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Peer Relationships Ch. 8 pg. 192.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Relationships Ch. 8 pg. 192."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Relationships Ch. 8 pg. 192

2 Strong Friendships Mutual Respect Caring Honesty Commitment Empathy

3 Strong Friendships Fairness Shared Interests Acceptance Support

4 What can challenge your friendships?
Jealousy Manipulation Pressure to change Negative behavior New friends/significant other New stages of life

5 Common Methods of Manipulation
Type Definition Threatening Promising violence or other negative consequences Blackmail Threatening to reveal some embarrassing or damaging information Mocking/Teasing Making fun of another person in mean or hurtful ways Guilt Trips Making a person feel guilty Bargaining Offering to make a deal Flattery Using excessive praises to influence another person Bribing Promising money or favors

6 Assertive Refusal Skills
State Your Position Suggest Alternatives Stand Your Ground

7 What is Passive Aggressive Behavior?
Dr. Daniel Hall-Flavin from the Mayo Clinic says: “Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them.”

8 Passive Aggressive Behavior
There are 5 levels, each progressively more pathological 1 - Temporary Compliance

9 Passive Aggressive Behavior
2 - Intentional Inefficiency

10 Passive Aggressive Behavior
3 – Letting a Problem Escalate

11 Passive Aggressive Behavior
4 – Hidden but Conscious Revenge 5 – Self Deprecation

12 Peer Pressure – always bad?
Positive Negative

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