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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!

2 Course Announcements A visit from Robyn Coggins and Pitt Med Magazine
if anyone has received a direct message from the company regarding their kit let us know so we can help expedite processing

3 Course Overview Session Topic Speakers 3/17
The Data Revolution in Healthcare Gladwin, Jacobson, Empey, Grubs, parker 3/31 Healthcare Analytics Jacobson (2) , Hasley, Berndt 4/7 Genomic Data and Testing Bellissimo, Conley, Durst 4/14 Big Data Stephan, Shrestha, Day, Houston 4/21 Advanced Topics Cooper, Jacobson, Tsui 4/28 Personalized Medicine Berg, Empey, Whitcomb, Lee 5/5 Genomic Testing Empey, Stevenson, Adams, Berenbock 5/12 Challenges Berndt, Jacobson, Parker, Visweswaran

4 Session 4 Week #4 – April 14, 2016 Big Data Session Leader: Dr. Rebecca Jacobson 4:00 - 4:50 Improving outcomes through translation and commercialization (in precision medicine) – Stephan 4:50 - 5:40 Cloud computing and other disruptive innovations - Shrestha 5:40 - 6:00 Dinner break 6:00 – 7:00 Reproducibility – obstacles and opportunities - Day 7:00 - 8:00 Data privacy and security in the era of Big Data - Houston

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