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Published byIrene Bradley Modified over 6 years ago
Observation Of CP Violation in B Decays with the BaBar Detector
Vivek Sharma University of California, San Diego (On Behalf of the BaBar Collaboration) FNAL Joint Theory & Experiment Seminar
FNAL : b quark Physics started here !
9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Outline Of This Talk CP Violation, CKM Matrix and the Unitarity Triangle CP Violation in B Decays : The Three possibilities Observation of CP Violation in the interference of Decay and Mixing Sin2b The PEP-II B Factory & The BaBar Detector The three linked steps towards the sin2b measurement B Lifetime B Mixing CP Asymmetry The Way forward : Summary and Outlook 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Violation : Inner Space, Outer Space
Search for CP Violation mechanism has been a concern of particle physics since its discovery in the KL system 3 Generation CKM mixing matrix (via the phase) provides an elegant explanation for this effect which needs to be probed critically and cleanly The B meson system is an excellent new laboratory for understanding & testing the mechanism behind CP Violation SM via CKM phase does incorporate enough CPV to explain cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry So, if there are beyond the SM phenomena, their effect may be measurable in B system 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Violation in the Standard Model
CKM Matrix Complex matrix described by 4 independent parameters Wolfenstein parametrization: phase CP Violation: 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
g Unitarity Triangle Rt Ru b Choice of parameters: 9/19/2018
Vivek Sharma
ü Three Forms of CP Violation in B Decays
Direct CP Violation Total amplitude for a decay and its CP conjugate have different magnitudes Difficult to relate measurements to CKM matrix elements due to hadronic uncertainties Relatively small asymmetries expected in B decays CP Violation in Mixing Would give rise to a charge asymmetry in semi-leptonic decays Expected to be small in Standard Model (DG << DM) CP Violation in the interference of mixed and unmixed decays Typically use a final state that is a CP eigenstate (fCP) Large time dependent asymmetries expected in Standard Model Asymmetries can be directly related to CKM parameters in many cases, without hadronic uncertainties ü 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Violation in interference between Mixing and Decay
B0(t) fCP B0 Initial state Flavor eigenstate B0(t) fCP B0 Initial state Flavor eigenstate Time evolution of initial pure B0/B0 states: Mixing fCP is a CP eigenstate Mass eigenstates: 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP from Interference of Mixing and Decay
amplitude ratio CP eigenvalue Define Time-dependent CP Observable: 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
The “Golden” Decay Mode: B0 ® J/y K0S
K0 mixing u,c,t W- Theoretically clean mode to measure sin2b Clean experimental signature “Large” branching fraction compared to other CP eigenstates “Golden Modes” hCP = -1 B0 J/ K0S B0 (2s) K0S Time-dependent CP asymmetry hCP = +1 B0 J/ K0L 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Decay Time Distribution in B fCP
9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Decay Time Evolution & ACP for B0 ® J/y K0S
t spectrum and the observed asymmetry for a perfect detector (assuming sin2b = 0.6) Visible difference between B0 and B0 decay rates sin 2b In this ideal case, the amplitude of the oscillation is the CP Asymmetry time-integrated asymmetry is 0 t 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Exptal Requirements For CPV Measurement
BR (B fCP) ~ Need to record and reconstruct a large # of B Mesons Determine the flavor of the initial B meson to separate B0 from B0 ( B Flavor Tagging) Define and measure a ‘time’ in order to study the time-dependent asymmetry B Mesons must travel a measurable distance before decaying Vertex Reconstruction: A high precision tracking system to measure the distance between the B decay points BaBar PEP-II B Factory as example 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
The Asymmetric Energy Collider @ U(4S) : PEP-II
Cleanest source of B0 mesons: BB threshold evolves coherently until one of the B0 mesons decays, so: Dt : proper time difference between the two B decays PEP-II BABAR Off ACP(Dt) integrates to zero over all Dt On measure of Dt Study of CPV 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
PEP-II Asymmetric Energy B-Factory at SLAC
Collides 9 GeV e- on 3.1 GeV e+ U(4S) boost in lab frame : bg = 0.56 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
PEP-II Performance Has Been Spectacular !
Records from this week! PEP-II top luminosity 4.21 x 1033cm-2s (design: 3.0 x 1033) Top recorded Lumi/week: 1.4 fb-1 Top recorded Lumi/24h: 282 pb-1 Top recorded Lumi/8h: 96 pb-1 BABAR logging efficiency: > 96% 30/fb analyzed for CP October 3, 2001 October 99 PEP-II delivered: fb-1 BABAR recorded: fb (includes 5.15 fb-1 off peak) 90 million B’s recorded, being analysed !! 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
The BaBar Detector e+ (3.1 GeV) e- (9 GeV)
Electromagnetic Calorimeter 6580 CsI(Tl) crystals 1.5 T solenoid e+ (3.1 GeV) Cerenkov Detector (DIRC) 144 quartz bars 11000 PMTs e- (9 GeV) Drift Chamber 40 stereo layers Instrumented Flux Return iron / RPCs (muon / neutral hadrons) Silicon Vertex Tracker 5 layers, double sided strips SVT: % efficiency, 15 mm z hit resolution (inner layers, perp. tracks) SVT+DCH:(pT)/pT = 0.13 % pT % DIRC: K- separation GeV/c GeV/c EMC: E/E = 2.3 %E-1/4 1.9 % 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B Event Topology at the Boosted (4S)
z Tag vertex reconstruction Flavor Tagging (bg)U(4S) = 0.56 Start the Clock Coherent BB pair Exclusive B Meson and Vertex Reconstruction 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Sin2 Analysis Strategy
Factorize the time-dependent analysis in 3 building blocks Obtain All analysis ingredients from DATA (not MC) Analysis Ingredient (a) Reconstruction of B mesons in flavor eigenstates (b) B vertex reconstruction (c) B Flavor Tagging + a + b Reconstruction of neutral B mesons in CP eigenstates + a + b + c Measurements B±/B0 Lifetimes B0 B0-Mixing CP-Asymmetry Higher precision Increasing complexity 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Measurement of the B0 and B+ Lifetime
U(4s) bg = 0.56 Tag B sz ~ 110 mm Reco B sz ~ 65 mm p+ Dz Dz/gbc K0 g D- p- K+ 3. Reconstruct Inclusively the vertex of the “other” B meson (BTAG) Fully reconstruct one B meson in self tagging (BREC) Reconstruct the decay vertex 4. compute the proper time difference Dt 5. Fit the Dt spectra 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Fully-Reconstructed Hadronic B Decay sample
Flavor Eigenstates Bflav : for lifetime and mixing measurements Self-tagging hadronic decays “Open Charm” decays 30 fb-1 Neutral B Mesons Hadronic decays into final states with Charmonium Charged B Mesons [GeV] 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Recoil (Tag) side Vertex and Dz Reconstruction
Beam spot Interaction Point BREC Vertex BREC daughters BREC direction BTAG direction TAG Vertex TAG tracks, V0s z Reconstruct Brec vertex from charged Brec daughters Determine BTag vertex from charged tracks not belonging to Brec Brec vertex and momentum beam spot and U(4S) momentum High efficiency (97%) Average Dz resolution is 180 mm (<|Dz|> ~ bgct = 260 mm) Dt resolution function characterized from data 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
tB Measurement at Boosted (4S): Unique
e-t/t true Dt B production point known eg. from beam spot LEP/CDF Dt resolution measured Dt Resolution function lifetime = e-|Dt|/t Either Brec or Btag can decay first (this analysis) BaBar Resolution Function Lifetime = Need to disentangle resolution function from physics 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Dt Resolution Function
sDz event-by-event s(Dt) from vertex errors Charm Lifetime induced bias leads to Small correlation between the lifetime and the Resolution Function parameters ~0.6 ps Signal MC (B0) tracks from long-lived D’s in tag vertex asymmetric Resolution Function Dt (meas-true)/sDt 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B Lifetime Likelihood Fit
Simultaneous unbinned maximum likelihood fit to B0/B+ samples Use data to extract the properties of background events Mass distribution provides the signal probability Use the events in the sideband (mES < 5.27) to determine the Dt structure of the background events under the signal peak 19 free parameters t(B+) and t(B0) 2 Dt signal resolution 5 empirical background 12 description B0 mES B0 Bkg Dt 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B Lifetime Results:Calibrating The BaBar Clock
t0 = ps PDG: ps t = ps PDG: ps t/t0 = 0.011 PDG: 0.029 20 fb-1 B0/ B0 Precision measurement ! 2 % statistical error 1.5% systematic error Main source of systematic error Parameterization of the Dt resolution function Description of events with large measured Dt (outliers) B signal + bkg background Dt (ps) To Appear in PRL 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Sin2 Analysis Strategy (Part II)
Measurements B±/B0 Lifetimes B0 B0-Mixing CP-Asymmetries Analysis Ingredient Reconstruction of B mesons in flavor eigenstates B vertex reconstruction (c) B Flavor Tagging (+ a + b) Reconstruction of neutral B mesons in CP eigenstates (+ a + b + c) ü 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B0B0 Mixing with Fully Reconstructed B Mesons
U(4s) bg = 0.56 Tag B sz ~ 110 mm Reco B sz ~ 65 mm p+ Dz Dz/gbc K0 g D- p- K+ 3. Reconstruct Inclusively the vertex of the “other” B meson (BTAG) ü 4. Determine the flavor of BTAG to separate Mixed and Unmixed events 1. Fully reconstruct one B meson in flavor eigenstate (BREC) ü 2. Reconstruct the decay vertex ü 5. compute the proper time difference Dt ü 6. Fit the Dt spectra of mixed and unmixed events 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Dt Spectrum of Mixed and Unmixed B Events
perfect flavor tagging & time resolution realistic mis-tagging & finite time resolution + _ w: the fraction of wrongly tagged events Dmd: oscillation frequency 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Extraction of Dmd and mistag fraction
Fraction of Mixed Events Sensitive to mistag fraction measurement because the mixing has not started yet At t=0 the observed ‘mixed’ events are only due to wrongly tagged events B0 B+ Sensitive to Dmd measurement when the amplitude of the oscillation is at its maximum 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B Flavor Tagging Methods
Hierarchical Tagging Categories For electrons, muons and Kaons use the charge correlation b c d l- n B0 D, D* W- Lepton Tag b d B0 W- W+ c s K*0 Kaon Tag NN output Not Used Multivariate analysis exploiting the other kinematic information of the event, e.g., Momentum spectrum of the charged particles Information from non-identified leptons and kaons Soft p from D* decay Neural Network Each category is characterized by the probability of giving the wrong answer (mistag fraction w) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B Flavor Tagging Performance Using B Mixing
The large sample of fully reconstructed hadronic B decays provides the precise determination of the tagging parameters required in the CP fit Tagging category Fraction of tagged events e (%) Wrong tag fraction w (%) Q = e (1-2w)2 (%) Lepton 10.9 0.3 8.9 1.3 7.4 0.5 Kaon 35.8 0.5 17.6 1.0 15.0 0.9 NT1 7.8 0.3 22.0 2.1 2.5 0.4 NT2 13.8 0.3 35.1 1.9 1.2 0.3 ALL 68.4 0.7 26.1 1.2 The error on sin2b the quality factor Q Highest “efficiency” Smallest mistag fraction 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Dt Resolution Function
Core Tail Outlier Use the event-by-event uncertainty on Dt Dt Residual (ps) R(dDt) B0 flavour sample CP sample sDt (ps) Different bias For each tagging category 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Fit Parameters Mixing Likelihood Fit
Unbinned maximum likelihood fit to flavor-tagged neutral B sample Fit Parameters Dmd Mistag fractions for B0 and B0 tags 8 Signal resolution function(scale factor,bias,fractions) 9 Empirical description of background Dt 16 B lifetime fixed to the PDG value tB = ps 34 total free parameters All Dt parameters extracted from data 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B0B0 Mixing Fit Result 20 fb-1
C.L. 28 % Dmd = ± (stat) ± (syst) h ps-1 Preliminary 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Dmd Measurement in Comparison
preliminary Precision Dmd measurement 4% statistical error 3% systematic error dominated by MC correction 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Sin2 Analysis Using (I) and (II)
Measurements B±/B0 Lifetimes B0 B0-Mixing CP-Asymmetries Analysis Ingredient Reconstruction of B mesons in flavor eigenstates B vertex reconstruction Flavor Tagging + a + b Reconstruction of neutral B mesons in CP eigenstates + a + b + c ü ü 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Measurement of CP Asymmetry : Sin2
U(4s) bg = 0.56 Tag B sz ~ 110 mm CP B sz ~ 65 mm m+ Dz Dz/gbc K0 g p+ p- Ks0 m- 3. Reconstruct Inclusively the vertex of the “other” B meson (BTAG) ü 4. Determine the flavor of BTAG to separate Mixed and Unmixed events ü 1. Fully reconstruct one B meson in CP eigenstate (BCP) 2. Reconstruct the decay vertex ü 5. compute the proper time difference Dt ü 6. Fit the Dt spectra of B0 and B0 tagged events 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
The fully Reconstructed CP Sample
J/y KS KS p0 p0 J/y KS KSp+ p- Before tagging requirement data 32 x 106 BB pairs 29 fb-1 on peak cc1 KS y(2S) KS Sample tagged events Purity CP [J/, (2S), cc1] KS 480 96% -1 J/ KL 273 51% +1 J/ K*0(KSp0) 50 74% mixed Full CP sample 803 80% J/y KL J/y K* After flavor tagging 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Dt Spectrum of CP Events
perfect flavor tagging & time resolution realistic mis-tagging & finite time resolution CP PDF Mistag fractions w And Resolution function R Mixing PDF determined from the flavor sample 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Fit Parameters Sin2b Likelihood Fit
Combined unbinned maximum likelihood fit to Dt spectra of flavor and CP sample Fit Parameters Sin2b Mistag fractions for B0 and B0 tags in each Cat. 8 Signal resolution function 16 Empirical description of background Dt 20 B lifetime fixed to the PDG value tB = ps Mixing Frequency fixed to the PDG value Dmd = ps-1 Global correlation coefficient for sin2b: 13% Different Dt resolution function parameters for Run1 and Run2 tagged CP samples tagged flavor sample 45 total free parameters All Dt parameters extracted from data Correct estimate of the error and correlations 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Blind analysis ! The sin2b analysis was done blind to eliminate possible experimenters’ bias The amplitude in the asymmetry ACP(Dt) was hidden by arbitrarily flipping its sign and by adding an arbitrary offset The CP asymmetry in the Dt distribution was hidden by multiplying Dt by the sign of the tag and by adding an arbitrary offset The blinded aproach allows systematic studies of tagging, vertex resolution and their correlations to be done while keeping the value of sin2b hidden The result was unblinded 1 week before public announcement this summer! 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Improvements Between Run1 and Run2
First publication in March 2001 Changes since then: More data (run 2): 23 32 BB pairs Significantly (30%) improved reconstruction efficiency in Run 2 Optimized selection criteria takes into account CP asymmetry of background in J/KL Additional decay modes C1KS and J/K*0 Better alignment of Tracking system ( Kalman ) Improved vertex resolution for reconstructed and tag B Statistical Power of the analysis almost doubled w.r.t March Publication sin(2b) = 0.34 ± 0.20 (stat) ± 0.05 (syst) PRL 86 (2001) 2515 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Raw CP Asymmetry in Clean Charmonium Modes
All tags Kaon tags In f = -1 events sin2b=0.56 ± 0.15 sin2b=0.59 ± 0.20 Raw ACP Raw ACP 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Raw CP Asymmetry for J/y KL
sin2b=0.70±0.34 Background contribution 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Sin2b = 0.59 ± 0.14 Sin2b Results : July 5th, 2001
Phys. Rev. Lett (2001) Calibration:Null result in flavor samples Combined fit to all modes Sin2b = 0.59 ± 0.14 Consistency of CP channels P(c2) = 8% Goodness of fit (CP Sample): P(Lmax>Lobs) > 27% 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Run1-Run2 change for PRL modes: 1.8s
Run1 – Run2 Comparison Run1-Run2 change for PRL modes: 1.8s Run1 Run2 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Consistency Checks sin2b measured in several Dt bins
Combined CP=-1 sin2b measured in several Dt bins sin2b vs. J/ decay mode and tagging category and flavor for = -1 events 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Asymmetry Corrected For B Oscillation
Sin 2b value, fitted in bins of Dt sin 2b, fitted in bins of Dt and multiplied by sine(Dm Dt) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Major Sources of Systematic Error in Sin2b
Measurement is Statistics Dominated Error/Sample KS KL K*0 Total Statistical 0.15 0.34 1.01 0.14 Systematic 0.05 0.10 0.16 Signal resolution and vertex reconstruction Resolution model, outliers, residual misalignment of the Silicon Vertex Detector Flavor Tagging possible differences between BCP and Bflavor samples Background Characterization: (overall) Signal probability, fraction of B+ background in the signal region, CP content of background Total 0.09 for J/Y KL channel; 0.11 for J/Y K*0 Total Systematic Uncertainty: for total sample 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Search for Direct CP Violation
Without SM Prejudice : If more than one amplitude present then |l| might be different from 1 To probe new physics (only use hCP=-1 sample that contains no CP background) |l| = 0.93 ± 0.09 (stat) ± 0.03 (syst) No evidence of direct CP violation due to decay amplitude interference (SCP unchanged in Value) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Observation of CP Violation In B Meson System
Probability of obtaining observed result if CP is an exact symmetry ( No CPV) Full Sample No evidence for direct CPV (“Sine” term unchanged in the fit) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
The Unitarity Triangle and This Measurement
One solution for b is consistent with measurements of sides of Unitarity Triangle BaBar sin2b (with 30/fb) Error on sin2b is dominated by statistics will decrease as Example: Höcker et al, hep-ph/ (also other recent global CKM matrix analyses) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Summary Of Time-Dependent Measurements
BaBar has observed CP violation in the B0 system at 4.1s level Probability to observe an equal or larger value if no CP violation exists is < 3 x 10-5 Corresponding probability for the hCP = -1 modes only is < 2 x 10-4 sin2b = 0.59 ± 0.14 ± 0.05 t0 = ps t = ps t0 /t = 0.011 Dmd = ± ± h ps-1 New precision measurements of B0/B+ lifetimes and B0B0 Oscillation frequency Dmd 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Luminosity Projection to Summer 2002
Project 100 fb-1 by Jun 2002 Hope to analyze Data very Quickly As demonstrated Already We are Here 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Luminosity Plans for BABAR & PEP II
Expect 550 fb-1 By 2006 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Prognostications on Future Sin2b Precision
In the Charmonium Modes Add more sub-modes “drops in the bucket” : Select hadrons, not just e+ e- or m+ m- , smarter event selection (bremstrahlung recovery) Expect for charmonium modes: Add new CP modes : b sss B fKS Compare with sin2b from b c c s Cabibbo Suppressed B p0 Look for difference in sin2b measured from b ccs bound u-quark penguin pollution Cabibbo suppressed b ccd B D(*+) D(*-) May contain (small but unknown) penguin pollution D*D* mode requires angular analysis (in progress) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
New Modes for “Sin2b”: 20 fb-1
Go Back ~ 32 events ~ 11 events B p0 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP violation in B0 p+p- decays
Decay distributions f+(f-) when tag = B0(B0) u d b tree diagram penguin diagram d u b For single weak phase For additional weak phase | | 1 must fit for direct CP Im () sin2 need to relate asymmetry to Cpp = 0, Spp = sin2a Cpp 0, Spp = sin2aeff 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Sample B0 p+p- L= 30.4 fb-1 Total Yields (fit): 23 pp 2 Kp
For Illustration purposes: Events after likelihood ratio cuts 23 pp 2 Kp 20 pp 1 Kp L= 30.4 fb-1 Total Yields (fit): 126 Kp 3 pp 139 Kp 3 pp 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma Lepton Photon 2001
CP Asymmetry Fit and Results
Preliminary Results (PRD Bound) Observation of CP Asymmetry (time Dependent or in Decay) Will be a Major Achievement ! 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
BaBar Aim : Multiple Measurements and Tests to Overconstrain the Unitarity Triangle
Sin2b is just one focus of BaBar: Work in progress on Many Fronts An Exciting era of B physics in Progress ! 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Summary Of Time-Dependent Measurements
BaBar has observed CP violation in the B0 system at 4.1s level Probability to observe an equal or larger value if no CP violation exists is < 3 x 10-5 Corresponding probability for the hCP = -1 modes only is < 2 x 10-4 With anticipated 100 fb-1 by next summer, we expect the precision in sin2b to be ~ 0.08 Searches for CP violation in B0 p+p- decays started sin2b = 0.59 ± 0.14 ± 0.05 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Backup Slides 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Consistency Check: Run1 vs. Run2
Difference for modes used in the old PRL: 1.8 s Run 1 Run 2 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Improved Particle Reconstruction
Y(2S) Ks(p+p-) ccKs(p+p-) J/Y K*0(K+p-) J/Y Ks(p0p0) J/Y Ks(p+p-) cc K+ Y(2S) K+ J/Y K+ Run2/Run1 J/Y K* non CP KS Golden modes ~30% larger than run 1: efficiency improved 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Additional Channels: J/YK*0(KSp0)
Improved understanding of the background and its effective CP (Angular analysis paper about to be submitted) 55 signal events before tagging; 37 after 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Improved KL Selection Original analysis was optimized for S2/(S+B)
Fine for BF measurements, but not for CP Need to optimize accounting for the background asymmetry (S+AB/ASB)2/(S+B) Re-optimized with Monte Carlo Expect 10% improvement on the error 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Resulting KL Yields: Run1
For data the improvement is better than expected Old New In the IFR selection the signal yield has not changed while the background is halved Run1 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Sample: Non-KL Modes
Present Sample: 725 PRL Sample: 425 Before tagging and vertexing requirements NNOW=672 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Sample: J/Y KL Run1+Run2 N/p(%) EMC IFR Run1 77/52 96/68 Run2 49/59
32/55 Run1+Run2 128/56 129/65 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Improved Vertex Performance
We expect some vertex improvements in Run2 from: Better use of layer 1 SVT hits in the Kalman fit Better SVT internal alignment Improvement in resolution leads to … 3-4% on sin2b error run2 run1 NEW OLD s(sin2b) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Tagging Performance from Data
Obtained from “mixing fit” to data samples NT2 K L L NT1 K NT1 NT2 Q = eD2= 26.1 1.2 % 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Likelihood Fit Method Global unbinned maximum likelihood fit to data:
Mistag rates, Dt resolutions = tagged flavour sample sin2 = tagged CP samples 45 parameters for mistag rates, t resolution & backgrounds: floated to obtain an empirical description from data Separate Dt resolutions for run1 and run2 Largest correlation with sin2 : 13% tB = ps and Dmd = ps-1 fixed 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
New sin2b world average is 8s significant
The New World Average New sin2b world average is 8s significant Measurements assumed to be uncorrelated 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Run1 – Run2 Comparison Change in central value ~1.8s in uncorrelated error 30% efficiency improvement for all KS modes 15% improvement due to vertexing/alignment 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Silicon Vertex Detector (SVT)
Dipole permanent magnet (21 cm from I.P.) Readout chips Beam pipe (Beryllium) 1% R.L. Layer 1,2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
SVT: precise B vertex, Dz measurement
200 mm 5 Layer AC-coupled double sided silicon detector SVT Located in high radiation area Radiation hard readout electronics (2Mrad) Up to 98% hit reconstruction efficiency Hit resolution ~15 μm at 00 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Drift Chamber (DCH) 40 axial and stereo layers inside 1.5 Tesla magnetic field 80:20 helium:isobutane Measurement of charged particle momentum and ionization loss dE/dx for PID Track reconstruction efficiency 98% for p>200 MeV/c, >500 mrad, and nominal DCH voltage. PID up to p=0.7 GeV/c: (dE/dx) =7.5 % (Bhabha) SVT + DCH: impact parameter resolution 65 µm in z 55 µm in transverse plane at p=1.0 GeV/c Reconstruction of the decay J/+- in selected BB events. Mass resolution: 11.4 MeV/c2. 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
PID performance, p0 reconstruction
EMC: e±,g,p0 ID Muons Electrons Egg>300MeV Mgg (GeV/c2) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Ring imaging Cherenkov detector (DIRC)
DETECTION OF INTERNALLY REFLECTED CHERENKOV LIGHT 144 synthetic fused silica radiator bars Photons transmitted by internal reflection Rings expand in standoff region (1.2m distance, 6000 l purified water) Detected by ~11000 conventional PMTs Essential for PID GeV/c e- e+ Barbox Standoff box Compensating coil Support tube (Al) Assembly flange Typical performance: number of detected photons: average track qc resolution: 2.4mrad (in e+e– +– events, 3–9 GeV/c) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Tight Kaon ID 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B0 p+p- Asymmetry Result
Decay distributions f+(f-) when tag = B0(B0) Preliminary A = N(K-p+)-N(K+p-)/N(K-p+)+N(K+p-) Measurement compatible with no CP in B0 p+p- Statistically limited due to small branching fraction Need ~500/fb for s(Spp) ~ 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B Lifetime : Systematic uncertainties
Systematic effect 0 (ps) (ps) (/0) Comment MC statistics 0.009 0.006 stat. limitations of MC validation studies Resolution parameterization 0.011 0.003 some included in stat. error (free parameters), study different parameterizations, SVT alignment algorithm Common resolution parameters 0.004 0.005 different resol. parameters for charged and neutral B (different D0/D+ mix) Beam spot 0.002 cancels propagate errors on BS position and size t outliers vary mean and width of outlier PDF Absolute z scale 0.008 absolute z scale estimated to better than 0.5% using secondary interactions in beam pipe Boost propagate errors on PEP-II boost Signal probability propagate errors from mES lineshape fit Background modeling compare t distribution of background events in signal region and in sideband; wrong-charge contamination of signal Total in quadrature 0.022 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Systematic Error : Absolute Z Length Scale
Estimation of the absolute z scale from measurement of length of Be beam pipe ( + Tantalum foil wrapped around it ) using off-beam electroproduction reactions therein. Use the beam pipe as a “ruler”. The beam pipe radius increases at two points in z close to its extremities. <r> (mm) The distance between these two points is known from an independent measurement. z (mm) 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
B Lifetime: t Resolution Parameters
Parameterization of resolution function: f * G(s) + (1- f) * G(s) E(k) (3 parameters) Data Monte Carlo 1.21 0.07 1.057 0.003 1.063 0.005 s 1.04 0.24 0.881 0.015 1.027 0.021 k 0.69 0.07 0.685 0.007 0.709 0.008 f B0/B0 and B B B0/B0 Parameter 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
PEP-II asymmetric collider
E(e-) = 9.0 GeV, E(e+) = 3.1 GeV Asymmetric collider operating at the (4S) resonance bg = 0.56 3.8 3.3 fb-1/month 1.03 0.8 fb-1/week 184 135 pb-1/day 3.28 3.0 nb-1/s =1033 cm-2 s-1 Achieved Goal 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Is it possible to measure a large asymmetry ?
The answer is… yes! Suppose at a given time t’ you have Nevents < 0 is possible in a likelihood fit The signal PDF can be negative in some regions Requires having NO OBSERVED event in those regions The only constraint on the PDF is the normalization 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Large sin2b in B0 C1KS Kaon tags Lepton tags B0 tags B0 tags
fit for B0/B0 Dt PDFs, not for ACP Large sin2b possible , because No events where PDF<0 (eg. lepton tags) Sum of signal + background PDFs positive (eg. Kaon tags) Note: a single lepton B0-tag at Dt = -p/2Dm would bring sin2b from 2.6 to ~1/(1-2wlep) 1.1 Measure sin2b unbiased for low stat. samples and probability to obtain sin2b2.6 when true value 0.7 is 1~2% Kaon tags Lepton tags B0 tags B0 tags B0 tags Dt [ps] Dt [ps] 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Data Sample: Likelihood Fit
9741 two-prong candidates in 30.4 fb-1 (97% background, almost entirely from continuum) lepton kaon Sum of p+p-/K+p-: No particle ID used until the fit is performed mES distributions for the different tagging categories NT1 NT2 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Asymmetry Fit and Results
Extended ML fit to the BRs and CP done simultaneously: 5 tagging categories (leptons, K, NT1, NT2, untagged) 8 event species (Sig and Bkg: p+p- , K+p- , K-p+ , K+K-) Discriminating variables (mES, DE , F, qc1 , qc2 , Dt) Dilutions, R(Dt) for the signal taken from sin2b analysis Dmd, B0 lifetime fixed as in sin2b analysis R(Dt) for the background taken from sidebands in mES distribution Preliminary Results 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Violation in the Standard Model
The weak interaction between quarks regulated by the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix With 3 generations of quarks, the SM can accommodate CP violation through complex coupling constants: 3 angles and a complex phase Unitarity of the CKM Matrix b a g Vtd Vtb * Vud Vub Vcd Vcb Unitarity Triangle 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Direct and Indirect CP Violation Mechanisms
Direct CP Violation: Interference of two decay amplitudes Can occur in both neutral and charged B decays Total amplitude for a decay and its CP conjugate have different magnitudes Large hadronic uncertainties => difficult measure CKM matrix elements Relatively small asymmetries expected in B decays Indirect CP Violation Only in neutral B decays Charge asymmetry in semileptonic B decays Expected to be small in Standard Model B0 b d u,c,t W- Mixing Diagram d b W- u s p+ K- B0 Decay Diagram 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Time evolution of B0 mesons into a final CP eigenstate
The decay distribution for events with a B0 (f+) and B0bar tags (f-) Amplitude ratio Weak Phase In order to have CP Violation 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
Time-dependent CP Asymmetry
From the time evolution of the B0 and B0 states we can define the time-dependent asymmetry : Probe of direct CP violation since it requires Sensitive to the phase of l even without direct CP Violation 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
CP Violation in B Decays
To generate a CP violating observable, we must have: Interference between at least two different amplitudes All 3 quark generations involved In B decays, can consider two different types of amplitudes: Those responsible for decay Those responsible for mixing This gives rise to three possible manifestations of CP violation: Direct CP violation (interference between two decay amplitudes) Indirect CP violation (interference between two mixing amplitudes) CP violation in the interference between mixed and unmixed decays d b W- u p+ p- B0 Decay Diagram u,c,t Mixing Diagram 9/19/2018 Vivek Sharma
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