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Marketing Prof. A. Doherty.

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1 Marketing Prof. A. Doherty

2 Introduction to Marketing Strategy
The Philosophical Underpinnings of Modern Marketing and Management strategy are based largely on the writings and research of all business scholars. Peter Trucker; Theodore Levitt; Thames Peters

3 A. Peter Trucker There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer There are two fundamental business activities: Marketing INNOVATION (which comes from changing needs or a better way of satisfying existing needs)

4 What needs to be done to be successful?
Five questions: 1. What is our business? 2. Who is the customer? 3. What is value to the customers? 4. What will our business be? 5. What should our business be? Should add: What needs to be done to be successful?

5 B. Theodore Levitt (“Marketing Myopia”, HBR 1960)
Fundamental Question: What business we are in? Fundamental Mistake: Defined business in terms of products and markets rather than consumer needs. Examples: (1) Electric Bit Manufacture (2) Rail Road (3) Movie Business of 40’s and 50’s

6 C. Thomas Peters Co-Author of In Search of Excellence followed later by A passion for Excellence. Key Finding: Excellent companies are close to their customers. Other just talk about it.

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