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LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO Status Paula Collins LHCC Comprehensive Review, January Assembly Modules* Pile-Up modules Burn-in* Assembly* Constraint system Testbeam Commissioning* Overview* Mechanics/infrastructure RF boxes* Vacuum* Motion System* Cooling* Transport Tests* 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
2 x “module halves” right half left half What is a VELO? 1 x vacuum vessel 42 x sets of kapton cables 2 x “rf boxes” 42 x modules 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO Module Production
30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Liverpool Mid Term Review October 2006
Sample Overview Plots Extensive documentation of procedures and overview of project Extract from Referee’s report: The Velo module construction team should be congratulated for the excellent documentation & presentations. The team have a clear understanding of the assembly processes and testing protocols to meet schedule for module construction. The team are committed to the continued development of procedures to maximise the yield of good modules. Leakage Current Tracking Improved procedures R sensor position in LHCb x and y 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Major subsequent issues quickly traced and solved
Heel Breaks of bonds on a small number of modules Traced to a particular bonding period And to seismic activity due to construction work nearby Seismometer installed and problem eliminated Cracks in Beetle chips Traced to particular wafer All affected chips replaced (4x32 hybrids) Bad p-spray isolation on a couple of sensors Pull Strengths Bad period 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
21st December Production Milestone: Delivery of VELO Half complete (21 modules + 2 spares) Production well on track for completion by mid-March Mid Term Review X-mas Estimated completion Production Steps Modules Delivered 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO Module Burn-in 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Burn-in Lab Reception Visual inspection Mounted in burn-in tank Thermal images IV & data in air IV & data in vacuum Thermally cycle 4 times IV & data in vacuum Chip burn-in before after difference IV & data in vacuum IV & data in air Thermal images Dismounted from tank 2nd brief visual inspection 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Burn-in and visual reception
27 modules visually inspected – 290,000 bonds and a handful of discrepancies 17 modules fully burned in 14 step process including temp cycling, chip burnin, thermal images, vacuum operation tracking module delivery 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO Assembly 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Mounting is straightforward – but delicate
module bridge rotated into position cooling cookies attached module inserted onto support experts brought in for kapton attachments 3-4 modules / week possible in smooth operation 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Assembly Issues Long Kaptons December 06: Anomalous measurement traced by TDR to long kapton problem Developed automatic method to scan all long kaptons for discrepancies of a few W System used at NIKHEF and CERN. Short kaptons already scanned at Liverpool Vacuum Issues Various leaks found and fixed Cooling Issues Use of dedicated CO2 cooling system – consumption around 1 tonne so far 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
ACDC3: commissioning in beam Beam 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
ACDC “Alignment Challenge and Dectector Commissioning”
April 2006: ACDC1: Operate a full slice of the VELO August 2006: ACDC2: Operate three standalone VELO modules in testbeam November 2006 ACDC3: Operate ¼ of the final VELO in testbeam CO2 cooling – batteries of 8/12 bottles, 4 tonnes consumed Vacuum All electronics final All power supplies final 12 TELL1s + control in one crate – realistic cabling issues! final experimental control system (ECS) Real LHCb firmware and software (event building, clustering, tracking, vertexing, alignment, online monitoring) 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
First tracks in the “real” VELO
From LHCb event display - Panoramix Panoramix Event Display 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
And first vertices for the VELO!
200/300 um Pb targets used to simulate beam interactions in closed and open positions 2-track vertex event in Panoramix Seen “almost” online! Target cylinder 4 mm Al vacuum trolley wall 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Important test of alignment algorithms with real detector and real data
Comparison of alignment constants operating in air (open circles) and vacuum (red circles) Alignment impact on vertex resolution x before alignment after alignment y 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Assembly Status 22nd January
First Half of VELO “C-side” complete Second half ready to start assembly 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Assembly is tracking Delivery/Burn-in
thermflowing long kapton installation Testbeam 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Detector Assembly Overview
C half A half Pile Up 2007 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Module Delivery Burn-in Module Mounting Test Beam Metrology Dressing and elec. commission Installation at IP8 Beam pipe bakeout 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Vacuum Vessel Transport to IP8 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
RF boxes super plastic pressing of 300 mm Al foil with hot gas welding into a vacuum tight box 30 mm 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
wakefield suppressors between (movable) rf-boxes and beam pipe 75 mm CuBe foil 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Wake field suppressor mounted on VELO exit window 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Vacuum System evacuation Complex system! 2 roughing pumps 3 turbo pumps 2 ion getter pumps 13 valves 1 bypass valve 6 membrane switches 11 Pirani gauges 7 Penning gauges During evacutation and venting procedures 5mbar limit on foil never exceeded Best pressure achieved so far with no bakeout and no ion getter pumps: 4 x 10-8 mbar Dp=pbeam-pdet [mbar] venting 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Motion System motion control implemented in a PLC readout via resolvers reproducibility < 10 mm 3 d.o.f.: XR, XL and Y GUI in PVSS software and hardware limits UPS system 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO closed half-open VELO tracking LHC-beams crossing VELO open rf-foil [mm] 45 30 15 . -15 -30 -45 30 15 -15 -30 [mm] 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Cooling 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
cooling plant under construction freon chiller CO2-part 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
inside of the VELO with bellows and blind flanges
(August ’06) C-side A-side 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
empty VELO-vessel C-side A-side 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
rf-boxes installed A-side C-side 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
a look at the inside the C-side 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
what beam1 will see when entering the VELO A-side C-side 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Vacuum tests Leak rate between beam and detector volumes: 2.4x10-5 mbar.l/s @ 1.6 mbar He A lot worse than measured for the bare boxes at NIKHEF, before transport, NEG coating, and installation “Leaks” located at specific corners. For venting, evacuation, and normal operation, this size of leak poses no problem vented mode Beam mode Ne Primary vacuum Ne secondary vacuum 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Vacuum tests (continued) The moment when this leak is not desirable is during the insertion of the module bases with the silicon modules on. This is (hopefully) a one-time operation for each half. At this stage, the detector volume is vented to atmosphere, the primary volume filled with ultra pure Neon, and there is a risk to saturate the NEGS. Estimated time for this to happen approx 1 day – equal to time needed for insertion. The first bakeout of the RF boxes + beampipe, which happens before detector installation, can go ahead as planned After this, a repeat bakeout of the beam pipe would be needed – implications for LHCb (dismount RICH1 mirrors) More investigations scheduled (bake-out test, varnish?) scheduled for 2nd week March. 2nd bakeout will probably not be needed for 2007 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Cabling at IP8 LV close to completion Analog cabling started
dummy detector hood cable support frame 29th January 2007 14 analog cables! LV left half analogue links LV right half cable trays cable supports in barrack 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
All cabling and connectorizing scheduled to be
Summary (cabling, cooling, infrastructure) Analog cabling started end January, approx one month control/HV/LV/cooling and patch panels to follow in march All cabling and connectorizing scheduled to be finished by April 1. 11 April 20 April: - install cooling plant + PLC on C3-platform - install cooling bridge in RB84 end of April / early May: - cooling acceptance tests cooling scheduled to be ready to use by early May 4 weeks: ultra pure Ne-system 1 week: vacuum tests 1 week: motion tests 1 week: bake out tests rest of infrastructure scheduled to be ready by early April 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO transport and insertion tests
30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO transport to ACDC3. And Back Again
Two tri-axial accelerometers with a sensitivity of 100 mV/g and frequency range of 0.3 to 6 kHz fixed directly on the detector base frame. Sensor mass: 10g One mono-axial accelerometer on the extremity of the dummy VELO module Shocklog on the base frame Continuous online monitoring The shocks did not exceed 0.1g below 200Hz The natural resonance frequency of the module is excited particularly during crane operations One conclusion was to do a “test sink” and installation of a VELO half in the pit, before modules are mounted Dummy VELO Module. Tri-axial accelerometer fixed directly on the detector base frame Mono-axial accelerometer fixed directly on the extremity of the dummy VELO Module. Mass : 1 gram 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
January 17th: Insertion test into VELO tank Left Half populated with two modules dummy module endoscope inside RF box cooling cookies 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Before transport/insertion After transport/insertion
Mean S/N 20.21 Mean S/N 20.31 Module Performance is identical 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Conclusions VELO installation at pit is nearing completion Vacuum tank completely installed together with RF boxes and wakefield suppressors Cabling underway Cooling system completion forseen for April/May Module delivery moving smoothly through 70% mark One half VELO fully populated, awaiting metrology, one more half to go! VELO commissioning in testbeam System as a whole worked well Vertex reconstruction successful Successful alignment of VELO proves that the modules are within tolerance and do not move excessively when going to vacuum Extensive dress rehearsals of module transports ongoing A side C side 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Backup Slides 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Module assembly on right (=C) half 19 out of 21 VELO-modules are installed, thermoflowed, tested last 2 will be done within the coming week fitting of constraint system 2 PU-modules installed early Feb. metrology 2 VELO + 2 PU missing M25 M38 M41 M35 M33 M44 M42 M50 M45 M51 M36 Module assembly on right (=A) half 2 PU still missing M32 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO view Vacuum vessel LHC collision point8 repeater electronics Home-made rectangular bellows « RF box » module support VELO exit window detector "hood" CO2 cooling Wake field suppressor ~1 m kapton cables Silicon modules 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Production Inventory 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Production Steps completed by date
Installed Modules Completed For Hybrid Preparation PA/Chip Gluing Beetle Bonding Sensors Full Modules 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO Constraint System
30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Sensor-foil tolerance is tight
slot cross section In general, 1mm clearance Note though that movements in z reduce the x clearance e.g. 1 mm z displacements removes about 0.25mm x clearance 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Foil Deformations in x (Module Direction)
mechanical construction elastic deformations during venting (-0.45,-0.25) (-0.25,-0.05) (-0.05,0.15) (0.15,0.35) deviation [mm] (elastic) deflection: 0.3 4 mbar Grand Total of 0.95 mm eating into a 1 mm clearance… NO MARGIN FOR ERROR!! 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Constraint System will fix modules in z
Constructed of carbon-fibre (1.72g/cm3) material goes from 17.9%X0 to 18.4% X0 Design and Manufacture at Liverpool complete. Delivery to CERN: 5th February Top view showing the notches accommodating the hybrids 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
Pile-Up Wilco Vink, Sander Mos, Martin van Beuzekom, Leo Wiggers, Joop Rovekamp 4 upstream modules with R-sensors uses digital readout of Beetle-chips vetoes BXs with multiple PV’s 4 vertex processing boards 1 output board 4 PU-hybrids 8 optical Tx-boards L0DU 125 Gb/s construction under 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
New for 2007: Final curing of module Thermflow (no going back!)
heated module Test module at thermal equilibrium Thermflow via Beetles with adapted settings Retorque cooling cookies Re-test at thermal equilibrium Periodic checks of groups of modules in vacuum gain of around 6 degrees heat leak to adjacent modules before cooling system vacuum after 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
VELO installation and commissioning: strategy
two parallel activities Install vacuum/mechanics at IP8 Vacuum continuity for LHC, bake out Commission vacuum and positioning systems "POINT8" Assemble/commission detectors and electronics outside IP8 Test beam run, rec. s/w, alignment... "Alignment Challenge & Detector Commissioning" "ACDC" Install detectors after bake-out (& sector test) Global LHCb commissioning 30th January 2007 LHCb comprehensive review, Paula Collins
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