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Sports Writing Journalism I Mr. Dudek.

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Presentation on theme: "Sports Writing Journalism I Mr. Dudek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports Writing Journalism I Mr. Dudek


3 Types of Sports Stories
Journalism I Mr. Dudek

4 1. Features Common in weekly and monthly papers Personality profiles
Season-long summaries

5 Name the Sport #1

6 2. Pre-Game Common in daily newspapers Previous results / History
Condition of athletes Comparison of teams (Prediction)

7 Name the Sport #2

8 3. The Game Most common type (in dailies) Recap of the game
Highlights star performers Previews upcoming game

9 Name the Sport #3

10 4. Postgame Focuses on some element of the game and its players
Not a recap of the game; more of a feature Post-season story

11 Name the Sport #4

12 5. Column Monthly, weekly, bi-weekly or daily opinion article
About sports, but not just the games

13 Name the Sport #5

14 Tips for Writing a Sports Story
Journalism I Mr. Dudek

15 Stick to the third person
Our Eagles scored 47 points We have won three in a row The Eagles scored 47 points They have won three in a row.

16 Name the Sport #6

17 Don’t be a cheerleader A highly deserved win over Jones College Prep proved again that the Eagles are the best. A win over Jones College Prep strengthened the Eagles’ standing in the league championship race.

18 Name the Sport #7

19 Know your sport Use language that demonstrates a knowledge of the sport without getting overly technical.

20 Name the Sport #8

21 Strong, powerful writing
Active verbs Avoid clichés

22 Name the Sport #9

23 Smart Quotes Seek informative quotes that tell the inside story
Avoid just quoting “typical” sports quotes.

24 Name the Sport #10

25 Be fair Yes, your coverage will cover the home team more than anyone else But, don’t insult or belittle the competition. Sometimes they win because they are better, not because your team played poorly.

26 Name the Sport #11

27 Five Ws, and then some Who won? What are the big highlights?
Why is the game important? The standings? Individual accomplishments? What’s next?

28 Name the Sport #12

29 Name the Sport #13

30 Name the Sport #14

31 Name the Sport #15

32 The Answers Journalism I Mr. Dudek

33 Name the Sport #1 BASEBALL


35 Name the Sport #3 ICE HOCKEY

36 Name the Sport #4 SOCCER or FUTBOL

37 Name the Sport #5 ROWING

38 Name the Sport #6 FENCING

39 Name the Sport #7 CURLING

40 Name the Sport #8 LACROSSE

41 Name the Sport #9 CRICKET

42 Name the Sport #10 HANDBALL

43 Name the Sport #11 HAMMER THROW

44 Name the Sport #12 RUGBY


46 Name the Sport #14 JAI ALAI

47 Name the Sport #15 MUGGLE QUIDDITCH

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