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The TAA System ePMF Overview

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Presentation on theme: "The TAA System ePMF Overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 The TAA System ePMF Overview
Jeff Bittner 9/19/2018

2 Agenda Terms Types of TAA Access Non-Admins on the TAA
ePMF Reports ePMF Verification Timeline 9/19/2018

3 Terms TAA - Teacher Access and Authorization A NYSED hosted website that allows Teachers access to review Staff Snapshot and fill out their ePMF data, Non-Teaching Professionals access to review their Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment data, Teachers of 3-8 ELA, 3-8 Math, and Math Regents courses access go to review their TSRV roster data. Administrators to log onto the TAA using their SEDDAS credentials to review data. ePMF - Electronic Personnel Master File A section of the TAA that replaced the paper form bubble sheets that were filled out by staff on BEDS Day in prior years. Teachers review their data from Staff Snapshot and enter their Teaching Assignments into the ePMF. Non-Teaching Professional have the option to review data from their Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment in the ePMF. Completed approximately from October to February each school year. TSRV - Teacher Student Roster Verification AKA TSDL – Teacher Student Data Linkage. A section of the TAA where teachers of 3-8 ELA, 3-8 Math, and Math Regents courses go to review their rosters. The rosters on the TAA come from the Staff Student Course (SSC) template submitted to NYSED via Level0. Completed approximately February to June each school year. 9/19/2018

4 TAA – ePMF Timeline September/October – District begins submitting Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment End of October – TAA opens for the school year. January 17th – NERIC suggested deadline to have all Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment reported to L2 (this gives 7 days for teachers to enter data). January 25th – Deadline to report Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment submitted to Level2 in order for Non-Administrators to enter data. January 26th – Final day Non-Administrators can enter data in the TAA. TAA ePMF is locked to non-admins after this date. January 27th to February 23rd – Admin only access to the TAA. Changes in Staff Snapshot will continue to populate on the TAA during this time. There is no need to unsubmit staff data in order for an Admin to make changes. February 23rd – Deadline to verify (certify) Teacher data on the TAA. 9/19/2018

5 Administrator Access to the TAA
Set up via SEDDAS has two entitlement roles: TAA/TSRV- Entitlement is for school level administrators and allows a user to monitor TAA account status, view basic TSRV roster data loaded to Level 2 (L2), and view ePMF status. TAA/TSRV/ePMF- Entitlement is for district level administrators and allows all the features of TAA/TSRV with the added ability to drill down to ePMF data entered by teachers, and make edits on those data. Reset your SEDDAS password at the NYSED Business Portal: How to give TAA SEDDAS entitlements guide: 9/19/2018

6 Non-Admin Access to the TAA
Teachers Including Itinerants Non-Teaching Professionals Optional Note: The username picked by the user must be an address, however does not have to match the Staff Snapshot address. 9/19/2018

7 TAA Login Screen 9/19/2018

8 The TAA System ePMF – Electronic Personnel Master File TSRV – Teacher Student Roster Verification Replaced the paper form bubble sheets that were filled out by staff on BEDS Day in prior years. Displays data from the TEACH System, Staff Snapshot, and Staff Assignment (if applicable). Teachers must enter the building they work in and their Teaching Assignments. Optionally, staff can also enter a Race/Ethnicity. Teachers of courses 3-8 ELA, 3-8 Math, and Math Regents can review their rosters. Enrollment dates, enrollment minutes, and attendance minutes are displayed for every student who is reported in the Staff Student Course file as ever enrolled in the class. This data is used to calculated state provided growth scores for Staff Evaluation. 9/19/2018

9 ePMF -Teachers Should substitutes complete an ePMF?
Who should have a staff snapshot reported? All Teaching and Non-Teaching Professionals who were/are employed at anytime during the school year ( 7/1 to 6/30) including Itinerant Staff. Who should complete an ePMF form? Those individuals employed by public school districts, charter schools, and BOCES that provide direct educational instruction to your students who are physically located in your building. Do teachers returning from a leave of absence complete an ePMF upon return to school? If they return and the ePMF is open, they should fill out a form. If the staff member covering while they were out completed a form for the same assignments, the regular teacher should not complete an ePMF form. Should substitutes complete an ePMF? Substitute teachers should not complete an ePMF unless they are serving as the teacher of record. I am an itinerant teacher employed by one district, but teaching in two. How should I report this? Each district/BOCES where you are teaching an assignment should have loaded a Staff Snapshot record for you. When you log into TAA, you should see an ePMF form for each district. Complete the form in each district/BOCES where you are providing instruction to the students. 9/19/2018

10 Non-Admins on the TAA 9/19/2018

11 ePMF - Teachers After logging in, Teachers will have links to both the TSRV report as well as the ePMF section If more than one district submitted a Staff Snapshot for the Teacher, they will see more than one ePMF link. 9/19/2018

12 These sections can not be edited within the TAA
These sections can not be edited within the TAA. Changes must be made in the source system (HR) and resubmitted via Level 0 to the State. 9/19/2018

13 ePMF Race/Ethnicity and Building
Race/Ethnicity selection is optional. Teachers must select the building they work in (if they work in more than one building in the district, they should select the district from the dropdown). Building level Administrators will only be able to see the staff that selected their building as the building they work in. For example: When logged into the TAA with their SEDDAS credentials, the HS principal will only see teachers who selected the HS as the building they work in. District Data Coordinators (and all other District level users) will be able to see everyone since their SEDDAS account will be at the District Level. 9/19/2018

14 ePMF Assignments Teachers then click the “Add Assignment” link and use the search box to find the proper assignment. Teachers should report all the assignments and number of students they are teaching before the ePMF closes. If possible, teachers should report 2nd and 3rd quarter classes. Once your teachers have submitted their ePMF, there is no need for them to go update their assignment if there are any additions. They enter the Grade Level and Registration numbers at this point. If student counts (registration numbers) change during the school year, they do not have to update those numbers on the PMF form. Teachers should not combine classes and student registration numbers. Report each class separately showing the appropriate number of students for each class. 9/19/2018

15 ePMF Assignments For team-teaching situations, report only the number of students to whom you would be teaching your subject matter under ordinary circumstances. For instance, if a team of 3 teachers is working with 90 students, each teacher should report the number of students he/she would ordinarily be meeting outside of a team-teaching situation (for example, each teacher would enter one class with 30 students). Teachers can add up to 16 assignments. If they teach more than 16 assignments, report all courses on BEDS Day first and then with the remaining assignments, report as many classes as possible capturing the various grade levels. Do not combine classes and student registration numbers. Report each class separately showing the appropriate number of students for each class. 9/19/2018

16 ePMF Assignments Librarians should use the 7412 code for Library Media Specialist, and leave registration blank. All ePMF Teacher Assignment Codes are found here: For more information and scenarios, please refer to: “BASIC EDUCATIONAL DATA SYSTEM (BEDS) ADMINISTRATION MANUAL EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL DATA FORM & Electronic Personnel Master File (ePMF) USER GUIDE ” and the “ePMF FAQs” documents here: 9/19/2018

17 ePMF – Saving and Submitting
All ePMF forms are saved by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of the form. If Saved, a teacher can return to the form and continue entering or make changes. Once the information is complete and accurate, click “Submit.” Teachers will not be able to edit the ePMF form after they click Submit. Administrators, with proper SEDDAS credentials can review and correct the Assignments. 9/19/2018

18 ePMF – Non-Teachers New this year, Non-Teachers will be able to review their Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment data on the TAA. They will need a TAA account in order to access the TAA. They will have the option to enter their Race/Ethnicity and submit. They can’t submit until both Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment has been reported to L2 Non-Teachers are not entering the “BEDS Day Assignment” like the teachers. Unless they are acting in both a Teaching and Non-Teaching role. Administrators will need a TAA account in order to review their own Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment data, as well as optionally enter submit their race/ethnicity. 9/19/2018

19 ePMF – Non-Teachers Remember, this is optional. Non-Teachers do not need TAA accounts, they don’t have to review their data on the TAA, they don’t have to enter a race/ethnicity on the TAA, they do not have to have a submitted status on the TAA. However, there is no other way for Non- Teachers to review this data. The report on the IRS-Portal created in the past is no longer being generated. 9/19/2018

20 Changing a TAA username
There may be instances where staff will want to change their TAA username ( ). The official loaded in Staff Snapshot will be used to send a link with information if a TAA account is reset. Login with existing username. Click “My Account.” Click on “I want to change my username.” Then enter password to complete process. 9/19/2018

21 Admins on the TAA 9/19/2018

22 Administrators on the TAA
Administrators log into the TAA with their SEDDAS credentials. Administrators can begin reviewing ePMF data as soon as staff start entering data. They do not have to wait until the ePMF is locked for non-administrators. 9/19/2018

23 ePMF Statuses NO ACCOUNT: Indicates that the staff has not yet created a TAA account Make sure they have a Staff Snapshot record at Level 2 and they’ve been instructed to create an account. CREATE FORM- Staff member does have a valid Staff Snapshot record in Level 2, however has not yet signed into the TAA application and accessed their ePMF as of yet. Administrators can log into TAA and can complete the form for teachers that are unable to do so. INCOMPLETE- The staff member logged into TAA after a Staff Snapshot record was loaded for him/her but did not access the ePMF form. SAVED- The staff member accessed the ePMF form, entered partial information and clicked the SAVE button so he/she could finish at a later time. SUBMITTED- The staff member completed the form and clicked the SUBMIT button. Administrators can unsubmit and submit ePMF forms. Teachers cannot unsubmit a submitted form. 9/19/2018

24 Staff on the TAA I have people listed on the TAA who retired/left our school before school started (after 7/1 of this school year). Is that ok? Yes, anyone with a Staff Snapshot (with an active or inactive status in the Staff Snapshot) will appear on the TAA. When your Superintendent or School Leader verifies (certifies) the data they are only verifying the Teacher ePMF data on the TAA with a Submitted status. 9/19/2018

25 Admin resetting an account
There may be instances when an administrator with entitlements to TAA will need to reset a staff account. Log into the TAA with your SEDDAS Credentials. Click the Account/TSRV status for the Staff. Click the “Reset Account” button on the bottom right. This triggers an to their Staff Snapshot . They should check their Staff Snapshot and follow the instructions. 9/19/2018

26 ePMF Admin Reports 9/19/2018

27 ePMF Reports - Account Information
All Teacher Account Information icon creates an Excel spreadsheet basic account information, including when the teacher last viewed their TSRV and updated their ePMF form. 9/19/2018

28 ePMF Reports – PMF Information
Teacher PMF Information: creates an Excel spreadsheet showing account information from the Staff Snapshot including the PMF Status (Submitted, Saved…) of your TAA accounts. This is were you can get the Race/Ethnicity that Staff Saved or Submitted on the TAA. 9/19/2018

29 ePMF Reports – Assignment Information
Teacher Assignment Information icon creates a spreadsheet of the NYSED teaching assignment codes teachers selected when they filled in their ePMF forms. ALSO shows your Non-Teacher Staff Assignments data (sort for “0” in column I to see your Non-Teachers) This feature was created to assist administrators with the verification of teacher-entered data. 9/19/2018

30 ePMF Verification Users with Superintendent and Charter School Leader level SEDDAS accounts will have a Verify PMF Data button available in the lower left corner of the main page view. Clicking on this button submits all data for Teachers with a submitted PMF status to NYSED. Non-Teacher data and data not with a Submitted Status is not verified. If changes are needed after verification, the TAA will need to be uncertified, data must be fixed, and then the TAA is recertified. (expected to appear after January 26th) 9/19/2018

31 TAA Timeline 9/19/2018

32 Timeline September/October: District begins submitting Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment End of October: TAA opens for the school year. January 17th: NERIC suggested deadline to have all Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment reported to L2 (this gives 7 days for teachers to enter data) January 25th: Deadline to report Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment submitted to Level2 in order for Non-Administrators to enter data. January 26th: Final day Non-Administrators can enter data in the TAA. TAA ePMF is locked to non-admins after this date. 9/19/2018

33 Timeline continued January 27th to February 23rd: Admin only access to the TAA. Changes in Staff Snapshot will continue to populate on the TAA during this time. There is no need to unsubmit staff data in order to a Admin to make changes. February 23rd: Deadline to verify (certify) Teacher data on the TAA. February 23rd: SIRS extract of Staff data for federal reporting coming from: Teachers: Staff Snapshot and ePMF Assignment course counts. Non-Teachers: Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment. TBD: TSDL will open up for Teachers (3-8 ELA and Math and Math regents) to verify rosters. June 13th: Deadline to report SSC, Staff Assignment (principals), and Demo, Enrollment, and Program Services to be used for state provided growth calculations. 9/19/2018

34 References TAA:
NYSED Staff Reporting: NERIC DW Team Site: NERIC Reporting Staff in the School year presentation 9/19/2018

35 Thanks! Call the NERIC DW Team @ 518-862-5409 or
with any questions. 9/19/2018

36 9/19/2018

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