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Hhholdorf RT(R, RETIRED)

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1 Hhholdorf RT(R, RETIRED)
Radiography 1.2.3 Hhholdorf RT(R, RETIRED)

2 Historical Background
Discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Röentgen  Was the first to discoverer and systematically study X-rays Known originally as Röntgen rays While Wilhelm was experimenting with electric currents passing through a tube, he realized a nearby fluorescent screen began glowing as the current passed through When the current was switched off the screen stopped glowing

3 Historical Background
Roentgen generated the very first "roentgenogram" by developing an image of his wife's hand which clearly showed her bones and wedding ring He was the first to produce an x-ray of the human body Was named the new form of radiation - X-radiation X standing for "Unknown” This photograph fascinated the public and puzzled scientists because they had never seen rays penetrate the body and photograph bones before Only 6 months after Roentgen announced his discovery, X-rays were being used by battlefield physicians to locate bullets in wounded soldiers.

4 Historical Background
The discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in 1896 inspired Marie Curie and her husband’s research and analysis, which led to the isolation of polonium and radium They found that both polonium and radium were more radioactive than uranium was Throughout her life, she actively promoted the use of radium to alleviate suffering and during World War 1, she personally devoted herself to this type of remedial work and to helping others It was her goal to use science to help the world in whatever way possible

5 Indications for When To Order
Example: A mother brings her son into the emergency room after she found out he had swallowed a coin. The Dr. will order an X- ray to see if the coin is stuck in the esophagus or if it will safely pass through the digestive system. Once the x ray is taken, the Dr. will assess the problem and decide what to do.

6 Indications for When To Order
Example: A woman is rushed to the hospital because she was stabbed in the head with a screw driver. An x ray will be ordered to see how far it has entered the head, also to see what damage it has caused before undergoing an operation to remove the object.

7 Indications for When To Order
Example: A man comes into the ER after falling off a ladder. He is sent to get an x- ray so the doctor can diagnose and treat his injury. Once the x ray shows that he has a broken bone the doctor will give him the treatment that best suits his injury.

8 Risks of Radiography Causing a disturbance in the growth or development of an embryo or fetus (teratogenic defect) when it is performed on a pregnant patient or one of childbearing age A small increase in the possibility that a person exposed to X-rays will develop cancer later in life Tissue effects such as cataracts, skin reddening, and hair loss, which occur at relatively high levels of radiation exposure and are rare for many types of imaging exams

9 Benefits of Radiography
Useful to diagnose bone injury and disease, such as fractures, bone infections, arthritis, and cancer Because x-ray imaging is so fast and easy, it is particularly useful in emergency diagnosis and treatment X-ray equipment is relatively inexpensive and widely available in physician offices, ambulatory care centers, nursing homes, and other locations Examinations are usually convenient for both patients and physicians Noninvasive and painless Helps to diagnosis disease and monitor therapy

10 A Patient Being Put Through the Test
The Role of Ultrasonography In The Evaluation Of Maxillary Sinusitis In Pediatrics Steps for initial sonograms of maxillary sinuses include the following (Procedures in relation to all 134 patients involved in the experiment): 4-9 MHz transducers were used under two-dimensional view Patients were instructed to sit upright and lean the head forward by a small angle Transducers were placed in transverse views and inferior to the eyes on both sides of the patients’ noses

11 The Test cont’d Used to closely examine the maxillary sinuses to diagnose inflammation or mucous build-up in either or both sinuses An ultrasound that would indicate a normal maxillary sinus would have clear content and very symmetric measurements of the bilateral sinuses. This represents air moving through the nasal passages and the maxillary sinuses. Triangular shapes in sinuses show accumulated fluid and mucous via no echo used in sonogram Non-triangular shapes and prominent contours of sinuses indicate fluid built up in the nasal passages of patients diagnosed with maxillary sinusitis Indicated via echo sonograms which help determine the levels of severity of mucous build-up per patient


13 The Test cont’d Steps for X-ray examinations of same cases
(taken shortly after the ultrasounds): Exams taken from the occipitomental x-ray view for each case study participant, the posterior section of the skull Patients were positioned so that the cheek bones and the locations posterior to ethmoid and sphenoid bones in order to places images solely on the maxillary sinuses X-ray exams used the single projection method to focus directly on the sinuses in the upper jaw of each patient


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