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George Washington Carver Elementary School School Budget Plan

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Presentation on theme: "George Washington Carver Elementary School School Budget Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 George Washington Carver Elementary School 2009-2010 School Budget Plan
Jada Meadows

2 Budget Committee The school’s budget committee is made up of the media specialist, administrator or designee , and four faculty members. They come together to generate a budget plan to purpose to the faculty.

3 How does the school determine amount spent?
Source Amount Total Teachers (29 Units) $ Per Unit $ Title 1 $ 2 Book Fairs $500.00 $

4 Items that can be purchased
Books Magazines

5 Items that can be purchased
Newspapers Audio Visual Software Hardware Repairs References

6 Items that can be purchased
Book Binding Professional Development Supplies CD ROMS Technology Cataloging

7 Books (36%=$2106.00) Magazines Highlights Purposed Budget
Fiction Non-Fiction Autobiographies Bibliographies (36%=$ ) Magazines Highlights Scholastic News National Geographic ( 5%=$292.50)

8 Purposed Budget Newspapers Tuskegee News Audio Visual Repairs
Montgomery Advertiser (5%=$292.50) Audio Visual CD Players DVD Players (13%=$760.50) Repairs (3%=$175.50) References Encyclopedias Dictionaries (7%=$409.50)

9 Purposed Budget Paper Book Binding Supplies Professional Development
(2%=$117.00) Professional Development (6%=$351.00) Supplies Paper Pencils Office material (4%=$234.00)

10 Purposed Budget Software (14%=$819.00) Hardware Computer Parts
Educational Games Encyclopedia CD (14%=$819.00) Hardware Computer Parts (5%=$ )

11 Purposed Budget Total $

12 Assessment Every year the library media budget committee plans for next fiscal year. As you viewed the presentation, was this how you want this year’s budget spent? Did you feel enough money was spent on necessary items or too much? Do you feel the purpose budget will help teachers’ service students’ needs throughout the media center? Remember your voice counts when servicing OUR students. Turn in the Evaluation before leaving. Thank You!!

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