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GLOBE - Seasons and Biomes

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBE - Seasons and Biomes"— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBE - Seasons and Biomes
Elena Sparrow: Scientific Researcher, Data Representative, Educator, Facilitator Provided expertise on GLOBE data sets; contributed to the development of the general storyline; formulations of scientific questions Leslie Gordon: Educator, Curriculum Developer Provided guidance on how the data sets and tool can be effectively used in the classroom; expertise on GLOBE data sets Nick Haddad: Curriculum Developer, Software Tool Specialist Provided guidance on how to shape our ideas to EET format; will write the final EET chapter and provide the Excel spreadsheet for the data analysis Mike Leon: Software Tool Specialist, Data Representative Provided expertise on the GLOBE web site; retrieving the GLOBE data Kim Morris: Scientific Researcher, Data Representative Contributed to the development of the general storyline, formulations of scientific questions, some expertise in non-GLOBE data sets Jessica Robin: Scientific Researcher, Data Representative, Educator Completed initial data sheet; expertise in GLOBE data sets; formulations of scientific questions

2 Investigating the relationship between
local weather conditions and plant phenology Storyline: Joy Hamilton, a high school teacher in the village of Shageluk, in western Alaska (62.63°N and °W), set up a GLOBE weather station near the Innoko River School in the fall of The following spring, she and her students began a plant phenology program in which they observed the green-up, budburst and green-down of the local trees. Her classes have been making these observations and measurements every year since. As a science teacher, Joy is aware that there has been more anomalous weather in Alaska over the last decade. She has decided that she and her students should investigate whether or not this less predictable weather has had any local consequences. They decide to examine their GLOBE budburst data to determine if local weather conditions (average daily air temperature, precipitation, etc.) have had a significant impact on the timing of this important plant phenology milestone. Analysis Tool and Datasets: The tool of choice for this activity is Excel (a commercial software package) GLOBE budburst data will be downloaded from the GLOBE web site ( Weather data will be downloaded from the Weather Underground web site ( Demonstration long-term data set (phenology, mean daily air temp, daily precipitation and snow on ground) for the Fairbanks AK area will be provided (this may be housed on the GI or IARC server at UAF)

3 Completed activity In the first part of the activity, students will retrieve the Budburst data from Shageluk, AK, from the GLOBE web site. Then they will import into Excel and edit and graph it .

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