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Craig Olson, Tina Tanaka, Tim Renk, Greg Rochau, Robert Peterson

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1 Craig Olson, Tina Tanaka, Tim Renk, Greg Rochau, Robert Peterson
Exposures of FW candidate materials on Z (x-rays - single shot) and on RHEPP (ions - 100s of shots) Introduction Craig Olson, Tina Tanaka, Tim Renk, Greg Rochau, Robert Peterson HAPL Meeting at UCLA June 2-3, 2004 Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

2 Philosophy of using x-rays on Z to test laser IFE dry-wall materials
Then: Use as single-shot test bed for initial screening of candidate wall materials, and compare with Bucky code calculations Advantages: wide fluence range ( 1 J/cm2 to  1000 J/cm2) very uniform fluence (large distance from “point source”) ~1 keV x-rays for tungsten wire array tailored line radiation to 4 keV, and higher, if wanted Disadvantages: debris, exact spectra, add-on shots hard to acquire Now: Finalize understanding of roughening Normalize results on Z with results on XAPPER Test materials with many keV spectra (closest to threat spectra) if desired Test “final” candidate material

3 Tungsten exposure to x-rays on Z shows that x-ray damage should not be a problem (single shot)
threat threat (154 MJ) (400 MJ)

4 Philosophy of using ions on RHEPP to test laser IFE dry-wall materials
Then: Use as single-shot test bed for initial screening of candidate wall materials, and compare with Bucky code calculations Advantages: power plant relevant ion fluences (up to ~10 J/cm2) uniform fluence, choice of ions effect of Bragg peak easy access, fast turn around Disadvantages: ~ 100 ns (whereas threat is ~ s) Now: Principle facility for ion testing of candidate wall materials for HAPL Extensive studies of ablation, roughening, cracking, valleys, exfoliation, etc. Extensive studies of aging (above ~ 100 shots) 100s to 1000 or more shots Extensive range of candidate materials are being tested

5 FW material exposure to ions on RHEPP shows that ion damage is still an issue
Ablation Depth (mm) Net Ablation No net ablation, but surface roughening F(J/cm2) Threshold for roughening Threshold for ablation Threats: 154 MJ MJ 8.5 J/cm J/cm2 (1.82 J/cm2) (4.54 J/cm2) For W:  1.25 J/cm2  6 J/cm2  2 J/cm2 (current tests)

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