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WELCOME FAMILY & FRIENDS to GATE Independent Study Showcase

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME FAMILY & FRIENDS to GATE Independent Study Showcase"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME FAMILY & FRIENDS to GATE Independent Study Showcase
Pomona, Rea, & Wilson Elementary Pomona MPR 6:00 – 7:00pm Thursday, May 24, 2012

2 You will be seeing projects from the following schools:
Pomona Rea Wilson











13 Pomona Panthers Grades 4, 5, and 6

14 Mrs. Davisson’s class 5th / 6th Grade Combo

15 David Arroyo Blue Whales

16 Teresa Avonce Nicki Ninaj’s Music

17 Charlie Bellah OCSHA

18 Ron Woods Prehistoric Fishing

19 Alan Cervantes Medical Cannibas

20 Angeles Colin Who is Eminem?

21 Anahy Dominguez Hypnotism

22 Citlalie Gonzalez Civil Rights Leaders

23 Jessie Hernandez Snakes

24 Mariana Limon Dolphin Intelligence

25 Jessica Lopez Butterfly Flight

26 Daniel Martinez Misuse of Drugs

27 Jocelyn Martinez Career Satisfaction

28 Kimberly Martinez Werewolves

29 Pablo Martinez Big Ben

30 Braulio Moncada Glass Blowing

31 Jenny Moreno Nikes

32 Adrian Nunez The Bermuda Triangle

33 Kiara Olivera Sharpies

34 Jocelyn Ordaz History of Hair Dye

35 Jasmine Orozco Drake vs Snoop Dog

36 Ernest Pacheco Vans

37 Hunger Games vs Twilight
Vanessa Ruiz Hunger Games vs Twilight

38 Kevin Sanchez The Greatest Pharoah

39 Charly Segura Optical Illusions

40 Jessica Solis Walt Disney

41 Eduardo Tapia Atomic Bomb

42 Winnie the Pooh vs Charlie Brown
Sydney Tornez Winnie the Pooh vs Charlie Brown

43 Jennifer Villanueva Starbucks

44 Bryan Zavala Bear Hunting

45 Ms. Rankin’s class 4th Grade

46 Zaira Aguilera Jesenia Rosales
Nature and Endangered Species

47 Edgar Alvarez Brandon Hernandez
Ghosts ~ Real or Fake?

48 Cesar Blanco Samuel Garcia
Dirt Bikes

49 Samantha Cervantes Chicharito

50 Cindy De Leon Kenny Ensastegui
The Sinking of the Titanic

51 Alexander Garcia Cristiano Ronaldo

52 Daniela Garcia UFOs and Aliens

53 Pablo Gomez Mario Mondragon Erik Rodriguez
The Cold War

54 Areli Gonzalez Gina Sanchez
Baby Gorillas

55 Mayerly Guerra Leslie Lara

56 Priscila Gutierrez Magali Trujillo

57 Gerardo Martinez Albert Rosales
Lionel Messi

58 Oswaldo Medina Edgar Arroyo

59 Margarita Medina Leslie Zuniga
Baby Pandas

60 Carlos Mondragon Jonathan Tellez
Ghosts and Apparitions

61 Gissel Osorio-Pulida Silvia Sanchez

62 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Gabriel Vega The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

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