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EOC Review Four Domains 25% each

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1 EOC Review Four Domains 25% each
Chemistry: Atomic and Nuclear Theory and the Periodic Table Chemistry: Chemical Reactions and Properties of Matter Physics: Energy, Force, and Motion Physics: Waves, Electricity, and Magnetism

2 Density = m/v Questions:
Which liquid in the picture to the right is most dense? Which liquid has the greatest volume?

3 Classification of Matter



6 Acids & Bases Acids taste sour, are corrosive to metals, change litmus (a dye extracted from lichens) red, and become less acidic when mixed with bases. Acids release hydrogen ions in solution. HCl H2O→ H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) Bases feel slippery, change litmus blue, and become less basic when mixed with acids. NaOH H2O→ Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) The neutralization reaction of an acid with a base will always produce water and a salt, as shown below: Acid Base Water Salt HCl + NaOH H2O NaCl HBr KOH KBr

7 Periodic Function

8 BONDING Covalent Bond: H2O Ionic Bond: Na+ Cl-

9 Binomial Nomenclature



12 Radioactive Decay

13 Radioactive Half-life
The half-life of Cobalt-60 is 5.3 years. After 10.6 years how much Co-60 is remains? 25% of original or 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

14 Nuclear Fission 1)A neutron strikes a uranium atom
2)The uranium atom is split into a krypton atom and a barium atom releasing some binding energy along with more neutrons. 3)The neutrons strike other uranium atoms starting the process all over again.


16 Specific Heat

17 Balancing Chemical Equations (Law of Conservation of Mass)
2 H2 + O2  2 H2 O

18 Boyle’s Law



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