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Team 5 Final Design Review

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1 Team 5 Final Design Review
Trent Lobdell Ross May Maria Mullins Christian Naylor Eamonn Needler Charles Reyzer James Roesch Charles Stangle Nick White

2 Outline Mission Requirements Team Design Aerodynamics
Dynamics & Control Propulsion Necessary / Predicted Necessity Structures / Landing Gear Manufacturing Vehicle Performance / Predictions Lessons Learned Movie March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

3 Requirements Design Requirements & Objectives
Take-Off and landing distance: 100 ft* Take-Off with minimum climb angle: 20° Endurance: 15 min* Typical descent angle of: 5.5° Stall Speed: 20 ft/s Loiter Speed: 28 ft/s* Minimum Turn speed: ft/s* Turn Radius: 35 ft* Operating Altitude: 18 ft* Operational Airspace: 360x150 ft *Changed Requirements from Mission Specification March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

4 Design Features Features / Unique Aspects Stealth Theme Twin Booms
Pusher Prop Multi-Sweep Wing Predicted Weight: 0.84 lbf March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

5 Design Properties Wing Horizontal Tail Overall Aircraft Vertical Tail
Fuselage March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

6 Design - Dimensions March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

7 Aerodynamics - Airfoils
Low Re Number 91903 (Stall) (Cruise) Wing Eppler E212 Tail Eppler E169 Horizontal Tail NACA 0010 Vertical Tail NASG: UIUC: March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

8 Aerodynamics – Geometry
Defined Sweep Angles (Λ) Defined taper ratio (λ) of 1st segment Defined Span Ratio of 2 segments Adjust to balance Style Aspect Ratio Tip Chord feasibility March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

9 Aerodynamics - Lift Sweep Corrected Hembold Equation1
Lift Coefficients vs. α Prandtl Lifting Line Theory1 CL and Cl CLmax (Hembold): 0.74 Max Lift (Hembold): 1.10 lbf α (deg) 1 Anderson, J.D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, New York, 2001, pp March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

10 Aerodynamics - Drag Parasite Drag Buildup Sref = reference area [ft2]
Cf = skin friction coefficient K = form factor Q = interference factor March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

11 Aerodynamics – L/D L/Dmax=13.21 Loiter at α=.71°,4.46°
Loiter at 0.866*L/Dmax2 Wing Incidence: 0° Tail Incidence: -3° L/D vs. α L/D=4.7 L/D α (deg) 2 Raymer, D.P., Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, Virginia, 1999, pp 27 March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

12 Class 2 Tail Sizing (X-plot)
March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

13 Trim Diagram March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

14 Control Surface Sizing
Aileron size / dimension: Area:0.18 ft2 (each) Length: 1.06 ft Root Chord: 0.24 ft Tip Chord: 0.10 ft Elevator size / dimension: Area: 0.10 ft2 Span: 0.50 ft Chord: 0.21 ft Rudder size / dimension: Area: 0.07 ft2 (each) Base 1: 0.25 ft Base 2: 0.12 ft Height: 0.35 ft March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

15 Class 2 Vertical Tail Sizing (X-plot)
0.218 ft2 March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

16 Feedback Controller Pitch Rate Feedback to Elevator
March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

17 Feedback Controller Damping Ratio w/o Feedback = 0.74
Desired Damping Ratio = 0.35 – 1.3 We chose a Damping Ratio = 0.95 Feedback Gain Required = 0.07 March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

18 Propeller Take-Off Characteristics
Type 2-Bladed 3-Bladed Propeller Diameter 6 in 5 in Pitch 4 in 3 in Operating RPM 14300 RPM 16400 RPM Efficiency 0.61 0.60 March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

19 Propeller Plots – 6 inch prop
Take-Off Loiter CT = 0.076 CP = 0.042 η = .61 CT = 0.025 CP = 0.023 η = .83 March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

20 Motor Selection - Graupner Speed 400 6V (Direct Drive) Characteristics
Engine Characteristics Propeller Shaft Diameter 0.091 in Engine Diameter 1.08 in Engine Length 1.5 in Weight 2.55 oz Rated Horsepower 0.12 hp Rated Loaded RPM 15500 RPM Operating Conditions Operating RPM (Take Off) 14300 RPM Input Voltage 8.34 Volts Input Current 11.7 Amps Output Power 0.078 hp March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

21 Battery & Speed Controller Selection
Thunder Power 3 Cell Li-Po Rated for Amps 2100 mAh Allows for extended endurance as specified in the DR&O 4.6 oz. JETI 12 Amp Microprocessor Motor Controller For 2-3 Cell LiPo Weight = 0.53 oz. 1x0.75x0.3 in. March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

22 Landing Gear Main gear (2) Tail Gear (2) Single beam, t = 0.0017 ft
Stroke = ft Weight = lbf 30° angle for lateral stability 20° in front of CG for longitudinal stability Absorb impact Gear deform instead of break Easy to change Tail Gear (2) 18 gauge steel wire Prevent prop and tail strike Parameters θ = 30° Material = Al Ngear = 3 (Gen. Av.) March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

23 Structures - CG March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

24 Structures - Load Analysis
Structural loads from code – basic equations used τ max = lbf/ft2 Mroot = 0.26 ft-lbf σmax = lbf/ft2 Deflections δy = 9.1e-11 ft δΦ = 1.1e-4 degrees March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

25 Structures - Load Analysis
Torsion Loads T = 0.1 ft-lbf. at high maneuver Failure of wing (most likely due to buckling) occurs at ncr = 38 or at σcr = 32 psf. March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

26 Scheduled Tests Drop Test Wing Load Test Flight Test Height of 2.5 ft
Tests landing gear and crash survivability Wing Load Test Test maximum load of wing Flight Test Propeller test Feedback gain test Control surface test March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

27 Strength Testing Failure at 26 lbf March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

28 Strength Testing Failure due to buckling March 24, 2005
AAE 451 – Team 5

29 Manufacturing Wing/fuselage and tails milled using CNC
Wet lay-up with 0.6 oz. bidirectional s-glass Holes cut and tapped for component placement Epoxy bonding of tails and booms Mechanical attachment of landing gear, motor, etc. March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

30 Manufacturing - Booms Circular holes cut for boom insertion
Foam is bonded inside and out to tube Boom pinned into place with wire March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

31 Overall Schedule To be accomplished before 1st flight
Order parts – March 10 Build prototype wing – March 11 Test prototype strength – March 22 CDR – March 24 CNC Parts – by March 28 Fiberglass Parts – by April 3 Build – by April 7 Test and modify – until flight date March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

32 Predicted Flight Performance
Max. Turning Radius: 35 ft (DR&O) Bank Angle: 34.82° Turn Rate: 0.8 rad/s Min. Turning Radius: ft (Limit) Bank Angle: 65.85° Turn Rate: 2.57 rad/s Maximum Climb Angle: 26.77° Take-Off Distance: ft Landing Distance: ft March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

33 Current Issues Propeller air flow Engine heating Manufacturability
Boom attachments CG movement March 24, 2005 AAE 451 – Team 5

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