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ABC Animals By: Geena Hooper.

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1 ABC Animals By: Geena Hooper

2 A is for……. Ant Can Carry objects 50 times their own body weight
Mostly are black, brown, tan, or red

3 B is for …… BEAVER Beavers front teeth are orange
Their tails are used for swimming, but they are also used as a prop to sit upright. Their tails can grow up to 15 inches long and 6 inches wide

4 C is for …… CHEETAH Cheetahs are the fastest land animal, they can run 70 miles per hour When running full speed, their stride is 6-7 meters

5 D is for ….. DOLPHIN Dolphins are mammals
They have teeth, but they are not used to chew their food, but to catch their food. When a dolphin catches their prey they then swallow it whole.

6 E is for…….. EAGLES Eagles have excellent eye sight
They are known to hunt foxes, wildcats, and even younger deer and goats.

7 F is for ……… FROG There are around 5,000 different species of frogs
Frogs are able to jump 20 times their own body length

8 G is for……. GIRAFFE Giraffes are the tallest mammal on Earth
They spend most of their life standing up. They eat, sleep, and give birth all while standing up

9 H is for…..HAMSTER Hamsters can store food in their cheeks and eat it later They are actually born blind, but after two weeks of being alive they can open their eyes

10 I is for…… INSECT Insects have three pairs of legs, which makes them have 6 legs all together Most insects hatch from eggs

11 J is for…… JELLYFISH Jellyfish eat small plants, fish eggs, and larvae (which is small fish) They sting so they can catch their food

12 K is for…… KANGAROO Kangaroos mainly eat grass and can survive long periods without water Baby kangaroos (called joeys) stay with their mom until they are almost one year

13 L is for……. LEMUR Lemurs are very social and live in family groups
They are native from the island Madagascar

14 M is for…… MOOSE Moose eat shrubs, woody plants, and aquatic vegetation They use their antlers for fighting

15 N is for…… NEWT Newts are carnivores, but they move slowly so they eat slow moving animals such as worms and snails. Their legs are short and their tummies drag on the ground when the walk

16 O is for……. OCTOPUS Octopuses have three hearts. Two of them move blood beyond animal’s gills and one keeps circulation flowing for the organs They have blue blood

17 P is for…….. PEACOCK Peacocks cannot fly
The beautiful and colorful tails are characteristics only for males

18 Q is for…… QUAIL Quails can survive around 3-5 years in the wild
They are able to fly short distances, but they quails spend most of their time on the ground

19 R is for….. REINDEER Reindeer are the only type of deer where the males and females both have antlers They are the only mammal that grows new sets of antlers annually

20 S is for…… SHEEP Sheep’s milk is ideal for making cheese
Because of their large rectangular eyes, they can almost see 360˚

21 T is for……. TORTOISE The tortoise shell is made up of 60 different bones all connected to each other They eat grass, ferns, flowers, tree leaves, and fruit

22 U is for…….. UMBRELLA BIRD
Umbrella birds are found in South America and Central America rainforest They are almost completely black with a chest on the top of their head that looks slightly like an umbrella

23 V is for …….. VULTURE There are 23 species of vultures
They are able to eat 20% of their own body weight in one sitting

24 W is for …….. WALRUS A walrus eats clams, mussels, and other organisms that are found on the bottom They are social animals and congregate in large numbers

25 X is for……. X-RAY TETRA This is a fish that is found in coastal regions of the Amazon River in South America It eats worms, insects, and small crustaceans

26 Y is for……. YAK Yaks eat grasses, lichens, and moss
They are covered with thick, wooly fur. The main purpose is to preserve the body heat and to protect against low outside temperatures

27 Z is for…….. ZEBRA Zebras can run up to 65 miles per hour
Zebras are close to their mothers, but males also form strong bonds with their fathers

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