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Ch’s 6-7 Test Review.

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1 Ch’s 6-7 Test Review

2 A set of basic values and beliefs about government shared by most citizens
Political culture

3 Favors an active central government with social and economic responsibilities, a more equal distribution of wealth, more government regulation of big business, more government spending on social programs, and abortion. Opposes increases in defense spending and military actions, prayer in school, and tax breaks for the wealthy. Liberalism

4 This increases political participation.
Age, income, Education Level. Those who are older, wealthier, and more educated vote at higher percentages.

















21 Political socialization
Process by which citizens acquire political values and beliefs and develop a political identity Political socialization

22 A set of basic values and beliefs held by an individual that creates a basic structure through which they interpret politics and determine their positions on issues Political Ideology

23 Although more flexible than once thought, do older people tend to be more liberal or conservative?

24 With the rise of _________, politicians could more easily appeal directly to voters when running for office.. Television

25 Attitudes and beliefs relating to public policy and politics, often measured by polls
Public opinion

26 Level of confidence in the findings of a public opinion poll
Level of confidence in the findings of a public opinion poll. The more people interviewed, the more confident one can be in the survey. Emerges because no matter how good the work, it is never an exact match for the population. Sampling Error

27 Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Independent regulatory agency over broadcast media (radio, TV, telephone, cable), enforcing federal laws Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

28 Surveys in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being in the group. It is considered the gold standard in survey research. Most polling organizations rely this technique. The key to accuracy. Random Sampling

29 If two polls use the same random sampling technique to
gather information and one poll has a larger sample size the other, which poll would likely be more accurate? The larger poll.

30 Specific locations from which news often originates, such as Congress or the White House and is covered by a top journalist who becomes a specialist in what goes on in those locations. Beats

31 Watching only news programs that reflect the viewer's politics is known as?
Selective Exposure

32 Quotes of newsmakers taken out of context; a symptom of broadcast media’s tendency to cover most stories in a minute or two, which makes presentation of complex issues difficult Sound bite

33 Ex: photo-ops, speeches, press conferences
News staged by a candidate, official, or interest group to get the attention of the media or influence coverage Ex: photo-ops, speeches, press conferences Media events

34 Sometimes the media focus on a certain issue which influences public opinion in an election.
Agenda Setting

35 Reason many people are not informed on politics in this high-tech age.
Personal Choice

36 Political Participation
All of the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue. The most common means of political participation in a democracy is voting. Other means include protest and civil disobedience. Political Participation

37 Elections, interest groups, political parties, the media.
Key Linkage Institutions Elections, interest groups, political parties, the media.

38 Education levels have a positive effect on political knowledge and create consistent and stable opinions, leaving these people more likely to participate in politics by_____________. Voting

39 Media programing on cable tv or the internet which is focused on a particular interest or audience. This has caused younger people to use newspapers and TV less as a news source. Narrowcasting

40 The media have a marginal effect on public opinion.
“Minimal Effects” hypothesis. The media have a marginal effect on public opinion.

41 Technology allows fast transfer of new, but it is less _________ today.

42 Political Socialization
Family, peers, national/world events, peers, schools, religion, community, and the media are all agents of ________________. Political Socialization

43 Intentional news leaks for assessing the political reaction.
Trial Balloon

44 Issues that attract serious attention of public officials and other people currently involved in politics. Policy Agenda

45 Groups of newspapers published by media giants which make up 80% of the nation’s daily circulation of newspapers. Chains

46 Paradox of Mass Politics
The irony of the American political system works as well as it does given the discomforting lack of public knowledge about politics. Paradox of Mass Politics

47 This affects reapportionment of seats in the House of Representatives and determines how billions of dollars of funds from the national government are spent. Census

48 Equal education and income levels.
Situation where minorities participate more than whites politically.

49 1. Protest 2. Civil Disobedience
1. Sometimes violent/Meant to attract attention. Can be first amendment protected. 2. Non-Violent/may be illegal/Meant to disobey unjust laws. 1. Protest 2. Civil Disobedience

50 Newspapers and magazines.
Print Media

51 1. Tend to vote Democratic. 2. Tend to vote Republican.
1. Pacific NW, NE, African-Americans, Hispanics, union households, working class, and women Men, South & Central, Cuban-Americans, and wealthy. 1. Tend to vote Democratic. 2. Tend to vote Republican.

52 Investigative Journalism
In-depth reporting to discover scandals, schemes, and scams, often putting reporters in adversarial relationships with public officials. This can also focus the public’s attention on specific issues. Investigative Journalism

53 The most important transmitter of party identification.

54 cell phones and caller ID
Federal law prohibits contacting people with __________ and _____________. This makes telephone polling less effective. cell phones and caller ID

55 private, profit, prestige and serving the public interest
In the U.S., the media is controlled by ___________ organizations and it’s focus has been more on _______ than ________. private, profit, prestige and serving the public interest

56 1. Voting, running for office, ringing
1. Voting, running for office, ringing doorbells, and talking to others. 2. protest, civil disobedience Conventional political participation. Unconventional political

57 The increasing profit motive of privately owned U. S
The increasing profit motive of privately owned U.S. media outlets has caused those organizations to cut back on ________ news bureaus. foreign

58 Men tend to be more traditional and vote for Republicans, while women are more liberal and vote for Democrats. Gender Gap

59 Label most used by Americans to describe themselves ideologically.
Conservative. Label most used by Americans to describe themselves ideologically.

60 Political Entrepreneurs
People who invest their political capital in an issue. They could be in or out of government, elected or appointed positions, interest groups, or research organizations. Political Entrepreneurs

61 The rise of television has allowed politicians to run for office on their own and rely less on ________ ________ and requires them to both look and sound impressive. Political Parties

62 Predominance of Conservative thinking in the U.S.
Political Scientists attribute this to the restrained scope of government activities in the U.S. as compared to Europe. Predominance of Conservative thinking in the U.S.

63 Any of the means of communication, such as  television or newspapers, that reach very large numbers of people. Mass Media

64 Oversampled the wealthy and upper middle class.
1936 Literary Digest Poll

65 TV, radio, and the internet.
Electronic Media

66 Political philosophy that favors limited government and freedom of the private sector. More likely to support military spending, free markets, prayer in school, and reduce taxes. Opposes abortion, affirmative action, and government spending on social programs. Conservatism

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