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Management and conservation of the biosphere at different scales.

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Presentation on theme: "Management and conservation of the biosphere at different scales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management and conservation of the biosphere at different scales.
Aims: To explain why species extinction is happening. To evaluate what needs to be conserved. To understand the need to act locally and globally.

2 Biodiversity has always fluctuated and there have been 5 mass extinctions in the past. Are we approaching the sixth great extinction and the only one that has been accelerated by humans?

3 Why does it matter Loss of habitat- every major habitat on which humans depend has suffered degradation. Particularly true in the poorer areas eg Sahel. Loss of knowledge- disappearance of traditional knowledge eg rainforest medicines Loss of species 271 species are known to have become extinct in the last 500 years. 750 species are critically endangered. Rarity- we are the only place in the universe known to have life forms, research suggests a very low probability of anything more advanced than microbes in other solar systems.

4 Species Loss Why is it happening?
Where is the greatest loss likely to happen in the near future? What are the outcomes/impacts of species loss and climate change? Now turn to pg 50 and add to your answers. Answer question 1 and 2 pg 51. 10 minutes

5 What is sustainability?
Maintaining something for future use. In doing so you must consider the environment, the local people, others on the planet and the local economic needs What will happen if you do not address one of the legs? Local people

6 Sustainable use….? What is sustainable development?
Quick reminder! What is sustainable development? “using resources today in a manner that does not affect future generations’ lives”. How can the rainforest be developed and used sustainably? Remember – Year 8?

7 Costa Rica – the positives.
As you watch the clip, make simple case study notes.

8 What should be conserved?
Drawing on your existing knowledge, which areas do you think should be targeted for protection? Which would you define as the most important area and why? Who decides? How are the different areas protected? Is it easy?

9 Act Local, Act Global How do people act globally?
Get together and agree to international conservation treaties. How do people act locally? National plans implemented locally, eg Biodiversity Action Plans.

10 Conservation and Sustainability

11 Conservation is the wise use of natural resources (nutrients, minerals, water, plants, animals, etc.). Planned action or non-action to preserve or protect living and non-living resources. Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

12 Levels of influence Individual:
Buy Fair Trade, Dolphin friendly tuna, GM Free, energy efficient goods. Watch documentaries on environmental policies, read information on recyling Recycle Support WWF, Greenpeace, National Trust, Water Aid, RSPB, Oxfam Enjoy wilderness areas, cycle, car share

13 Government and international
Sustainable policies e.g. recycling, transport, housing, agriculture, foreign policy.

14 Can be Paradoxes

15 Whale conservation

16 Impact of pressure groups

17 The future of conservation
Understanding Ecosystems Management from knowledge rather than ignorance DNA has helped bring species back from the brink of extinction. Animals from same species but in different areas can be bred if DNA matches. Radio tagging of Great White sharks has given useful insights into migration patterns reducing conflicts with humans and accounting for decline in numbers with regard to lower fish stocks.

18 Task: Pg 53 Q 1 and 2

19 Exam Question Produce a plan for the exam-style question on pg 53.

20 Homework Answer the following questions:
Why are international treaties like CITES difficult to manage? What different interests of the key players area likely to conflict?

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