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Latin America Created by: Renee.

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1 Latin America Created by: Renee

2 Mexico! Mexico is located on the south western part of the United States border. The area of Mexico is 758,400 miles squared. The population of Mexico is 129,638,600 people. The climate of Mexico is depending on where you are. If you’re on the outskirts of Mexico the climate is very hot and humid. If you are near the center of Mexico then the climate is very hot and dry. This happens because of the higher elevations in the center and the lower elevations on the outskirts. Two of Mexico’s landforms include the Gulf of Mexico and the Sierra Madre mountains.

3 Mexico’s flag

4 The Gulf of Mexico! The area of the Gulf of Mexico is 617,800 miles squared A few animals that call the Gulf of Mexico there home include goblin sharks, great white sharks, sea hares also known as aplysiomorphas, vaquitas, killer whales or orcas, hatchet fish, dolphins, and vampire squids. The location of the Gulf of Mexico is on the east side of Mexico and ties in with the Caribbean sea.

5 The Gulf of Mexico

6 The Sierra Madre Mountains!
The elevation of the Sierra Madre mountains is 13,850 feet high. The location of the mountain range is in multiple places. It is located at the southern, eastern, and western parts of Mexico. The range was formed in Mexico by the tectonic plates

7 The Sierra Madre

8 Panama! The location of panama borders the Caribbean sea and the North pacific ocean The climate of panama is a tropical climate with wet winters and dry summer. The population of panama is 4,028,939 people. The area of panama is 28,460 miles squared. Two of the land forms include the manmade Panama canal and the Caribbean sea.

9 Panama’s Flag!

10 The Panama Canal ! The Panama Canal is a canal to where the boats and ships can cut through North and South America. This process an take up to 10 hours. The Panama Canal is located in Panama. Theodore Roosevelt decide to make a shortcut between North and South America and the process began in 1903 and ended in 1914.

11 The Panama Canal being built!

12 The Panama canal the finished product

13 The Caribbean Sea! The Caribbean sea is located North of South America and is connected to the Gulf of Mexico and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The area of the Caribbean sea is million Miles squared. The animals that occupy the Caribbean sea include leatherback turtles, green turtles, hawksbill turtles, whales, dolphins, stingrays, Antillean manatee, wild green iguanas, black iguanas, basilisk lizards, caiman, and many different types of frogs.

14 The Caribbean sea!

15 Brazil! Brazil is located on the North East side of South America.
The area of Brazil is million miles squared. The population of Brazil is 205,176,890 people. The climate of Brazil has a tropical climate north of the equator and has temperate zones south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Brazil’s landforms include some of the Amazon Rainforest and the Amazon river flows through Brazil.

16 Brazil’s Flag!

17 The Amazon river! The location of the amazon river is mainly in Brazil and it extends into Peru. The length of the Amazon river is 4,345 miles. The animals that occupy the Amazon river include green anacondas, Arapaima's, electric eels, Candiru, Tucuxi also known as a species of dolphin, piranhas, black caimans, pink dolphins, giant river otters, Amazonian manatees, and bull sharks.

18 The Amazon river!

19 The Green Anaconda!

20 The Amazon rain forest! The location of the Amazon rainforest is in the Northern part of Brazil. The area of the Amazon rainforest is million miles squared. A few of the animals that call the amazon rainforest their home include Jesus lizards also known as Basilisk lizards, glass frogs, poison dart frogs, and sloths. There are 2,495 other species that I did not mention because there are so many.

21 A video on the “ Jesus” lizard !

22 The Andes mountains! The Andes mountains are located in the following countries: Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile. The length of the Andes is 4,300 miles. The elevation is 6,961 meters high. A few animals that live in the Andes mountains include chinchillas, wooly monkeys, llamas, and river turtles.

23 The Andes mountains!

24 Bolivia! Bolivia is located southwest of Brazil in South America.
The area of Bolivia is 424,200 miles squared. The population of Bolivia is 10,993, 805 people. The climate of Bolivia is and tropical climate and it has wet and hot seasons. One of the landforms of Bolivia include the Andes mountains.

25 Bolivia’s Flag !

26 Chile ! The location of Chile is southwest of Bolivia in South America. The area of Chile is 291,933 miles squared. The population of Chile is 18,248,280 people. The Climate of Chile is mid or warm weather near the North and warmer in the Atacama desert. Two of Chile’s landforms include the Atacama dessert and the Andes mountains.

27 Chile’s Flag

28 Haiti! The location of Haiti is southeast of Cuba.
The area of Haiti 10,714 miles squared. The population Haiti is 10,934,815 people. The climate of Haiti is hot, humid, or a tropical climate. One landform of Haiti central mountains.

29 Haiti’s Flag!

30 Venezuela! The location of Venezuela is north of brazil and west of Columbia. The area of Venezuela is 353,841 miles squared. The population of Venezuela is 31,779,850 people. The climate in Venezuela is a tropical climate. One landform of Venezuela is the Andes mountains.

31 Venezuela's Flag!

32 Colombia The location of Columbia is west of Venezuela and North of Quebec. The area of Columbia is 440,800 miles squared. The population of Columbia is 48,919,840 people. The climate of Columbia is tropical and isothermal. The landform Andes mountains spread through Columbia.

33 Colombia’s Flag!

34 Cuba! The location of Cuba is Northwest of Haiti.
The area of Cuba is 42,426. The population of Cuba is 11,391,160 people. The climate of Cuba is a subtropical climate. One Landform Cuba is “sitting on” is the Caribbean sea.

35 Cuba’s Flag!

36 Pollution

37 Mexico city’s Air pollution
Mexico city is 2,240 meters above sea level and there is not enough air for the chemicals to mix so it sits above the city. The pollution is mainly caused by the carbon coming out of cars and factories. This can effect the population because of all of the bad oxygen they are breathing in by killing them but not immediately.

38 Deforestation in the Amazon
In the past 40 years 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest has been cut down. This cuts down on oxygen and makes thousands of animals lose their homes. 91 percent of the land that was cut down in 1970 was turned into cattle ranches

39 Oil pollution in Venezuela
The oil production in Venezuela has caused air pollution. When oil is being shipped it spills and causes large oil spills. The oil spills can cause fish and other animals to die. The fish dying can cause fishermen to lose their jobs and not be able to make a living.

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