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Published byPepijn de Backer Modified over 6 years ago
Erasmus+ Što donosi obrazovanju, osposobljavanju, mladima i sportu?
2014. – 2020. Erasmus+ Što donosi obrazovanju, osposobljavanju, mladima i sportu? WELCOME TO ERASMUS+ Let’s take a look at what the Erasmus+ programme is all about, and what’s in it for education, training, youth and sport with a few key facts.
O ERASMUSU+ Objedinjuje 7 programa EU za obrazovanje, osposobljavanje i mlade te prvi put uvodi sport Ukupni proračun iznosi 14,7 milijardi eura, što je 40% više u odnosu na prethodni ABOUT ERASMUS+ Erasmus+ replaces seven EU programmes in the areas of education, training, sport and youth. As one integrated programme it is easier to access the opportunities on offer. Why is this new programme so important? Well, one important reason is that nearly 6 million young people in Europe are unemployed, more than 50% in some countries, and yet there are 2 million unfilled jobs. Erasmus+ aims to readdress this balance by enabling young people to learn, volunteer and gain work experience abroad, ensuring that they develop the skills they need to succeed in today’s competitive world. To that end, Erasmus+ continues to support the modernisation of education and training in Europe through international study, training and volunteering opportunities. Cooperation between educational institutions, youth organisations and business is being extended. And the programme will now cover sport through opportunities that foster greater cross-border cooperation in this field. Also new is a brand new loan guarantee scheme to help Master’s students finance their studies abroad. There are also Knowledge and Sector Skills Alliances, which will be covered in more detail later on.
O ERASMUSU+ Više mogućnosti za učenje u inozemstvu za učenike, studente i nastavnike Bespovratna sredstva EU i osposobljavanje za oko 4 milijuna ljudi i institucija
Raspodjela proračuna MOBILNOST U SVRHU UČENJA ZA POJEDINCE Najmanje 63% SURADNJA U INOVACIJAMA I RAZMJENA DOBRIH PRAKSI Najmanje 28% BUDGET As you can see, Erasmus+ will provide more than €14,7 billion over seven years to strengthen Europe's education, training, youth and sport sectors. This represents a massive 40% increase compared to the previous programmes. The majority of the funding will be distributed as shown, and the remainder will allow for some flexibility. PODRŠKA REFORMI POLITIKA 4,2%
2 milijuna polaznika visokog obrazovanja mladih će volontirati ili sudjelovati u razmjenama za mlade stručnih praksi ili pripravničkih mjesta u inozemstvu INDIVIDUAL LEARNING MOBILITY Erasmus+ provides support to students wanting to study or gain work experience abroad. Students can study at a HE institution in other participating countries, undertake a traineeship in a workplace abroad, or possibly do both. Erasmus+ can help broaden young people’s horizons by funding youth exchanges and volunteering placements in different countries. Vocational training is becoming increasingly important and Erasmus+ helps European citizens to gain skills, knowledge and qualifications that are recognised across the EU. Through this programme, vocational students, recent graduates, trainees and apprentices can undertake a period of training abroad that is hosted in a company, workplace or vocational environment.
Sustav zajmova za polaznika diplomskih studija Bespovratna sredstva za združenih diplomskih studija HIGHER EDUCATION They can also benefit from the new EU loan guarantee scheme which provides funding for Master’s students studying a course abroad, helping them to gain the skills they need in order to fill knowledge-specific jobs. HE institutions can receive funding to run joint master’s degrees, which lets their students study in two different countries and helps to increase their employment prospects.
nastavnika i osoba koje rade s mladima savladat će nove metode podučavanja i učenja u inozemstvu STAFF MOBILITY Staff in pre-school, primary school and secondary school can also benefit from Erasmus+ funding. They can take part in a variety of activities abroad to help develop and broaden their knowledge and abilities, including structured courses and training, or work placements and job shadowing in a business, teaching/training institution or other relevant organisation. Teaching staff from HE institutions can widen their perspective and academic network by teaching at HE institutions abroad, while both teaching and non-teaching staff can benefit from courses, language training, job shadowing, training events and more. Vocational educational and training staff can benefit from courses, training events, work placements and job shadowing in similar environments. Youth workers will be supported in a similar way, by being offered the chance to take part in training activities, work placements and job shadowing abroad.
UDRUŽIVANJE ZNANJA 150 projekata 1500 visokih učilišta i poduzeća UDRUŽIVANJE SEKTORSKIH VJEŠTINA 2000 pružatelja usluga obrazovanja i osposobljavanja te poduzeća KNOWLEDGE ALLIANCES Erasmus+ also encourages cooperation between a variety of HE institutions, VET providers, the world of work and other organisations. They can also team up with businesses to form Knowledge Alliances, which is a way of bridging the gap between the world of work and education, enhancing innovation, employability and entrepreneurship. SECTOR SKILLS ALLIANCES In the field of VET, the cooperation between VET providers and the world of work can take the form of Sector Skills Alliances, a new action particularly addressed to skills mismatch. VET systems will be encouraged to address to sector-specific labour market needs and contribute to increased economic competitiveness of the concerned sector. On an international level, Erasmus+ also supports cooperation between HE institutions and their counterparts around the world, and this cooperation can help to enhance the modern, international nature of higher education. And with funding from Erasmus+, vocational education and training institutions can partner with other European institutions to engage in small or large scale projects, such as exchanging innovative practices and developing new teaching methods.
Međusektorska suradnja na području visokog obrazovanja, strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja, općeg obrazovanja i obrazovanja odraslih partnerstava institucija STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Partnerships between youth organisations within the EU and beyond will be encouraged, with a focus on encouraging young people to help their communities, involving those with fewer opportunities and introducing new forms of learning – for example bringing new technology into the classroom. In terms of more strategic partnerships, funding is available for organisations and education institutions that team up to develop youth work and support young people or organisations. There will also be opportunities for regional meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth.
600 suradnji i partnerstava uključujući i neprofitne sportske događaje
3000 partnerskih organizacija sudjelovat će u projektima suradnje Godišnji sportski forum EU za dijalog sa sportskim dionicima SPORT Sport is an important way of bringing people together and encouraging cooperation between nations. To support this, Erasmus+ funds sports organisations to hold or attend networking events, develop guidelines and codes of conducts, or develop and implement training and educational modules. Non-commercial sports events can benefit from funding for training activities prior to the event, the opening and closing ceremonies, any activities run alongside the event, an evaluation of the event and drafting any future plans. Erasmus+ grants can also support training and twinning between organisations throughout the participating countries, as well as projects to develop in house expertise.
Podrška za više od 100 centara izvrsnosti širom svijeta
JEAN MONNET Program Jean Monnet podržat će 400 nastavničkih radnih mjesta i 600 kratkih tečajeva širom svijeta Podrška za više od 100 centara izvrsnosti širom svijeta JEAN MONNET Jean Monnet is a global programme that’s all about supporting the teaching and research of European integration studies at HE institutions worldwide. The programme offers short courses, teaching posts, research networks, conferences and projects. Institutions or structures specialising in this field are referred to as Centres of Excellence, and they can either be based at one particular HE institution or may be organised in cooperation between several in the same region.
Integrirani, pristupačniji program
ERASMUS+ DONOSI... Integrirani, pristupačniji program Usmjerenost na vještine potrebne za zapošljavanje Nove prilike za moderniziranje podučavanja i učenja Nova partnerstva između svijeta obrazovanja i svijeta rada KEY MESSAGES To sum up, Erasmus+ offers a variety of exciting opportunities for education, training, youth and sport in Europe. the budget for is now a huge €14.7 billion – a 40% increase on the previous programmes. It combines 7 existing programmes into one single programme, making it easier to understand the opportunities on offer and how to access them. The funding rules have been simplified and this will help to tackle the unemployment and skills gap in Europe by supporting programmes, projects and initiatives that modernise learning and teaching, and encourage greater collaboration between sectors and with the world of work.
ZA VIŠE INFORMACIJA POSJETITE: ILI NAS PRONAĐITE NA DRUŠTVENIM MREŽAMA: Twitter: #ErasmusPlus Facebook: Erasmus+ MORE INFORMATION If you’d like to learn more about the Erasmus+ plus programme, you can visit the website. Twitter users should include the hashtag #ErasmsusPlus to join or follow the conversation. Find us on Facebook as ‘Erasmus+’ FOTOGRAFIJE: ©SHUTTERSTOCK
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