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Flip Learning TASK: For next lesson you will need to:

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1 Flip Learning TASK: For next lesson you will need to:
Finish planning your answer to the question on the previous slide 2. Research the following about the 1872 election: What happens in the run up to this election? What impact does it have on the election process? How does Grant win the election? What does this election show us about the Republican Party during this time? 3. Research and create a top trump card for each of the following groups: Ku Klux Klan (1865) Knights of the White Camellia (1867) White League (1874) Red Shirts (1875) You should look at what their aims are, how the carry out their violence and intimidation and how effective they are/impact they have. Flip Learning For next lesson you will need to:

2 ‘……………… was the biggest factor leading to the downfall of the Republican Party.’ Assess the validity of this view. Task: Swap your answer with your partner and mark how well they have completed each of the tasks below (each task should be awarded one mark). You will need to provide comments where needed. Once you have completed give them a total score out of 9 and write down 2 things they have done well and 1 thing they need to work on. Create a list of all the different factors that could apply to this question 2. Define the key words in relation to this question 3. Create a criteria for how you will assess this question 4. Create a list of 3 arguments to show why the argument is valid 5. Create a list of 3 reasons as to why this view is not valid 6. In a different colour add specific examples to each argument you have made 7. In a different colour explain how each point (now with evidence) makes the view valid or not using your criteria. 8. Write down your answer to this question 9. Justify why your answer your answer is the justified

3 FLIP LEARNING: 1872 Election
Task: Watch the clip and add to your notes about the 1872 election. There are some key points that you should have drawn out: The Republicans have clearly split as can be seen with the emergence of the Liberal Republicans (who also collapse shortly after the election). The Liberal Republicans thought that the Grant administration and the President personally were fully corrupt. More important they thought that the goals of Reconstruction had been achieved. These goals were first the destruction of slavery and second the destruction of Confederate nationalism. With these goals achieved, they demanded that federal military troops be removed from the South, where they believed they were propping up allegedly corrupt Republican regimes. The Democrats felt that they alone couldn’t beat Grant and so opted for a New Departure strategy, which rejected the anti-Reconstruction platform of They realized that to win the election they had to look forward and not try to re-fight the Civil War. However, Greeley was an outspoken critic of the Democrat Party and so this proved to be an uneasy alliance.

4 FLIP LEARNING: 1872 Election
Grant won an easy re-election over Greeley by a margin of 56% to 44%. Grant garnered 286 electoral votes to what would have been 66 electoral votes for Greeley. However, Greeley died on November 29, 1872, just twenty-four days after the election and before any of the electors from the states Greeley won (Texas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Maryland) could cast their votes. Most of Greeley’s electors cast their votes for other Democrats. SUMMARY: What is clear by 1872 is that the Democrats are starting to regain control in some the Southern states. Even though Grant wins the election, the corruption and his Reconstruction already starting to become a problem in There are also other factors contributing to the downfall which we explored last lesson, such as violence. TASK: With the help of the map on page 211, how many states votes Democrat during the 1872 election? Why do you think the other states remained Republican?

5 Why was the South ‘redeemed’?
This lesson you will be looking at the different types of opposition to Radical Reconstruction, which involved a mixture of both political and violent resistance. Good learning: Understand the different types of resistance to Radical Reconstruction Great learning: Explain what impact the resistance had Even better: Evaluate how the South was able to be ‘redeemed’.

6 What is redemption? From the early 1870s the South start to ‘redeem’ themselves and the redemption process which took place in the South would also contribute to the fall of the Republican party and Reconstruction. Task 1: From what you can remember last lesson, what is redemption? In the context of southern politics, the term Redemption refers to the overthrow or defeat of Radical Republicans (white and black) by white Democrats, marking the end of the Reconstruction era in the South. In addition to its biblical allusions, the term also reflects the widely held belief among white southerners of a time that the Republican state regimes had, such as James M. Smith, a Confederate veteran and native of Twiggs County, served as the governor of Georgia from 1872 to James M. Smith Reconstruction had been inefficient and corrupt, and that the "Redeemers" who re-established white Democratic control of the state also restored effective and honest government. Good learning: Understand how effective the Freedmen’s Bureau was Great learning: Explain the what acts Grant put in place during his administration and the impact they had Even better: Evaluate the downfall of the Republican Party

7 How was Radical Reconstruction resisted?
South ‘redeemed’ Violence KKK and other white supremacist groups Riots, etc. Political Election of 1872 1874 mid-term elections Failure of 1875 Civil Rights Act As Radical Republican tightened their grasp on Reconstruction, people in the South (plantation owners, etc) were horrified at what they saw. The dominance of African Americans, carpetbaggers and scalawags continued to be a threat to the southern way of life and there was also backlash over the corruption and scandals that came with Grant’s administration. This got them to take action. TASK: Watch the following clip and make notes on: The situation in the South The different ways people opposed radical Reconstruction. Watch the following clip from 6.40 to 10 minutes TASK: Explain how the violence would help politically in getting the South redeemed. Good learning: Understand the different types of resistance to Radical Reconstruction Great learning: Explain what impact the resistance had Even better: Evaluate how the South was able to be ‘redeemed’.

8 Govt. attempts to stop them
Violence and Intimidation: growth of white supremacist groups in the South Republican rule sparked a vigorous backlash as southern whites determined to recover political dominance. In 1866 paramilitary groups formed in most southern states to fight for white rights, the most notorious of which was the Ku Klux Klan. TASK: Watch the first clip and complete the following questions: What was the violence a reaction to? What was the KKK and what was their goal? What examples are there of political violence? Explain their goals. KKK Origins How they operated Govt. attempts to stop them Impact 2. Watch the next clip and expand on the mind map. Once finished, you should also add any extra information using pages 1. – video in half way down. Show all of it. 2. up to 7.20mins Good learning: Understand the different types of resistance to Radical Reconstruction Great learning: Explain what impact the resistance had Even better: Evaluate how the South was able to be ‘redeemed’.

9 Violence and Intimidation: situation by the mid 1870s
By the mid-1870s race continued to be a dominant issue and whilst the KKK had been established a few years prior to this, there were more paramilitary groups on the block and more focus on influencing the election process. TASK: Read the information on the situation by the mid-1870s and the situation in Louisiana and Mississippi on page - Draw a stick man to represent each of the categories below and explain what the situation is like for each of them during this time. A member of the Red Shirts A poor white southerner A Democrat An African American living in Louisiana Could divide up and get a pair/table to look at each type of individual and share. A Republican member of Government in Mississippi President Grant Good learning: Understand the different types of resistance to Radical Reconstruction Great learning: Explain what impact the resistance had Even better: Evaluate how the South was able to be ‘redeemed’.

10 Impact of white supremacist groups in the South
The Ku Klux Klan and the violence and intimidation present during this time had a big impact on the South. Some of the consequences include: 1000s of black people were injured or killed during this time Reduced number of black votes Made Grant introduce the forces act which became unpopular due to increased federal presence It helped to stop progression for black people on a state level Help the Democrats regain control of the South The North no longer wanted to continue the fight to help back people – in there eyes it was over. TASK: Place these different impacts in a pyramid as seen opposite. Explain your top choice. Good learning: Understand the different types of resistance to Radical Reconstruction Great learning: Explain what impact the resistance had Even better: Evaluate how the South was able to be ‘redeemed’.

11 1874 mid-term elections The situation by the mid 1870s is that the end of Radical Reconstruction was becoming increasingly clear as the Democrats began to take more control, violence was increasingly common and that the majority of the people living in the South were white. The economic situation that had arisen out of 1873 continued to turn people attention away from the plight of black people and the corruption and scandals had tarnished the Republican administration. Thus, when mid-term elections came up in 1874 the impact of the above was clear to see. TASK: Look at the information sheet you have been given and read the information about the mid-term election of Explain why this marks a turning point in Reconstruction and explain the impact of this result going forward for: The Republicans Reconstruction African Americans Good learning: Understand the different types of resistance to Radical Reconstruction Great learning: Explain what impact the resistance had Even better: Evaluate how the South was able to be ‘redeemed’.

12 Failure of the 1875 Civil Rights Act
After the period of Reconstruction has ended, many of the acts and legislation put in place had either disappeared, ruled as unconstitutional or just ignored and replaced. TASK: Read the second part of the sheet you have been given and answer the following: Explain why the 1875 Civil Rights Act failed. Explain what you think the main factors were which led to its failure. Good learning: Understand the different types of resistance to Radical Reconstruction Great learning: Explain what impact the resistance had Even better: Evaluate how the South was able to be ‘redeemed’.

13 Why was the South able to be ‘redeemed’?
Task: Firstly, I would like you to come up with you main reason on why the South was able to be redeemed and make a couple of points to support your argument ready for a string debate. I am going to start off the debate by saying that….. The political violence that had occurred during the mid-1870s was a crucial element in helping the south become ‘redeemed’. Good learning: Understand the different types of resistance to Radical Reconstruction Great learning: Explain what impact the resistance had Even better: Evaluate how the South was able to be ‘redeemed’.

14 Flip Learning For next lesson you need to: TASK:
Find out about the Clinton massacre (1875) and South Carolina Riots (1875). What happened on these occasions and how typical was this event of the South at this time. Also, try to find any other examples of violence and intimidation during this time.

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