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Presentation on theme: "LITTLE TREE IN THE POT | BONSAI"— Presentation transcript:


2 BONSAI 2018/9/19 WHAT’RE BONSAI? Bonsai are trees and plants grown in containers in such a way so that they look their most beautiful--even prettier than those growing in the wild. Bonsai means a tree or plant, or group of trees or plants, cultivated in a container. Bonsai can be very varied in size, ranging from no more than 2.5 cm (1 inch) up to about 125 cm (4 feet). 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

3 BONSAI HISTORY First appeared in China over a thousand years ago.
2018/9/19 BONSAI HISTORY First appeared in China over a thousand years ago. Then, in Japan, it’s become a symbol of prestige, honor. The origins of bonsai are somewhat shrouded in the mists of time, but the first bonsai are thought to have been grown in China about 1500 years ago, and possibly 1200 years ago these miniature tree began to gain popularity in Japan. 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

4 The Five Main Bonsai Styles
2018/9/19 The Five Main Bonsai Styles FORMAL UPRIGHT INFORMAL UPRIGHT SLANTING (OR WINDSWEPT) CASCADE SEMI-CASCADE Bonsai fall into a number of categories according to shape, but the most important thing to keep in mind is to allow the tree to express its individuality freely, without forcing it to fit any particular category, and to help it achieve its most beautiful, balanced form. Click  See Detail 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

5 Bonsai plants Juniper Pine Maple Oak Cedar others Larch Olive
2018/9/19 Bonsai plants The most popular varieties are Juniper Maple Cedar Larch Olive Pine Oak others All sorts of trees and shrubs are used as bonsai. In essence, any plant that can be grown in a small container can be cultivated as a bonsai. Click  See Examples 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

2018/9/19 BONSAI CARE TECHNIQUES Step 1. PRUNING Step 2. WIRING Step 3. REPOTTING Click  See Detail 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

7 MAINTANCE Refining Watering Feeding Click  See Detail 2018/9/19 WENDY
BONSAI 2018/9/19 MAINTANCE Refining Watering Feeding Click  See Detail 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

8 BONSAI is an art without end
is an outlet for both art and horticulture. 2018/9/19 WENDY


10 ~ CLICK HERE TO END ~ OR, if your computer is
BONSAI 2018/9/19 ~ CLICK HERE TO END ~ OR, if your computer is Connected to the Internet, Click here 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

11 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 1:Formal Upright A tree has a straight vertical trunk with the branches in fairly horizontal positions. Example 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

12 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 1:Formal Upright Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

13 Style 2:Informal Upright
BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 2:Informal Upright In an informal upright bonsai the trunk should slightly bend to the right or left - but never towards the viewer. Study the shape of the tree from all angles. When the best angle has been established, support the tree in this position. Example 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

14 Style 2:Informal Upright
BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 2:Informal Upright Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

15 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 3:Slanting Trees that slant naturally occur a result of buffeting winds or deep shade during early development. Whether curved or straight, the whole trunk leans at a definite angle. The angle of the trunk should look as natural as possible and the position of the branches must relate to the trunk, so that a mature shape is obtained. Example 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

16 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 3:Slanting Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

17 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 4:Cascade The growing tip of a cascade bonsai reaches below the base of a container. It represents a tree growing in a difficult situation, such as the side of a rock face. The most obvious characteristic is cascade bonsai reachers below the base of a container. Example 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

18 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 4:Cascade BASE BASE Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

19 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 5:Semi-Cascade The tip of a semi-cascade, like the cascade, projects over the rim of the container, but does not drop below its base. The semi-cascade in a style that reflects the effect of difficult growing conditions on a tree. The styling here is designed to give the appearance of a tree growing out of the side of a rock face or quarry. Example 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

20 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Style 5:Semi-Cascade Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

21 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Juniper Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

22 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Maple Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

23 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Cedar Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

24 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Larch Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

25 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Olive Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

26 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Pine Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

27 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Oak Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

28 BONSAI 2018/9/19 OTHERS Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

29 BONSAI 2018/9/19 OTHERS Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

30 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Step 1. Pruning Branches are pruned with scissors and other tools to adjust a tree's shape. Back Example 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

31 Step 1. PRUNING Before pruning After Pruning Back 2018/9/19 WENDY
BONSAI 2018/9/19 Step 1. PRUNING Before pruning After Pruning You will need a pair of bonsai scissors and branch cutters, but you may be able to make do with ordinary scissors and pruners. When pruning, make sure that all wounds are sealed with the special bonsai wound sealer. Select a tree that you think has the potential to make a good bonsai. Using branch cutters, prune out unwanted main branches so that you can see the form of the tree. Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

32 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Step 2. WIRING Wiring involves attaching wires to the trunk and branches to create a desired turn or correct an unnatural curve. Wiring is one of the most important techniques of bonsai training, because it enables the trunk, branches and shoots to be positioned precisely. This gives control over the shape of the tree, which, when complete, should represent the appearance of a full-size, mature tree. Back Example 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

33 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Step 2. WIRING Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

34 BONSAI 2018/9/19 Step 3. REPOTTING The key to having a healthy bonsai is to keep its roots fit. This requires regular repotting, a process where overgrown roots are pruned and replanted in new soil. The drainage holes in the bottom o the pot should be covered with plastic mesh to stop the soil falling through. A layer of small stones or coarse grit should be spread over the bottom of the pot to allow free drainage of excess water. Back Example 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

35 Step 3. REPOTTING Back 2018/9/19 WENDY BONSAI 2018/9/19
When placing the tree in the pot, it is a good idea to make a mound of soil under the rootball, so that when you settle the tree down you know that the roots will be in good contact with the soil. Then, when adding the final amount of soil. Work it in carefully around all the roots with a chopstick to make sure that the soil is in contact around all of the roots. Back 2018/9/19 WENDY WENDY

Tidying up old pruning cuts, removing dead branches and thinning out the branch structure are all essential to ensure continued improvement of your bonsai. Back Example 2018/9/19 WENDY

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The frequency of watering will depend on wind, sun or a combination of both, so we must monitor levels in the soil regularly. Example Back 2018/9/19 WENDY

Back 2018/9/19 WENDY

Regular feeding at the correct time of year, with the correct fertilizer, is essential to maintain good healthy growth. Example Back 2018/9/19 WENDY



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