cricket greetings
Rugby – Ray-Jean Wright
What an exciting and busy rugby year it has been at Denneoord Primary. At first, there were huge concerns from all the rugby coaching staff because of the lack of participation from the boys. As the season progressed, the numbers started to increase and we were able to field full teams for each and every game. These teams were: u/7; u/8; u/9; u/11 and u/13. The season was packed with various fixtures to give our players the best opportunity to show their talents and skills. We participated in home and away fixtures, played in tournaments and also hosted our own rugby day here at Denneoord, which was a great success. The results didn’t always go the way that we would’ve liked, but I think it was still a successful season. Some of our u/13 boys also had the opportunity to take part in the SWD trials to show the rest of the region what they have to offer. These boys always held the school’s name very high. This year was again, one of the very proud years for Denneoord rugby, where Abulele Ndabambi were chosen to represent the SWD team at the Annual National Craven Week Rugby Tournament in Paarl. The feedback that we received from his Craven Week coaches was very positive and we are all very eager to see what the future holds for the young talent. I would like to thank all our parents for their support during the season and also would like to invite our parents to become even more involved in the rugby. God bless!
Netbal – Hestie Grimes Daar is ‘n spreekwoord wat sê: “ Time flies when you are having fun.” Dit is presies wat ons hierdie jaar ervaar het. Die netbalseisoen was net te vinnig verby. Die 0/7 – 0/13 spelers het elke wedstryd hulle harte uitgespeel. Ons 0/7 – 0/9 spanne het hoofsaaklik deelgeneem aan wedstryde en toernooie op Saterdae. Dit was so lekker om te sien hoe die junior dogters verbeter na elke wedstryd. Die opgewondenheid van die kleintjies was aansteeklik. Die senior spanne 0/10 – 0//13 het weer hoofsaaklik op Woensdae aan liga wedstryde deelgeneem. Die dogters het in elke wedstryd wat gespeel is ongelooflik baie sportmangees gewys. As die spanne gewen het was hulle opgewonde, maar as hulle verloor het het hulle soos regte sportvrouens dit aanvaar. Roché Andries het ons so verbaas toe sy deurgedring het tot by die 2de rondte van die SWD proewe. Sy het skitterend gespeel en regtig haar bes gedoen. Die afrigsters het hulself weer oortref die jaar met hulle toewyding en lang ure van in die son en reën staan. Die afrigsters het elke speler ontwikkel en aangemoedig. Daar was ook goeie kursusse wat bygewoon was deur die afrigsters om net die beste te wees wat hul kan wees. Ons as skool het ‘n baie suksesvolle Driehoekige toernooi gehou die jaar. Die skole wat kom deelneem het, het dit terdeë geniet. Ons sien uit na Met die pragtige dogters en gemotiveerde afrigsters kan dit net nog beter gaan.
Hokkie – Stephan Vorster
Hockey 2016 Denneoord Primary has grown in leaps and bounds this year. Hockey has not always been a big part of Denneoord Primary, but after seeing the commitment and enthusiasm the learners showed during the 2016 season, we plan to take hockey to new heights. Our staff is dedicated to the development of hockey skills from the younger grades right through to our U/13 teams. During the season our teams competed in various tournaments and matches with all of them doing us proud both on and off the field. The highlight of the year was without a doubt the U/13 boys’ team which had an outstanding season, including a second place in the Sedgefield tournament. We hope to receive full support from the parents and learners in Together we can ensure that our learners experience and excel in every opportunity available to them.
Tennis – Naomi Vogel Hierdie jaar het ons met ‘n tennis oefengroep begin. Die leerders het dit regtig baie geniet om met bal en rakket vaardighede aan te leer. Ons het op ‘n Maandag en ‘n Woensdag geoefen van 2 uur tot 4 uur. Die verskillende ouderdomsgroepe het op verskillende tye geoefen. Ons skool vat hande met die Great Tennis Akademie om die leerders se volle potensiaal te ontwikkel. Ons is baie dankbaar vir Great Tennis Akademie. Die afgelope kwartaal het Kyle en Cuwin Baker deelgeneem aan ‘n toernooi wat aangebied was deur Great Tennis Akademie in Knysna. Hulle het albei baie goed gevaar. Die volgende leerders ontvang trofees by die meriete aand vir tennis. Keanu Kapank received a trophy for Best senior tennis player of the year. Kyle Baker received a trophy for Best progression in tennis. Cuwin Baker received a trophy for Best Junior player of the year. We are looking forward to some more fun and enjoyment on our tennis courts next year.
Skaak – Debbie Bezuidenhout
`SKAAKSPEL - Ingewikkelde stryd wat fyn oorleg vereis. By Denneoord Laerskool word daar elke Woensdag en Vrydagmiddae skaak aangebied. Mnr Mans en Me Bezuidenhout is hier betrokke met die afrigting en organisasie van die spel. Ongeveer 30 leerlinge vanaf Graad R tot Graad 7 woon die oefeninge by. Die eerste byeenkoms waaraan ons deelgeneem het die jaar was die Driehoekige Byeenkoms wat hier by Denneoord aangebied is. Altesaam vyf skole was hier betrokke. Tien van ons leerlinge het hieraan deelgeneem. Ons tweede byeenkoms was weereens hier by die skool waar vyftien van ons leerlinge deelgeneem het en teen kinders van drie skole in die dorp gespeel het. Daarna is ons deur Holy Cross uitgenooi en het ons daar by hulle skool deelgeneem. Hier het ons kinders geleentheid gekry om elk ses spelle te speel. n Besige middag! Die laaste byeenkoms van die jaar vir die juniors was by George- Suid waar ons graad 3 leerlinge die geleentheid gekry het om te gaan deelneem. Die kinders geniet die spel en ons hoop om volgende jaar nog meer uit te brei en om n sterk skaakspan gereed te hê om aan soveel as moontlik kompetisies en toernooie deel te neem. `
Seëngroet & Afsluiting - Herman du Plessis
2016 was voorwaar ‘n baie geseënde jaar . Hierdie verslag getuig van besonderse prestasies op alle gebiede waar die skool betrokke is. Ons het ‘n groot aantal aansoeke gehad vir graad 1 in 2017 in beide die Afrikaanse klas en Engelse klas. Die res van die skool is met die uitsondering van 2 klasse tot op limiet vol ingeskryf vir 2017. ‘n Spesiale vermelding moet gemaak word van die personeel van Laerskool Denneoord. Onder die bekwame hande van ons twee departementshoofde (Me Heidi Pool en me Karen du Plessis) is hier ‘n span wat mekaar ondersteun, wat profesioneel is in hul werk en as persoon. ‘n Besondere kombinasie tussen ervaring en jeug wat in harmonie baie hard werk om van Denneoord ‘n besondere skool te maak. Ons is baie dankbaar dat ons nie een personeellid verloor vir 2017 nie. Hierdie wenspan kan dus die goeie werk voortsit in die toekoms. I want to thank our parents for all their support throughout the year. We can’t function and perform well if our parents don’t take our hand and help out. We hope that we will see more and more parents at our functions and meetings next year. 2017 is promising to be a very exciting year. On the sport field, we are planning to have an inter schools winter sports day against a neighboring school again. On the cultural front, the excitement of a school concert in the wings for the third term. We can’t wait!! Thank you to each and every person who worked and supported our school during this year. Thank you to our Heavenly Father for His grace and blessings.
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