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Quarter 3 Grammar usage.

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1 Quarter 3 Grammar usage

2 What is a euphemism? A euphemism is a substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the listener.

3 Examples The factory has laid off workers because of the drop in sales. fired Just a few seconds before he went to meet his Maker, his lips moved in a faint whisper. died

4 When should we use euphemism?
We often use euphemism to express taboo or very sensitive subjects. His grandfather passed away last week. The funeral will be held this Friday. “pass away” means _______. Died

5 “on one’s last legs” means ___________ _________________.
When Sinclair joined in 1959, membership was falling, and the society was on its last legs. “on one’s last legs” means ___________ _________________. About to die

6 “senior citizen” means ____________.
Last year, my father set up a club for senior citizens. Once a week, they meet up and play cards. “senior citizen” means ____________. The school is for people who are physically challenged. “physically challenged” means _____________________________. Old person people with a physical disability

7 “A juvenile delinquent” means _______________________________________.
He was only 14 years old and was already a juvenile delinquent. He would spend his next 10 years in prison. “A juvenile delinquent” means _______________________________________. a young person who has a crime Committed

8 2. We often use euphemism to raise the status of someone or something.
The sanitary workers cleaned the hospital. “Sanitary worker” means _____________________________. a person who cleans dirty places, garbage man, janitor

9 “The man in the street” means ___________________________.
Clive Sinclair is the man who brought technology to the man in the street. “The man in the street” means ___________________________. My father has a lot of free time because he is between jobs at the moment. “Between jobs” means ___________. ordinary working class people unemployed

10 3. We often use euphemism to indicate situations not fit to express directly in public. I am just going to wash my hands. “Wash one’s hands” means ________________. The film was famous for having the highest body count of any war film. “Body count” means _____________ _________________________. to go to the toilet the number of dead bodies found at a scene

11 “Correctional facility” means _______.
The murderer would spend the rest of his life in the city’s correctional facility. “Correctional facility” means _______. prison

12 More examples of euphemisms
1. The student is sure to go far if he can use his resources fully. The student is ________. 2. The boy is a bit slow for his age. The boy is stupid. 3. She is a little overweight. She is ______. Lazy, Fat

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