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Packet #8 Dividing Polynomials

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1 Packet #8 Dividing Polynomials
Math 160 Packet #8 Dividing Polynomials

2 Long Division Ex 1. Divide using long division: 3 đ‘Ĩ 4 −5 đ‘Ĩ 3 −20đ‘Ĩ−5 đ‘Ĩ 2 +đ‘Ĩ+3

3 Synthetic Division Synthetic division is a quick way to divide by something of the form đ‘Ĩ−𝑐. Ex 2. Divide using synthetic division: đ‘Ĩ 4 − đ‘Ĩ 3 + đ‘Ĩ 2 −đ‘Ĩ+2 đ‘Ĩ−2

4 Remainder Theorem: If the polynomial 𝑃(đ‘Ĩ) is divided by đ‘Ĩ−𝑐, then the remainder is the value 𝑃(𝑐). So, instead of finding 𝑃(𝑐) by directly plugging in đ‘Ĩ=𝑐, we can instead use synthetic division since the remainder will be 𝑃(𝑐) (by the Remainder Theorem).

5 Remainder Theorem: If the polynomial 𝑃(đ‘Ĩ) is divided by đ‘Ĩ−𝑐, then the remainder is the value 𝑃(𝑐). So, instead of finding 𝑃(𝑐) by directly plugging in đ‘Ĩ=𝑐, we can instead use synthetic division since the remainder will be 𝑃(𝑐) (by the Remainder Theorem).

6 Ex 3. Let 𝑃 đ‘Ĩ =3 đ‘Ĩ 5 +5 đ‘Ĩ 4 −4 đ‘Ĩ 3 +7đ‘Ĩ+3. Use synthetic division and the Remainder Theorem to find 𝑃(−2).

7 Factor Theorem: 𝑐 is a zero of 𝑃 if and only if đ‘Ĩ−𝑐 is a factor of 𝑃(đ‘Ĩ). In other words, each zero corresponds with a factor, and each factor corresponds with a zero.

8 Factor Theorem: 𝑐 is a zero of 𝑃 if and only if đ‘Ĩ−𝑐 is a factor of 𝑃(đ‘Ĩ). In other words, each zero corresponds with a factor, and each factor corresponds with a zero.

9 Ex 4. Use the Factor Theorem to show that đ‘Ĩ−2 is a factor of 𝑃 đ‘Ĩ = đ‘Ĩ 3 +2 đ‘Ĩ 2 −3đ‘Ĩ−10.

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