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An Overview of the ePDMP

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1 An Overview of the ePDMP
Tiffany O’Hagan, Pharm D., MBA

2 Objectives Introduce the ePDMP Controlled Substance Dispensing
PDMP utilization Law Enforcement Alerts Q&A

3 What is ePDMP? Enhanced Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (ePDMP)
Monitors the use of controlled substances for patients Schedules II-V Not required by law for Pharmacists to check it Each pharmacy will have own regulations when to check it Each state has their own PDMP

4 Controlled Substance Dispensing
WI ePDMP collects information submitted by pharmacies and other dispensers Drug Classes monitored Benzo Opioid Stimulant Other (this could include anti-anxiety, sedatives, etc.) Gives pharmacies access to patient’s prescription history Prevents double filling controls Prevents early refills of controls Keeps track of long term opioid therapy Allows prescribers to report stolen script pads

5 PDMP utilization Tracks all user registrations and queries
Many health providers use it Physicians, Pharmacists, Dentists, APNP, PA, and the list goes on. There are non-healthcare users Law Enforcement, Government employee, medical examiner Mostly accessed through the web

6 Law Enforcement Alerts
Law enforcement agencies are required to submit reports based on reasonable suspicion or belief Types of alerts that are submitted Suspected controlled substances act violations Suspected narcotic-related death Suspected opioid-related overdose (non-fatal) Stolen controlled substances prescription report

7 Statistics During the month of September (2017):
362,048 controlled substance prescriptions were dispensed There are 583,258 healthcare professional patient queries 194 law enforcement reports were submitted

8 Statistics substance-dispensing

9 Resources Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. (n.d.). Wisconsin Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. Retrieved October 13, 2017, from

10 Any Questions?

11 Thank you!

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