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Culture of East Asia.

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1 Culture of East Asia

2 The People East Asia is one of the largest population centers in the world. China alone hold about 1/5 of the world’s people. Most people in East Asia live crowed together in river valleys, basins, and deltas. These geographic factors are favorable to agriculture and industry. In contrast the western and northwestern parts of East Asia are sparsely populated due to there being very little water.

3 Population – China Throughout much of history China has had a large population. Two thousand years ago the population was already at 59 million. Which is larger than some modern countries. Early population growth was slowed by disease and warfare, however by the early 1900’s the population growth was explosive. This lead to China enacting the “one-child” policy, limiting families to one child. Even with this policy slowing down the population growth China’s current population is 1.37 billion people. In Contrast the USA has a population of 323 million.

4 Population - Japan Japan in contrast to China has had little problems with population growth. To the point where the low birthrate has become a problem. Nearly ¼ of the population is 65 or older, meaning that in the future there will be not enough workers to maintain the infrastructure of the country. Japan has encouraged more births by providing programs for childcare and new families. Population – 127 million Population Density – 345 p/km2

5 Where they all live Up until the late 1970’s most of China lived off the land as farmers but economic reforms brought a surge of urbanization – the process of making an area more city like. Several cities in China have a population of over 1 million. Shanghai has a population of over 11 million people. Japan began its urbanization much earlier than China, making its cities much more advanced. The cities of Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Yakohama form a megalopolis – a supersized city area. Tokyo boasts a population of 32 million people.

6 Ethnic and Language Groups
Most of the populations in East Asia tend to be ethnically similar and thus has the same cultural traits spread throughout the country. Japan – 99% ethnically Japanese North and South Korea – Almost all are ethnically Korean Mongolia – 95% Ethnically Mongolian China – 92% Ethnically Han 8% Belong to more than 50 other groups.

7 Religion Many different beliefs and religions are practiced in the Eastern Asia Region. People in China regularly practice a mix of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism. Once communism took over antireligious policies were put into place so people would remain more loyal to the country. These policies have relaxed recently. Buddhism has a strong following in Korea and Japan. Japan also is home to a unique religion called Shinto Christianity has a growing presence in the area.

8 Art Historically in China, Japan, and Korea artists have painted rugged landscapes of their countries each showing reverence to the country’s beliefs. Calligraphy – the art of turning the written word into beautiful images is practiced in both China and Japan. In modern times Japan has become known for newer artforms known as manga and anime. Korea has become well know in the music world for producing K-pop.

9 Daily Life Traditionally family is the center of social life in East Asia. In some of the rural areas many generations may live in a single house. As more people move to the cities the traditional family changes as more women are leaving the home to work. East Asia places a high value in education often pressuring children to work hard. From a young age children are tested to determine if they will get into the nation’s top colleges.

10 Daily Life pt2 Some holidays that are celebrated
China – Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) Fireworks, food, and family Japan – New Year’s Day spent at temples and honoring ancestors Korea – Harvest Moon Festival: Much like American Thanksgiving

11 Environment Due to population growth and growing cities pollution has become a growing problem for most East Asian countries. Coal burning factories have lead to increased air pollution which can cause acid rain. But also a smog that is so thick that it reduces visibility but can also kill a person if they are not careful. Factory waste and sewage has poisoned the water of an area. Rapid growing cities are depleting farm lands of their recourses. Japan in 2011 was hit by the largest earthquake ever recorded which, along with killing thousands of people, caused a nuclear plant to be damaged and leaked nuclear waste.

12 Trade Many of the goods made in China are shipped to the US or Europe.
These are mostly electronics, toys, games, clothing, and shoes. The US sends soybeans, cotton, cars, and other goods. The trade is not even though, the US has a trade deficit with China Trade Deficit – When a country imports more than it exports. Economically the two countries are interdependent on each other.

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