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Thursday Warm Up Glue the reading passage about Galileo into the warm up section of your notebook After reading the passage complete the following tasks:

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday Warm Up Glue the reading passage about Galileo into the warm up section of your notebook After reading the passage complete the following tasks:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday Warm Up Glue the reading passage about Galileo into the warm up section of your notebook After reading the passage complete the following tasks: Provide the passage with a title Give me a definition(in your own words) for the following two words in the passage: experiment observation “Within 24 hours, he had invented a telescope that could magnify things to make them appear ten times larger than real life.” Why is this sentence important in helping us understand Galileo?

2 Let’s Review What is the Heliocentric Theory and how did it conflict with what the Church was teaching?

3 Models of the Solar System
Geocentric Heliocentric Left image retrieved from Right image retrieved from 3

4 The Problem On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. -Joshua 10:12-13 How does this passage from the Bible support the Geocentric Theory? (Discuss with your table)

5 Portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus
First person to publish his support of the Heliocentric Theory Waited until he was 70 years old to publish his book Knew the Church would not support his theories Image retrieved from Portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus 5

6 Painting of the Council of Trent from the late 17th century
1545: Council of Trent meeting to stop the spread of Protestantism and to revive the Catholic Church Declared that only the Catholic Church could interpret the Bible Establishes the Holy Office of the Roman inquisition to persecute heretics Image retrieved from Painting of the Council of Trent from the late 17th century 6

7 Illustration of Galileo, date unknown
Born in Pisa, Italy in 1564 Very religious and considered being a monk at one point Studied motion and physics 1609- constructed a telescope and his observations made him support Copernicus’ theory Image retrieved from Illustration of Galileo, date unknown 7

8 Conflict with the Church
The Church bans the works of Copernicus and others that support the Heliocentric Theory Pope Urban VIII allowed Galileo to discuss Copernicus’ view 1632- Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Galileo is brought before the Inquisition and tried as a heretic Image retrieved from Galileo Galilei Showing the Doge of Venice How to Use the Telescope, painted in 1858 8

9 Central Historical Question
Was Galileo really a heretic? 9

10 Document Activity At your table, each seat is going to be assigned a number 1-4 Refer to the illustration below to see what your seat number is 2 3 1 4

11 Document Activity Continued…
In the middle of your desk is four Documents Each document is assigned to each seat as follows: Seat 1= Document A Seat 2= Document B Seat 3= Document C Seat 4= Document D You will have 5 minutes to read the document and answer the question assigned to it(projected on the screen) on the piece of paper covering your table After time is up you will rotate clockwise to the next seat until you have read and answer the question for each document

12 Document Questions Document A: How does Galileo defend himself against charges of being a heretic? Document B: Why do you think the Catholic Church was so committed to defending their interpretation of the Bible? Document C: By the end of the trial, what was the Catholic Church’s position on the heliocentric theory? Use examples from the document. Document D: Why do you think it was easier for the Church to side with Galileo in 1992 than in 1633? Explain.

13 Your Judgment Once you have analyzed all four documents
Log into Google Classroom Open the Judgment of Galileo document Put yourself at the trial of Galileo... ON YOUR OWN come to a final decision on whether or not Galileo was a heretic Be sure to provide reasons for your belief and to give examples from Documents A and B ONLY to support your answers. These documents are attached to the Classroom assignment as well Turn in the assignment once completed.

14 What happened to Galileo?
Galileo agrees to recant, take back his statements Under the threat or punishment or torture Sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life Died in 1642 Image retrieved from Galileo Facing Roman Inquisition, painted in 1857 14

15 Exit Ticket The Catholic Church forced Galileo to recant his statements under threat of punishment. What long held belief of the Catholic Church is challenged by Galileo’s teachings? The sun is at the center of the universe and the planets revolve around it The earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it The sun and the planets just float in space The earth is the center of our world but it revolves around the sun

16 Exit Ticket Galileo was brought before the Inquisition to be tried as a heretic. What ultimately happens to Galileo as a result of his teachings? He is allowed to continue writing about his support of the Heliocentric Theory He is allowed to continue writing about his support of the Geocentric Theory He is sentenced to death due to his support of the Heliocentric Theory He is forced to live the rest of his life on house arrest

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