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Dormant Accounts Fund: Social Enterprise Welcome & Introduction

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1 Dormant Accounts Fund: Social Enterprise Welcome & Introduction
Ronan Tierney Inclusive Employment and Enterprise Support Specialist

2 Background to dormant Accounts Fund
Dormant Accounts legislation dates back to 2001 and provides a framework for the administration of unclaimed funds in credit institutions. The Dormant Accounts Amendment Act 2012 provides for the distribution of funds for the purposes of programmes or projects that address social and economic disadvantage Responsibility for Dormant Account Fund rests with the Department of Arts, Heritage, Rural, Regional and Gaeltacht Affairs. Disbursement scheme for and Action Plan for currently in preparation Measure 1 Social Enterprise administered by Pobal on behalf of the Department of Arts, Heritage, Rural, Regional and Gaeltacht Affairs.

3 Pre-Application Guidance
Dormant Accounts Fund Pre-Application Guidance Paul McLaughlin Development Co-ordinator

4 Aim of today Outline the timeline
Provide clarity to the application process Deliver key messages on making a successful application Highlight some do’s and don'ts Provide the opportunity for questions and one-to-one’s.

5 Contemporary Irish knitwear design
Thursday, September 20, 2018

6 Dormant Account funding
Shuttle Knit Design Dormant Account funding Thursday, September 20, 2018

7 Speedpak

8 Created 18 part-time jobs > turnover by €156,000


10 Timelines Closing date for Applications 1pm on the 15th March
There will be no extensions granted. Assessment Process – Spring. Offers of grant issued c. June. All projects must be in contract with Pobal by end September 2017. Projects must be completed by 31st December 2018.

11 The Online Application and Resource Materials
We will only accept applications through the DAF Portal - Accessible through www. Applicant Guidelines Document Budget template Co-funding template Partner funding commitment letter template VAT recoverable template Technical support guide

12 The Application Questions
This is a strongly competitive measure. To give yourselves the best chance: Answer the question asked Be clear and concise in your narrative. Justify the need for the project and for what you want to buy/renovate. What evidence do you have? Show how you meet the measure criteria. How will a DAF grant enhance your capacity to generate traded income? Be aware of private sector displacement.

13 For social Enterprises only..
Definition: “An enterprise that trades for social/societal purpose, where at least part of its income is earned from its trading activity, is separate from government and where the surplus is primarily re-invested in the social objective” Schools, higher education bodies, festivals, childcare services, private companies are not eligible to apply. We don’t generally consider social enterprises to be: sports clubs, informal associations, or organisations whose turnover is predominantly grant supported (social services).

14 Capital - Do apply for.. Between €20,000 and €75,000 for:
New equipment or machinery – we are looking to fund ‘assets’. Vehicles - as they long as they are core to your social enterprise activity. Building refurbishment or support with costs of constructing an extension.

15 Capital - Don’t apply for..
More than €75,000 or less than €20,000. Funding for land purchase, or to construct a new community centre , sports facility or building. Retrospective costs – nothing is eligible prior to your contract date. Bank charges, interest or notional costs. Ongoing organisational or staff costs - this is a capital measure. Chairs and tables … fixtures/fittings or general maintenance. Creation or development of software/technology products – not a priority for this measure. Technology products – R&D, seedcorn/innovation or product development funding is not a priority under this measure.

16 Capacity Building Supports
Available grant of between €1,500 and €7,500. Not mandatory. Can only be applied for along with a capital application. Aimed at improving the organisational capability. We hope this will help: Improve governance Enhance social enterprise performance Lead to better managed services Explain why you need capacity building supports, what they will be and the expected outcomes? Public procurement rules also apply here. Ideas could be growing your social enterprise, financial management, volunteering. HR, strategy & business development, marketing and sales skills. Money available for coaching, mentoring, accreditation fees, training materials and venue hire.

17 Corporate Governance Pobal website a good place to start. A good resource for your organisation to review to help determine any capacity building needs.

18 Compiling your Budget What do we want to see?
Properly completed budget sheet Full and detailed explanation of costs If an established organisation – a full signed set of (or 2016) Audited Accounts. If a new-start – a realistic projection of annual Income and Expenditure and a pricing policy Evidence of at least 20% co-funding of total project costs. For you to follow public procurement rules. Co-funding : Bank statements matched to AFS showing free reserves, grant or loan offers.

19 Public Procurement and Tendering
At Application Stage: Please submit with your application: One quotation for each item of expenditure or one professional building cost estimate If Application is Successful Less than €5,000 Obtain at least one quotation from competitive suppliers. Select lowest price / most suitable. Record must be retained. €5,000 to €25,000 A minimum of 3 written quotations sought from competent suppliers who ordinarily supply the relevant service. €25,000 upwards Full Tender. Advertise contract on E-Tenders. Detailed Builders cost estimate with a full cost breakdown is required – need to assess for value for money. Professional cost estimate for larger projects - Quantity surveyor or Architect.

20 Common Application Mistakes
You are not really a social enterprise. DAF is not best fit for your project funding requirements – are other funding streams more suitable? Eligibility of expenditure – only expenditure incurred after issue of contract and within the dates specified on your grant agreement is eligible. Incomplete application Incomplete budget template Miscalculating the co-funding requirement E.g. Quote for van is €25,000. DAF may fund €20,000. You must provide €5,000. Hire Purchase as co-funding is not allowed. Missing required documentation

21 Documents to Submit Your 2015 or 2016 signed audited accounts
Fully completed budget template Organisational chart Evidence of co-funding & co-funding template. Quotations or building cost estimate 2016 pricelist (or for new start-ups – pricing policy) VAT recoverable template (if applicable)

22 FAQ’s & Enquiries All enquiries through our Client Services Team
Telephone: Frequently Asked Questions (and answers!) will be collated and posted on the DAF portal and the Pobal website. All enquiries include both technical, programme and projects. Client services open Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm. Call waiting system. Choose “Option 5 Other Programmes” You will receive a case number and the call/ query is logged. Heavy usage. There is an option to leave a voic . We prefer s as these get escalated and in our experience often dealt with quicker if you call at a busy period.

23 Example of an FAQ for 2017 round
Q. Can urban groups apply? A. Applications will be accepted from both rural or urban organisations. There is no % allocation pre-determined between rural and urban projects. Minister Ring has noted: “This measure is open to all social enterprises who meet the scheme criteria. I would particularly welcome applications from organisations that have not previously received funding from the Dormant Accounts Fund and from social enterprises providing benefits to rural communities, in support of the Action Plan for Rural Development.”

24 Thank you for listening
Any Questions?

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