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Central Australia camp

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1 Central Australia camp
Irymple secondary college Year august, 2016

2 staff Kel Horkings Kerryn Pongraz Steve Morrish Jackie Horkings
Kerryn Pongraz Steve Morrish Jackie Horkings Chris Van Dijk (parent)

3 Phone service Many places may not have service, particularly when travelling. There will be power at camp each night. The students will hand their phone in to be charged each night which is normal procedure on all camps.

4 Meals The tour company provide a camp cook for all meals while camping. A packed lunch must be brought from home for the first day. Students will be required to buy meals at roadhouses on the express trip home - tea, breakfast & lunch (approx $25 ???)

5 MEALS (2) Duty groups will be required to assist the cook.
Students are required to bring eating utensils in a string bag with 2 tea towels. Please make us fully aware of any special dietary requirements, eg. vegetarian, gluten free, ect.

6 sleeping Students must bring a sleeping mat/lilo, pillow and sleeping bag. NO SWAGS 2 person pyramid tents are supplied which students need to erect & take down.

7 luggage The tour company prefer a soft duffle or sports bag. This bag will not be accessible during the day. Day back-pack with drink bottle, sunscreen, hat ect

8 Spending money It is up to parents to decide the amount. Staff will look after money for students if required. Large amounts of money should not be left in bags. Debit Cards are preferred. Please keep in mind that drinks, snacks are not included and if the students want these they do need to be prepared to pay much more than here in Mildura. Students will NOT be allowed to buy energy drinks. re: DET guidelines.

9 medications Medicines must be clearly labelled and sufficient for the duration of the camp. They must also be in a container, not in a paper or plastic bag.

10 Issues Your child will be away from home for an extended period of time. If your child contacts you with an ‘issue’ please call me asap. Please do not take matters into your own hands. Please trust us to resolve any problems.

11 To do list… Early next term, permission forms, medical forms, clothing lists will be distributed. Final payment was due Wednesday 22/6/2016.

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